The Ghost of Christmas
Present opened his robe to reveal two haggard, ashen, corpse-like children to
Ebenezer Scrooge; and he said, “Look upon these”. Ebenezer Scrooge, stupefied with horror -
asked, “What are these?” The Ghost of Christmas Present replied, “They
are your children! They are the children of all who walk the earth unseen!
Their names are Ignorance and Want! Beware of them! For upon their brow is
written the word "doom!" They spell the downfall of you and all who
deny their existence!”
I was moved by the
aforementioned exchange after watching A Christmas Carol recently. “Ignorance and Want” are our children, of
whose existence we are denying; that’s why we are in the doomful position today
in our nation – in my view. As we
continue to walk the earth unseen, our downfall draws nearer.
The Bahamas has
been a factory for “Ignorance and Want” for a few decades now, and the harvest
is beginning to manifest itself. Our collapse
is imminent if we do not turn things around quickly.
Caribbean Blog International