Monday, March 10, 2025

Branville 'The proven snake' McCartney Bombastically Speaks

FNM 'Judas' Branville McCartney Arrogantly Advises The FNM!

Stay out of FNM Business, Mr. Branville McCartney

By Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Branville McCartney DNA
Did you hear that foul piece of political ordure which the FNM traitor, Branville McCartney so arrogantly advised to the party - that he so cruelly abandoned?  He had the audacity to gave counsel to the FNM about giving the former party leader Dr. Hubert Minnis a nomination to run in The next general election.

Branville McCartney Bahamas
How politically arrogant can a turncoat become?  No one with sense in the Free National Movement – FNM party takes Branville ‘The proven snake’ McCartney seriously.

His beloved Democratic National Alliance – DNA still exists, but is presently on life support and is only in need of some intense loving boost to live a bit more - to simply add some cash to the public treasury.

DNA Branville McCartney
Go and revive your needy political house, Mr.  McCartney, and invite your cousin – Dr. Hubert Minnis to be its leader.  That way, you and your sweetheart of a coz could get a royal cut-hip to safely propel both of you into the nearest political graveyard – once and for all mon.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

We Learn from Canada Trudeau Errors in Response to Trump's Tariff Big Stick

Justin Trudeau Errs


By Professor Gilbert Morris
Nassau, The Bahamas

Trudeau Errors
Seems unwise that Canada should telegraph its every move against US financial aggression.

If Canada knows - for instance - that 6 million U.S. homes depend on Canadian energy…make the moves necessary to bring that to bear without telegraphing.  Undertake surgical strategies to offset interdependencies, by whatever degree of stealth is possible.

One can’t win a narrative war.

Let Trump awaken to the consequences of his decisions by their actual impacts.

America’s apparent dominance - to speak in such terms - are really a network of teeming interdependencies through which it has been allowed to appear dominant singularly.

That is fragile.

And Canada has been complicit in sustaining American dominance; including choking Cuba to death illegally and financing the slaughter of 50,000 Palestinians.

It’s not enough to whine and claim victimhood.  Canada must in its actions atone for its complicity as handmaiden to serial villainy: for instance, it should end the effectiveness of the Cuban embargo by leveraging its massive agricultural prowess in Cuba; solving their food production and distribution problems.

Such a strategy would not merely help the Cubans, but it would punch a hole in the embargo, whilst providing regional states - which have also been complicit - with alternative access to agriculture.

Things how one break those interdependent linkages, expose fragilities and system anomalies which are weaknesses appearing as strategy’s, by enacting counter-measures against key US industries, rather than against the U.S. itself…and beyond mere talk and showboating.

It strikes harder and more deeply and in that way, does so in a manner that’s difficult to incite revenge.

Small nations must master such methods!

Source / Comments

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Trump Bans Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) in The United States

Donald Trump Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) ban order defines CBDCs as digital money denominated in the national currency and directly issued by the central bank...

Central bank digital currencies - CBDCs are completely owned and controlled by governments.  Meaning governments would hold your wallet, your money, and have access to all of your banking information.  This would include information on every transaction in your daily life.  It’s ultimate centralization

By Collective Evolution:

central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) ban
President Donald Trump signed an executive order this year banning the creation and issuance of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the United States.  The order defines CBDCs as digital money denominated in the national currency and directly issued by the central bank.  It prohibits any federal agency from developing, promoting, or implementing plans related to CBDCs unless required by law.  Any ongoing initiatives must be immediately terminated.

CBDCs are completely owned and controlled by governments.  Meaning governments would hold your wallet, your money, and have access to all of your banking information.  This would include information on every transaction in your daily life.  It’s ultimate centralization.

With cryptocurrencies, governments can’t track how much you have, where you spend your money, or who you give it to.  Plus they are decentralized, effectively pulling power away from central banks who have been using debt to control and enslave entire populations for decades.

With CBDCs, something governments and central banks have been pushing hard for, governments would enjoy more secrecy, and be able to control their population more than they currently do.  CBDCs would also be easier to tax, since hiding any money from the government would be impossible.

Remember, central banks ARE the problem, and have been for decades.  Crypto was created to stop this problem, yet they have gotten a bad rep because they don’t serve the interests of powerful people.

"Instead, a CBDC is something closer to being a perversion of cryptocurrency, or at least of the founding principles and protocols of cryptocurrency—a cryptofascist currency, an evil twin entered into the ledgers on Opposite Day, expressly designed to deny its users the basic ownership of their money and to install the State at the mediating center of every transaction." - Edward Snowden.

Source / Comment

Blogger Note: Say bye-bye to Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and welcome to the new world of crypto currencies - Bahamas!

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Hubert Minnis All In Political Game

The Lost Cause of Hubert Minnis

By Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Minnis
This is an open letter to The Most Honourable, Dr. Hubert A. Minnis, MP, Killarney Constituency.

Dr. Minnis, you were the leader of the FNM for the 2017 general election.  Under your watch, Mr.

Edison Key Abaco
Edison Key – an FNM incumbent, was heartlessly undercut and denied a FNM party nomination to run in the 2017 elections.  You were the leader then – remember?

Now, you and your supporters say you should be given the chance to run again, just because you are a FNM party incumbent candidate.  Well bro, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hubert Minnis Losing Game

Hubert Minnis is Set to Burn Down the Free National Movement - FNM before the Next General Election in The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Minnis Phantasm of Becoming Prime Minister of The Bahamas Again

By Dennis A. Dames
Nassau The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis is all set to sadly divide the the Free National Movement - FNM leading up to the next general election.  It seems as if he does not mind ruling over a party of utter ashes - of which he is about to instigate through his arrogant and selfish drive to become the lousy leader of the Free National Movement - FNM once more.

Yes, he is arrogantly on a losing course to wreck the FNM – just to satisfy his wicked political ego.  Well, he will holler as the FNM will not win the next election under his unwanted national leadership.

He is unknowingly working on a political legacy of shame and disgrace for himself.  He is a sore loser.

As a voter in the Killarney constituency – who has supported the FNM all of my voting life, I am all ready and set to ensure that Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis lose his seat on or before 2026.  So, carry on Dr.  Minnis.  Your time of becoming a no-seat wonder nears with the passing of each day.  It will be a fitting retirement gift for the politically foolish Dr. Minnis – who appears not to know when to quit while he is ahead.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Two Deputy Commissioners of Police Appointed to an already Top-heavy Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF)

Philip Davis and Michael Pintard
One Deputy Commissioner of Police would be sufficient, says Official Opposition Leader - Michael Pintard

POLITICS: Prime Minister Philip Davis, via a press statement issued Saturday afternoon, blasted Free National Movement (FNM) leader Michael Pintard who publicly stated his disapproval of government’s intent to appoint two Deputy Commissioners of Police.

Kirkwood Andrews and Anthony Rolle
Deputy Commissioners of Police Kirkwood Andrews and Anthony Rolle were officially sworn into office during a Swearing In ceremony held at Government House this afternoon.

Pintard told media ahead of the appointment that one Deputy Commissioner would be sufficient, and supported the appointment of Deputy Commissioner Kirkwood Andrews, but questioned why government needed to appoint Rolle as a second Deputy Commissioner as well.

The Prime Minister said, “I was disappointed, though not terribly surprised, to learn that the Leader of the Opposition has chosen to be in full attack mode rather than playing a more constructive role.”

“His comments regarding the appointment of a Deputy Commissioner of Police are unfounded and unhelpful.”

He continued, “Deputy Commissioner of Police Anthony Rolle is a leader who has dedicated decades of service to protecting our communities, often at great personal sacrifice. His instrumental role in the Urban Renewal Program has been transformative, fostering safer neighborhoods and stronger relationships between law enforcement and the Bahamian people.”

The Prime Minister stated that he is confident that the “Bahamian people are rooting for the RBPF’s new leadership team, and praying that they will find only success in their efforts to change and reform the force, to fight gangs, violence, and disorder, and to restore trust in our communities. Michael Pintard should do the same.”


Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Expulsis piratis restituta commercia Bahamas

We need a Bahamas where pirates are not in control

By Dennis Dames

I am impressed by Jamaica’s political maturity - when I consider it to that of the sluggish nature of Bahamian politicans and politics in The Bahamas.  For example, I think that the system of national checks and balances in Jamaica is far more advanced than that of The Bahamas.

For instance, when I read about the Integrity Commission in Jamaica – I smile, because it would be like an unwanted hassle-breaker to Bahamian politicans!  They would therefore not want any part in establishing such an honorable national office – in my humble view.

Our very our media and Bahamian people are still advocating for a simple Freedom of Information Act – after all these years of slick promises from no-good Bahamian politicans and national leaders.

Pirates of The Bahamas
We need a total rejuvenation of Bahamian politicans and in Bahamian politics in The Bahamas - in my dear opinion, because what we have been working and living with since 1973 is grossly inadequate for a solidly prosperous future for our beloved posterity and nation.

“Expulsis piratis restituta commercia”