Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The losers of the next general election in The Bahamas

By Dennis Dames

Who’s going to lose the next general election in our country – The Bahamas? We, the Bahamian people, as usual.

There is no political party out there that’s up to the challenge of moving our nation out of the grips of omnipresent poverty, widespread illiteracy, rampant crime, the pervasive underground economy, and economic stagnation.

The PLP and FNM have demonstrated over and over again in government – that they are simply executive taxers, borrowers and spenders. They only want to get control of the cookie jar once more, so that they can continue their regular lovers, family and friends feast – while many more of us join the unemployed and underemployed band, the hunger line, the default payment society, and the – may God help us prayer.

FNM and PLP leaders have shown us their wicked colours a long time ago, but we still look forward with great enthusiasm – to screwing ourselves all over again at the next polls. It’s like stupidity on steroids. We love punishment and the shit end of the stick; and the politicians are always delighted to swing us again – one more time.

I have noticed the misguided passions of the yobbish PLP and FNM fans – and cheerleaders on social media. We are stupidly blind and politically careless about our future. We don’t know Brave Davis yet, or Fred Mitchell, Glenys Hanna Martin, Obie Wilchcombe, Dr Hubert Minnis, Carl Bethel, Dion Foulkes, et al?

What could those political dead weights do for The Bahamas and Bahamian people at this juncture of our existence as a free nation and people? They grew up in the corrupt PLP and FNM. They have already executively served in the various corrupt PLP and FNM regimes over the past few decades, and all we got from their respective governments are more public debt, more crime, more unemployment, more hunger and suffering, a broken education system, a failing health care infrastructure, and an absolutely corrupt status quo.

So, who will lose the next general election in The Bahamas again? We, the Bahamian people will – if we don’t collectively resolve to hold the next Bahamian government’s feet to the fire – for the benefit of a truly better, prosperous and more competitive Bahamas and Bahamian people in the 21st century.