Monday, July 23, 2012

Carlton Francis was right when he said gambling was no way to develop a new nation... ...previous political, community and church leaders have failed Bahamians by introducing gambling in The Bahamas... says Bishop Cedric Moss - senior pastor at the Kingdom Life Church

Pastors Calling For All Gambling To Be Outlawed

Tribune Staff Reporters

AS the Bahamas Christian Council hits out at the government for rushing a gambling referendum, some local pastors are taking it one step further and calling for all gambling participation – including the participation of tourists in casinos – to be outlawed.

Bishop Cedric Moss, senior pastor at the Kingdom Life Church, has joined the debate on the legalisation of gambling and given it a new twist.

Speaking to The Big T, Bishop Moss said that civic and religious leaders failed the country when they allowed casino gambling to be introduced in 1973.

“Carlton Francis was right when he said gambling was no way to develop a new nation,” he said, adding that he believed “previous leaders and church leaders failed us by introducing gambling in our country.”

Bishop Moss said: “Bahamians are not hurt by gambling. Tourists are hurt by gambling. They are financially raped by casinos. I am saddened that we loose casinos on them to harm them and their families.”

Speaking about the effects of gambling, he said: “You just have to Google and see the negative effects gambling has on cities like Atlantic City which allow gambling. Bahamians gambling has a different affect on the Bahamas than tourists gambling in the Bahamas. What Bahamians don’t realise is that many tourists who gamble in our casinos don’t want casinos in their cities.”

“The government has ignored the church on this issue since 1973. We are opposed to all forms of gambling, including numbers and casino gambling. I think we should think thoughtfully on how we could legally bring casino gambling to a close. It was a bad decision in the beginning. To let Bahamians gamble in casinos would be another bad decision.”

Another pastor, Rev Rex Major, said casino gambling is undesirable for the country.

“The remarks by Carlton Francis during the voting on the Opposition’s resolution in condemning the government’s casino policy should set the tone for our national priorities,” he said.

“At that time, Mr Francis reminded the Parliamentarians and the nation that he thought that as a new nation, the country should first aspire for certain other qualities rather than dollars and cents value. Gambling encourages a reckless parasitic approach to life—in which one human fleeces another with no genuine personal regard for his neighbour’s welfare.”

Rev Matthew Allen, senior pastor at the Kingdom Minded Fellowship Centre International, said that while he is against gambling, he also disapproves of the hypocrisy religious leaders have exhibited.

“It’s pathetic, nauseating listening to the religious leaders of today trying to scripturally justify their opposition to gambling, whereas it’s some of these very same religious leaders who are called upon to say the opening prayer and pronounce blessing upon various resorts and casinos. How hypocritical could one be?”

Meanwhile, the Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) is hitting out at the government for focusing on gambling legislation at a time when the country is facing so many pressing national issues.

BCC president Rev Ranford Patterson said yesterday that reducing crime and focusing on the country’s economy should be priorities for the Christie administration, and not seeking to expedite a gambling vote which would cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.

His words came amid public speculation about the driving force behind the government’s urgency to see referendum plans through to completion. Controversy has also surrounded the level of its thoroughness, as Bahamians having the right to gamble in casinos has been dismissed.

“We are opposed to gambling in this country in any capacity. I believe there are so many more pressing issues that need our attention along with social ills. I always hear people speak about this $40 million to be gained by the numbers business, but I am of the firm belief that we would need to spend more on law enforcement to police this thing properly.

“Do you know how many people would spend all they had to gamble? Social Services would need more resources to help people. The Christian Council is here to present the fact and people should be made aware of implications as a result of making this thing legal,” Rev Patterson said.

Two weeks ago, a Baha Mar executive told The Tribune that in his view Bahamians have not matured enough to be permitted to gamble in local casinos.

Robert “Sandy” Sands, senior vice-president of external and governmental affairs at Baha Mar, said that while he supports regularising number houses, he is not an advocate of Bahamians being allowed to gamble in casinos.

“I am a strong advocate of limited relaxation for Bahamians gambling in casinos. I believe the government should examine the opportunity for high net worth for persons who can verify their ability to sustain gambling for limited periods like over a month or something like that.

“I support gambling for persons who come on short-term work permits, especially in the entertainment business.

“I also support gambling for persons of high net worth who have permanent residency in the country and people with second homes,” he said.

“However, I do not support opening the floodgates totally. We are not a disciplined enough community. I understand rights, but there are some rights we have to take away from individuals for their own benefit. We have to find the balance and even with the liberalisation of the number houses there might be an opportunity where numbers may be able to be purchased through a window at the casino. But no, I do not support Bahamians gambling in the casino.”

On Thursday, former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham criticised the government for not giving Bahamians the opportunity to decide whether they should participate in casino gambling.

“The public of the Bahamas ought to have a right to decide whether they want to gamble in the casino or not,” he said.

July 20, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The gambling referendum debate: ...Current government position of not considering casino and other forms of gaming ownership ...and participation for Bahamian residents falls far short of my expectation ...says Sidney Strachan - former Bahamas Gaming Reform (BGR) leader

Gambling Argument Flawed, Says Advocate

By Sasha Lightbourne
The Bahama Journal

A former Bahamas Gaming Reform (BGR) leader said that the gambling argument is flawed and may not benefit the government once a referendum is called.

In a press statement, Sidney Strachan argued that the church may have the “upper hand” on the gambling issue.

“Current government position of not considering casino and other forms of gaming ownership and participation for Bahamian residents falls far short of my expectation,” he said.

“The BGR has long proffered that Bahamians are treated as third class citizens in their own country. To say only current players will be allowed to be owners in the ‘Numbers game’ go against free enterprise in any democratic society. The Bahamas government, in my opinion, is being disingenuous in stating it proposes to regularise gaming in its current form.”

Mr. Strachan said many of the gaming representatives who are agitating for gambling to be regularised will experience many challenges operating in a legal environment based on current gaming regulations.

“Additionally, I envision many legal, copyright and regulatory challenges for the operators and The Bahamas Government if the ‘numbers’ business is legally allowed in its current form,” he added.

“In these instances, illegal operations were ordered to come to a complete stop and licences were granted to applicants based on their ability to obtain such licences. However, in some instances some large scale illegal gaming continued. Under the current online gaming ‘numbers’ system, I envision many obstacles to having this formally instituted in its present form. The platitudes from some of our leaders can only serve to placate number bosses while pulling the wool over Bahamian eyes once again.”

Addressing the efforts of the newly formed ‘We Care’ group, Mr. Strachan indicated that current gaming owners are making critical mistakes in lobbying on their own behalf and it will prove to be a “blight and a clear conflict of interest” on the government.

“It is in poor judgment and taste and even if we were to obtain this partial gaming victory it will be a negative reflection on how we conduct business in The Bahamas,” Mr. Strachan continued.

“Make no mistake; I support regularisation of ‘numbers’ and hold that the good vs. evil argument is ridiculous. However, anything short of opening up gaming completely to allow all Bahamian residents to be owners and players can never be a complete victory.”

Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis told the Bahama Journal Wednesday that his party will stick to having the referendum before the end of the year and that Mr. Christie is expected to come to the public soon with all the details.

“The prime minister will be making an announcement very shortly,” Mr. Davis said at the time.
“Mr. Christie’s announcement could come as early as next week, I’m not sure, but I know that as of now he is ready to go to the nation to explain the way forward and to set the framework for the referendum to be held.”

There has been much public debate surrounding the legalisation of gambling over of the past few weeks, so much so, that the contentious issue has even divided the Bahamas Christian Council (BCC).

The BCC has said it is “diametrically opposed” to gambling, however, Mt. Calvary Baptist Pastor Dr. Philip McPhee believes there are benefits to be derived from its legalisation.

He recently held a discussion with several other pastors and the proprietors of numbers houses.
Despite his stance, the pastor says has never gambled and does not intend to change, even if the law changes.

The Mount Calvary Baptist pastor’s stance on gambling shocked many in the religious sector who questioned why a clergyman would support the illegal trade.

While shying away from getting involved in the back and forth, head of the local Roman Catholic Church Archbishop Patrick Pinder reiterated his church’s position yesterday, which is, that it does not support the legalisation of gambling.

July 20, 2012

The Bahama Journal

Saturday, July 21, 2012

The referendum is about whether or not we have a national lottery ...whether or not we legalize the web shop gambling ...Full stop. ...It’s not about whether Bahamians gamble in casinos,” ...says Prime Minister Perry Christie

Taking it to the people

Casino question to be absent from ballot, but heavy considerations loom

By Candia Dames
Guardian News Editor

The government may be making a bold move in putting the controversial gambling question to the people, but it is not prepared to go the whole hog and possibly reverse a decades old discriminatory law that prohibits Bahamians from gambling in local casinos.

Although Prime Minister Perry Christie had previously made it clear that casino gambling will not be up for consideration when a referendum is held, some people still appeared surprised to hear him repeat it last week.

“The referendum is about whether or not we have a national lottery, whether or not we legalize the web shop gambling. Full stop. It’s not about whether Bahamians gamble in casinos,” Christie said.

There were those who questioned the logic behind the government’s decision to leave this discriminatory law as is, but instead allow Bahamians to vote on whether to legalize numbers houses and establish a national lottery.

As the government prepares to encapsulate the complexities of the gambling issue into perhaps a few simply worded questions, the age-old debate on gambling is already reaching fever pitch.

Church leaders are doing battle; numbers bosses have formed a coalition and pledged money for an education campaign; talk show hosts and journalists can’t seem to get away from the topic and everyday citizens are debating the issue on the streets, in bars, restaurants, on editorial pages and everywhere else.

A referendum on gambling was inevitable no matter who won the recent general election, as the Progressive Liberal Party, the Free National Movement and the Democratic National Alliance all promised to put the question to the people.

Just how widespread illegal gambling operations are is unknown.

Back in 2006, Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe reported that there were at least 45 illegal gambling houses in New Providence and 12 in Grand Bahama, and 60 percent of the population was spending anywhere from $1.8 million to $2 million locally and abroad on games of chance each week.

Kenyatta Gibson, who at the time was chairman of the Gaming Board, reported that The Florida Lottery had conservatively estimated that Bahamians playing the Florida Lottery were spending US$100 million every year.

It is not clear whether ahead of the 2012 referendum the government will make public in very specific details how a legalized gambling industry would work, or wait to provide such details if a majority of voters vote in favor of legalization.

The opinions of members of government are also unclear as the government seems determined to remain neutral, at least for now.

When the Ingraham administration revealed in 2010 that it was considering legalizing the numbers business, Christie, who at the time was leader of the Official Opposition, said the PLP’s parliamentary caucus did not have a formal position on the matter.

“The Opposition has always up to this point treated gambling as it did with capital punishment where it’s a vote of conscience...We have members who are church members in a meaningful way in our grouping in the PLP, who I know flatly will support the position of the church and there are others who will take a different point of view,” he advised.

All that is clear now is there will be a referendum at some point and that casino gambling will not be on the ballot.

Historical perspective

Gambling has existed in The Bahamas “for forever”, in the words of former parliamentarian George Smith, who said the law that still prohibits Bahamians from gambling in local casinos is steeped in racism.

“When they thought of putting casinos in prior to 1967 we have to remember that many of the tourists who came to The Bahamas at the time came from segregated states in the United States where people of the different races didn’t comingle, and when they came here there were segregated hotels,” Smith explained.

“Blacks couldn’t go in the British Colonial at one point and there were hotels, over-the-hill hotels, boarding hotels where blacks went.

“…Primarily at the time it was not about keeping the tourists separate from the high-end, wealthy Bahamian or the senior British and other civil servants or foreign people working for the hotels and other work permit holders.

“They didn’t really have them in mind but they couldn’t well say ‘Okay, we’re going to have a policy where the average Bahamian couldn’t gamble, but the Bahamian from the Eastern Road could’.  So they said, no Bahamian, no resident, no work permit holder.  It was reflected in the gaming and lotteries legislation.  So that was the genesis of the policy.”

Smith opined that the time has long passed to do away with the discriminatory legislation like the law against casino gambling for Bahamians.

“We have to address it,” he told The Nassau Guardian.

“Now when we talk about what kind of society we want, we have to decide whether in 2013 (the 40th anniversary of our independence) we want a society that still permits a facility of this country that nationals of the country cannot enjoy.

“If we want an enlightened nation, then we have to approach these things with the facts up front and we cannot say that if we have lottery in The Bahamas or legalize the numbers business it’s going to cause crime, that prostitution is going to go up.  There is no evidence to support this.”

He noted that the constitution has a savings clause that saved into law all acts that were in existence prior to July 10, 1973.  The gaming legislation was one of those acts that were saved.

The gambling debate, as noted, is not a new one.

In a December 20, 1974 position paper titled “A Christian response to the proposal of the Bahamas Government to assume control of the ownership of casino gambling operations in The Bahamas”, Pastor Rex Major took a detailed look at the issue and laid out a case for why gambling goes against Christian principles.

His position is not unlike that being taken today by many clergymen.

Major pointed out that on November 28, 1974 the Pindling government announced on the floor of the House of Assembly its intention to assume ownership and control of casinos in The Bahamas as of January 1976.

Major argued that the philosophy of casino gambling denies the ideals of a new nation.  The Bahamas at the time was just over one year old as an independent nation.

He further opined that gambling condones a lifestyle in which economic considerations are more important than moral ones.

“Gambling encourages a reckless parasitic approach to life in which one human fleeces another with no genuine personal regard for his neighbor’s welfare,” he wrote.

Major wrote that it is “not morally right to fleece foreign brothers so that our coffers can be full, by allowing them to pursue a course of action within our nation, which we deem demeaning for our own people.

“Such an attitude denies the genuine principle of the Christian faith that each of us has a responsibility to allow only the best and noblest for our fellow creatures…To promote casino gambling, therefore, as is intended, is to promote an exploitation of the worst kind.”

He also wrote that the expansion of casino gambling was an act of “blatant hypocrisy” when one looked at the position of “seemingly alert and concerned leaders” relative to the numbers racket.

Over the decades, casino taxes have been an important source of revenue for the Bahamas government.

Prime Minister Christie announced recently that a new casino will open in Bimini in December and will provide 300 new jobs.


While Bahamians cannot legally gamble in local casinos, many are gambling online already in the comfort of their homes, and many web shops have a casino style element.

While opponents of gambling dismiss the enforcement argument as a lame excuse to push for legalization, it is not possible for the government to stop Bahamians who want to do so from gambling.

Prime Minister Christie, however, has promised that the laws against gambling would be strictly enforced should a majority of Bahamian voters say “no” to legalization.

A commitment to enforcement of course has huge implications.

Assuming the political will exists, the police would have to find the necessary resources to crack down on these illegal operations and the police themselves — who following the government’s lead have for many years turned a blind eye to illegality — will have to find the will to enforce the law.

Additionally, several thousand people would be out of work, thereby worsening unemployment, and that would have a trickle down effect.

It is doubtful the Christie administration would have the political will to strictly enforce the laws by shutting down illegal operations and putting so many people out of work.

Advancements in technology create further challenges for enforcement.


While casino gambling will not be on the ballot, owners and operators of the few existing legally operating casinos in The Bahamas have been careful not to wade too far in the gambling debate.

But they are not fearful when it comes to expressing their views.

President and Managing Director of Kerzner International Bahamas Ltd. George Markantonis said the Paradise Island property is obviously conducting its operation according to the country’s laws.

Markantonis said, “We’d be delighted if there was a method to allow locals to participate in games of chance in the casinos, but realize that there are reasons why the rules are in place today. So we will wait and see what shows up in a national referendum and what the public debate leads to in the future.”

Asked if having locals gamble in the Paradise Island casino would be good for business, he noted that it would be beneficial for the company.

Baha Mar executive Robert Sands advocates limited relaxations of casino gambling regulations, although he did not go into great detail when he spoke with The Nassau Guardian.

“I believe that gaming regulations as written today do not put The Bahamas in a very competitive position and require a major overhaul if we are to level the playing field certainly in The Bahamas and be competitive with other jurisdictions…in North American and Europe and Asia,” Sands added.

Although the government will not have to consider the implications of Bahamians gambling in casinos — at least not this time around — establishing a national lottery and properly structuring a legal numbers industry would require great effort on the government’s behalf.

A “yes” vote would be just an initial step ahead of the real work; a “no” vote could strain the government’s commitment on the enforcement question.

July 16, 2012


Thursday, July 19, 2012

Urban Renewal 2.0 is bigger than politics ...and for it to work effectively it has to be “above politics” ... says Prime Minister Perry Christie

Renewal 'Bigger Than Politics'


Tribune Freeport  Reporter

FREEPORT - Prime Minister Perry Christie says Urban Renewal 2.0 is bigger than politics and for it to work effectively it has to be “above politics”.

“Our politics must always take second place to the essential issue of moving the Bahamas forward,” Mr Christie said on Wednesday at the official launch of the programme in Grand Bahama at the Hilton Outten Convention Centre.

 Deputy Prime Minister Philip “Brave” Davis, and other cabinet ministers, including National Security Minister Dr Bernard Nottage, Minister of Transport and Aviation Glenys Hanna-Martin, and Labour Minister Shane Gibson were also present.

Mr Christie expressed his complete confidence in the appointment of Algernon Allen, former FNM Cabinet minister, and Cynthia “Mother” Pratt, former PLP Deputy Prime Minister, to head the Urban Renewal commission.

He said both are distinguished Bahamians who have a feel for people and who have the capacity to rise above politics.

“As Prime Minister, I have to call on the all the people regardless of their politics. The MPs in Grand Bahama all of them should understand that it is bigger than them.  

“We are all in transition and this is about establishing a culture in this country where young men know that if they walk into somebody’s house and rape or try to rape, they will be caught and they will be severely punished.

“This is the reason why in our selection for the leaders of the Urban Renewal commission, we chose two distinguish Bahamians – Algernon Allen, a former minister in the FNM government, is that he has demonstrated in a public capacity a feel for people, and young people in this country.

“And co-leader, Cynthia Pratt, who served as DPM, brings to this mission an incredible feel for people and one, who I think, like Algernon, has the capacity to rise above politics.”

In his remarks, Mr Allen said he comes “as a spiritual son of Sir Cecil Wallace-Whitfield, but also a philosophical brother of Prime Minister Perry Christie.”  

He said that Urban Renewal is about changing lives – transforming a home, a street, and a community and uplifting those in need.

“This will be above politics. We send a clarion call to all to join us,” Mr Allen said.

July 19, 2012


Wednesday, July 18, 2012

...the legalisation of gambling would be followed by a push for gay marriage in the country, ...says Rev. Dr. Ranford Patterson - President of Bahamas Christian Council (BCC)

Council Using Scare Tactics

By Rogan Smith
The Bahama Journal

Bahamas Christian Council (BCC) President Rev. Dr. Ranford Patterson has warned that the legalisation of gambling would be followed by a push for gay marriage in the country, but according to a popular clergyman, such claims are just “scare tactics.”

Mount Calvary Baptist Cathedral pastor, Dr. Philip McPhee said legalising gambling would not create such a domino effect.

“That’s a scare tactic,” he said. “We stand squarely against gay marriages. There’s a difference between gambling and gay marriage. The Bible speaks about family life. The Bible does not say anything detrimental against gambling. All who use their interpretations let them produce it.”

“But, the Bible is clear on a man and a woman. The Bible speaks about homosexuality. In its clearest sense the Bible talks about family life. Those things are not under the cover. You can’t have a child with two men or two women. The Bible says ‘I will make you the father of nations.’ How can you be the father of nations when you can’t produce a seed?”

Dr. McPhee and the Christian Council have been at odds over the controversial gambling issue.
The government has promised to hold a referendum before the end of the year so that Bahamians can decide if they want gambling legalised.

The Council has said that it is “diametrically opposed” to its legalisation.

However, in an interview with the Bahama Journal yesterday Dr. McPhee said the Bible gives no “clear, outward statement” on gambling.

He says the gambling issue has “awakened the church from its deep slumber.”

“This situation has brought new life to the church. [Now that] the church has awakened out of its deep slumber since the aroma has so enticed them to smell the fragrance of true liberty [I hope] that they will not be silent on issues that are so important to the future development of our nation,” he said.

“I see the issue of gambling as a minor issue facing this country and the times that we’ve spent talking about it and the excitement it has brought really makes you want to ask the question, where have they [the Council] been all of these years?”

During the interview Dr. McPhee addressed the controversy over his recent comments where he called on Bahamians to consider the benefits of legalising the numbers business.

The Mount Calvary Baptist pastor and several other clergymen recently met with the We Care Coalition – which includes the proprietors of several numbers houses – to hear about the positives that could be derived from gambling.

For the record, he maintains that he does not gamble and won’t start even if it is legalised.
In the aftermath of that meeting, however, he was heavily criticised.

Dr. McPhee said he never expected that level of backlash and said the hullabaloo was “not called for.”
“My meeting was for information only. It was not to persuade anybody to change their feelings about anything. I felt like we ought to know because it was in that meeting that I discovered so many things that I did not know,” he said.

“I was of the impression, in one instance, that I thought the [average] person was [spending] $40, $50 and $100 on numbers a day. We found out that it’s $0.10, $0.25 and $0.50. We had a misinterpretation about this. We were told that these people came and spent their whole wages, that’s not true. It’s misinformation and that’s why it’s important that you get the true information.”

The outspoken pastor says he understands why so many pastors are opposed to gambling.
“There are vices that come along with gambling that they are very much concerned about, but there are vices with everything in life,” he said.

“I am of the opinion that maybe because Philip McPhee brought it to light and brought the people together [the controversy ensued]. Maybe if somebody else from that group had done it, it may not have been an issue. But, maybe because it’s [coming from] a Bain Town preacher Over-the-Hill that might be one of the reasons. I’m not sure there would have been such major opposition if somebody else had brought We Care together in their church and presented their views on that they may not have reacted in such a major way.”

Pastors Lyall Bethel, Allan Lee, Cedric Moss, Dr. Myles Munroe, Mario Moxey, Alfred Stewart recently wrote a joint letter to the editor where they explained that the church does not support a national lottery.

“After speaking with several of the pastors who attended the meeting organised by McPhee, it is clear that they were unwittingly used to promote the cause of the gambling coalition and McPhee,” the group of pastors said.

“One pastor stated that they were ‘bamboozled’ and ‘tricked’ by the whole procedure and regrets that he was used in this way. The meeting was advertised as a face-to-face meeting with web shop owners, where pastors could make the church’s position against gambling clear.”

Dr. McPhee says the way the group of pastors went about conveying their message was done in “poor taste.”

“They jumped the gun and pastors should not jump guns. They should get full information; they should research before they come out shooting with knowing the effect of what they’re doing,” he said.

“I thought they were men that I respected and when I saw it I was very disappointed especially in Allan Lee who was a friend. I thought he allowed some things to happen and he was a part of it. I approached him, I spoke to him, he later apologised he said when he looked at it from a biblical perspective that they were wrong.”

He continued, “The five or six pastors who signed it are all pastors of leading churches in this country. When they speak the nation listens to them but I want them to know that the pastor who pastors Mount Calvary in Bain Town also speaks and some listen to me. It’s not a matter of me trying to start a war because certainly I don’t want to do that; we don’t need a war in the Christian faith…but you don’t kill your brother just to get some kind of recognition in the papers.”

The group of pastors has since apologised for the way it went about criticising Dr. McPhee.

18 July, 2012

Jones Bahamas

Monday, July 16, 2012

The Official Opposition Leader - Dr. Hubert Minnis on Prime Minister Perry Christie’s claim ...that the highly anticipated referendum on gambling hinges on a North Abaco by-election

Minnis Criticses Referendum Delay

Tribune Staff Reporter

OPPOSITION leader Hubert Minnis hit back at Prime Minister Perry Christie’s claim that the highly anticipated referendum on gambling hinges on a North Abaco by-election.

Last week, Mr Christie said the referendum would take place before the end of the year but admitted that if former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham resigns his North Abaco seat, a bye-election would take priority over the referendum.

But Dr Minnis pointed out that Mr Christie had known of the impending by-election for some time.

The party leader hinted the Prime Minister could be hoping to use the by-election as an excuse if the government fails to deliver on its promise of a referendum by the end of the year.

“Prime Minister Christie always knew that Ingraham would have eventually resigned, so you could put the pieces together yourself,” Dr Minnis said.

“That’s nothing new to him – he knew that. He made the commitment that the referendum would be done by the end of this year. All I say is that he knew a resignation was coming (and) he also knew the date that it was coming.”

Last month, Mr Christie said the Bahamas can expect a referendum on the legalisation of gambling and a national lottery before the year is out.

He said a referendum is necessary to remove the “contradictions” that have led to gambling continuing to be illegal, yet widely practised and accepted.

He said this week: “If Mr Ingraham resigns it means that a seat is vacant and that at some point there will be a by-election.

“That takes priority over any referendum that I would hold, so in terms of calendar evens for the government we have to see how that calendar of events will be influenced by the declared intention to resign by Mr Hubert Ingraham.”

He added: “(The referendum) it’s on the table and it’s on the table for this year.”

The referendum has been met with criticism from several religious groups, including the Bahamas Christian Council, which reaffirmed its stance against gambling and any attempts to legalise the activity.

In public statements last month, council president Ranford Patterson maintained that the social consequences outweigh potential revenue for the government.

Meanwhile, in anticipation of the public vote, several number house owners have banded together to launch an educational campaign.

With reports of at least 16 independent number houses in new Providence alone, another six in Grand Bahama and a few spread throughout the Family Islands, it has been estimated that a national lottery could pump more than $190 million into the Bahamas’ economy annually.

July 16, 2012

Sunday, July 15, 2012

...on the upcoming referendum on the legalization of the numbers industry in The Bahamas: ...A vote by the people to legalize the numbers industry will actually not legalize lottery gambling for Bahamians and legal residents... ...The Parliament would have to pass legislation amending our gaming laws

The parliamentary vote on gambling is not so simple

thenassauguardian editorial

There has been much discussion on the upcoming referendum on the legalization of the numbers industry in The Bahamas.  The industry has let it be known that it will spend $1.5 million on advertising for its cause.  The church has responded with vocal opposition to any further legalization of a practice it views as harmful to Bahamians.

A vote, however, by the people to legalize the numbers industry will actually not legalize lottery gambling for Bahamians and legal residents.  The Parliament would have to pass legislation amending our gaming laws.

In the Westminster parliamentary system votes on matters of conscience are usually free votes – that is, the party whips are removed and members vote their consciences without fear of party discipline for making a particular choice.  When the whip is on a member who votes against the party’s position could be expelled from that political party.

Assuming that there would be a free vote in Parliament on the issue of legalizing lottery gambling, it is unclear how the members would vote.  Some are practicing Christians and would not vote for gambling despite what their party leaders say.  Some members might also abstain from voting, fearing taking a public stance on such a contentious issue.  Such a scenario would put the will of the people up against the beliefs of the elected member of the legislature.

Therefore, there will be two fights in order for the lottery business to be legalized: one fight to win the referendum and the other to influence the MPs.

The church will have an advantage with the MPs.  MPs do not like to disappoint pastors and the church of Christ in The Bahamas.  A strong lobby on members by their respective pastors will be effective in getting at least a few MPs to vote no.

No MP wants to be named by the church as its opponent, pursuing an order against God.  What has for a long time prevented a referendum is the fear by our leaders of crossing the church.

Our politicians think a referendum will allow the people to choose and they will not have to be responsible for legalizing numbers, because it would be the people who make that choice.  But we all have forgotten that at the end of the day the MPs will have to do the deed.

Another scenario could emerge, however.  If the people vote overwhelmingly to legalize numbers the governing party and opposition could keep the whips on and force through the amendments making lotteries legal.

Much is unclear about what will happen with the proposed referendum and the vote in Parliament if the people say yes to the numbers game.  The governing party must chart carefully so it does not get in trouble with the process as the last government did during the referendum of 2002.

July 13,2012

thenassauguardian editorial