Showing posts with label FNM Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNM Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Hubert Minnis All In Political Game

The Lost Cause of Hubert Minnis

By Dennis A. Dames
Nassau, The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Minnis
This is an open letter to The Most Honourable, Dr. Hubert A. Minnis, MP, Killarney Constituency.

Dr. Minnis, you were the leader of the FNM for the 2017 general election.  Under your watch, Mr.

Edison Key Abaco
Edison Key – an FNM incumbent, was heartlessly undercut and denied a FNM party nomination to run in the 2017 elections.  You were the leader then – remember?

Now, you and your supporters say you should be given the chance to run again, just because you are a FNM party incumbent candidate.  Well bro, what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Hubert Minnis Losing Game

Hubert Minnis is Set to Burn Down the Free National Movement - FNM before the Next General Election in The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Minnis Phantasm of Becoming Prime Minister of The Bahamas Again

By Dennis A. Dames
Nassau The Bahamas

Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis is all set to sadly divide the the Free National Movement - FNM leading up to the next general election.  It seems as if he does not mind ruling over a party of utter ashes - of which he is about to instigate through his arrogant and selfish drive to become the lousy leader of the Free National Movement - FNM once more.

Yes, he is arrogantly on a losing course to wreck the FNM – just to satisfy his wicked political ego.  Well, he will holler as the FNM will not win the next election under his unwanted national leadership.

He is unknowingly working on a political legacy of shame and disgrace for himself.  He is a sore loser.

As a voter in the Killarney constituency – who has supported the FNM all of my voting life, I am all ready and set to ensure that Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis lose his seat on or before 2026.  So, carry on Dr.  Minnis.  Your time of becoming a no-seat wonder nears with the passing of each day.  It will be a fitting retirement gift for the politically foolish Dr. Minnis – who appears not to know when to quit while he is ahead.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Hubert Minnis is A Persona Non Grata in Bahamian Politics

Analysis: Hubert Minnis Has Fallen on His Own Sword

Hubert Minnis Final Act of Political Folly

Nassau, The Bahamas

Hubert Minnis Political Legacy
Hubert Minnis has fallen on his own sword, a stark and brutal end to a political journey marked by both triumph and turbulence. In a recent leadership vote within the Free National Movement (FNM), Minnis suffered not just a defeat but a resounding rejection, receiving a mere 163 votes against Michael Pintard’s commanding 486.

This outcome raises a fundamental question: why would Minnis, once decisively rejected by the electorate in 2021, willingly submit himself to such public and profound humiliation? The answer may lie in a tragic blend of political hubris and strategic miscalculation.

This debacle is not merely a reflection of a leader out of step with his party; it is an emblem of a political career that has veered into the realm of self-sabotage. Minnis’s attempt to reclaim authority within the FNM was less a battle for leadership and more a misjudged skirmish that ended in his complete and utter capitulation.

His decision to run in the face of such obvious party sentiment was less an act of courage and more a misfire of epic proportions, illustrating a profound disconnect from the political realities of his diminished stature.

By thrusting himself into this leadership contest, Minnis has not only obliterated his political influence but has also inadvertently amplified Pintard’s stature, cementing his role as the party’s new cornerstone. Each vote for Pintard echoed as a resounding repudiation of Minnis, effectively banishing him from the political arena he once dominated.

The implications of this political suicide are far-reaching. Minnis’s fall from grace serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of clinging to power beyond one’s expiry date.

It underscores a bitter truth in politics: that the refusal to recognize one’s waning influence can lead to ruinous consequences, transforming leaders into relics of their former selves.

In the aftermath of this debacle, the FNM finds itself at a crossroads, now rallying behind Pintard’s vision of renewal and distancing itself from the Minnis era—a period that will likely be remembered more for its ignominious end than its achievements. As for Minnis, his legacy will be marred by this final act of political folly, a sad denouement for a figure who once held the nation’s highest office.

This stark transformation within the FNM should serve as a critical warning to the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP): stay alert and take nothing for granted, as political landscapes can shift dramatically and unexpectedly.

As this chapter closes on Minnis’s career, the lesson is clear: political power is as much about knowing when to hold on as it is about knowing when to let go. Unfortunately for Minnis, his grasp extended far beyond his reach, leaving him not just defeated but disgraced.

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

FNM In Turmoil

Former FNM MP and Cabinet Minister, The Hon Thomas Desmond Bannister has Urged Free National Movement (FNM) Leader, The Hon Michael Pintard to Call A National Party Convention ASAP to Settle The Various Issues Facing The Party - Like Leadership

Mr. Michael Pintard M.P./ Leader /The Free National Movement
Mackey Street, Nassau, The Bahamas

Dear Mr. Leader:

Thomas Desmond Bannister
I spent a considerable amount of time this weekend contemplating the issues that are currently impacting our beloved party, and consequently felt compelled to write to you.

We are both passionate about the F.N.M., which as you know was formed by a group of courageous Bahamian patriots who risked everything in order to fight tyranny in the interest of ensuring that the Bahamian people could end cronyism and prejudice in public life. Our founding fathers and those who followed them suffered through discrimination, vicious and violent attacks, and heavy handed persecution as they took the principled stance that the Bahamian people deserved and were entitled to caring and transparent leadership.

Through the years our party has provided a clear beacon of hope for our beloved country. We have stood for freedom of expression in all of its manifestations when others would have done their best to intimidate our fellow citizens into silence. Through many turbulent decades the party has fought for the rights of the Bahamian people, and earned their admiration, respect and support.

Michael Pintard
The blatant and violent attack on one of our members outside F.N.M. headquarters on Thursday night threatens to undo decades of progress. Our party has always condemned political violence. In our beloved Bahamas no person, least of all an executive of the party, should be subjected to politically inspired attacks on their person.

The recent constant discordant and hostile public airing of disagreements within the party together with litigation among party Executives; allegations of unconstitutional interference in Constituency Associations; and the perceived failure of our party to support a sitting Member of Parliament as he faces criminal prosecution before the courts have all combined to negatively impact public confidence in our ability to lead. The vocal public enmity among loyal party supporters clearly hamper the ability of the F.N.M. to be considered as a serious alternative to the governing party just when they appear to be conceding the next general election to us through their blatant miscues and alleged acts of malfeasance.

We will both appreciate that the primary purpose of a political party is to win elections and to form the Government. In this context I consider the words of the theologian and philosopher Ivan Illich that “Leadership does not depend on being right” as instructive for us. Whether or not party leaders consider that they are right in the decisions that they have taken, a thirty-four percent turnout of supporters in the recent by-elections midway through the Government’s term in office begs us to seriously consider other perspectives.

In the circumstances, I am respectfully urging you to call a National Convention for the party at the earliest possible date. Any Convention will be a referendum on your leadership, but all political Conventions are referenda on political leadership. If you cannot retain that leadership post after more than two years serving in that capacity, then this is simply not your time. Once a Convention is held and party members have been permitted to participate in free and fair leadership elections, the party leader will emerge with a national mandate on behalf of the F.N.M. Members will appreciate that they have had the opportunity to freely campaign and vote for their chosen candidates during a national Convention. The losing candidates will be bound by the party’s mandate to coalesce with and support the elected party leadership team. The F.N.M. will then have in excess of two years to earn the confidence of the Bahamian people once again, and to regain the Government.

To delay calling a Convention will diminish confidence in your leadership. Party members will question your confidence in remaining party leader, as well as your ability to raise the requisite amount of funds that will be required to hold a Convention and to successfully contest a General election.

Simon Sinek has famously provided the guidance that “LEADERS ARE THE ONES WHO HAVE THE COURAGE TO GO FIRST, TO PUT THEMSELVES AT PERSONAL RISK TO OPEN A PATH FOR OTHERS TO FOLLOW”. Putting your position of leadership at risk during a national Convention will inspire Bahamians. Whether you win or lose, you will be considered a true leader through your voluntary vulnerability, and for being seen to put the party and the Bahamian people first.

Should you win, your mandate cannot be subjected to legitimate questioning. Should you not win at Convention, you will still be elevated in the lore of the nation, to use Lord Denning’s categorization, with “bold spirits” such as Sir Cecil, rather than as a “timorous soul”. The country recognizes that even though he never became Prime Minister, Sir Cecil’s efforts contributed mightily to our eventual victories at the polls. He may not have gotten there with us, but his contributions unquestionably helped to lead us to the promised land in 1992.

In contrast, holding on to leadership without facing competition will weaken your leadership mandate, and your ability to win a general election will be open to question.

Mr. Leader, for the sake of clarity, the purpose of this email is not to seek to pass judgment on your tenure in office. Rather, it is to encourage robust, passionate and peaceful debate on issues that are important to all of us and to the future of the party. I urge you to please consider these thoughts and suggestions, which if implemented, will in my view propel our party to having a legitimate opportunity to lead our beloved Bahamaland once again.

The Free National Movement has always had an exceptional commitment to democracy; hence, I intend to share this letter with the elected members of Parliament and widely with party members, and I encourage you to do the same so that together we may stimulate widespread, amicable discussion on the issues that now face the party.

My sincere best wishes as you continue to consider pursuing the course that is best for our country.

Thomas Desmond Bannister
1. Dr. Duane Sands
National Chairman
2. Mr. Shanandon Cartwright M.P.
Deputy Leader
3. Members of Parliament:
Dr. Hubert Minnis M.P.
Mr. Kwasi Thompson M.P.
Mr. Iram Lewis M.P.
Mr. Adrian Gibson M.P.

Mr. Adrian White M.P. 

04th December,2023

Saturday, April 22, 2023

The PLP and FNM are Two Peas in a Pod

The Progressive Liberal Party, PLP and the Free National Movement, FNM are Proving to be Two Peas in a Pot

The silent majority in The Bahamas is never impressed by the old same PLP and FNM!

By Dennis Dames

I always find it sadly amusing that the overtly and shamelessly blind, and arrogant supporters of the PLP and FNM on social media would always defend the serious wrongdoings of their respective party and high ranking members by pointing out an egregious error of  the present or past by the other party or a dear member thereof.

Their arguments are always unwittingly based on: We are essentially two peas in a pod.  The silent majority is never impressed by this petty, dirty and corrupt brand of politics that we engage in – in The Bahamas.

It is the primary reason why we have not had a two term government in our beloved nation for more than a generation – in my opinion.  The unimpressive political gangsterism and corruption stinks, and the voters obviously don’t like it!

So keep on defending blatant nonscense and the lack of accountability in government – senseless PLPs and FNMs.  Your respective parties will soon be out of favor in the hearts and souls of the Bahamian people for good!

Friday, April 1, 2022

Shanendon Cartwright, Deputy Leader of the Official Opposition - Free National Movement - FNM, Condemns National Security Minister Wayne Munroe public utterances on how the law should be interpreted with regard to adults who prey on underage girls


Shanendon Cartwright - FNM MP - St. Barnabas Constituency
I join with all right-thinking Bahamians in condemning the utterances of Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe with regard to how the law should be interpreted with regard to adults who prey on underage girls.

His opinions on consent are repugnant and have no place in a civilized country.

What the minister should be doing as a lawmaker is advocating for stronger laws to protect children, and a no tolerance approach as the minister of national security, as opposed to alerting child predators as to how they can beat the system.

If he cannot advocate on behalf of protecting children and law abiding citizens, then he should reconsider his current career choice.

The prime minister must urgently reign his national security minister in.

Shanendon Cartwright, M.P.
Deputy Leader
The Free National Movement

Sunday, March 13, 2022

The Official Opposition - Free National Movement (FNM) Deputy Leader Shanendon Cartwright calls on The Bahamas Government to act with urgency in the crime fight

FNM Deputy Leader, Shanendon Cartwright calls for urgency in crime fight

Shanendon Cartwright FNM Deputy Leader
Following a spate of killings in recent days, Free National Movement (FNM) Deputy Leader Shanendon Cartwright called on the government to act with urgency in the crime fight.

“Our hearts are with the families of the recent murder victims on the islands of Grand Bahama and New Providence,” he said in a statement.
“News of these three killings all within 24 hours is alarming.

“Amidst the global pandemic and ensuing economic hardship, we have experienced our share of challenges which we can ill afford to have compounded with a spike in murder cases. An increase in crime in our society threatens the safety and security of the Bahamian people and ultimately does not bode well in our overall standing as a country.

“The urgency of this moment calls for a comprehensive plan in the fight against crime from the government. The time calls for it now. The official opposition remains with a mindset of working with the government of the day in these matters with a view to returning to seeing a downturn in the number of murders as in recent times under the Free National Movement administration.

“We must intensify our efforts at every level so as to protect the Bahamian people and ensure a peaceful Bahamian society. We dare not turn a blind eye to this issue.”

Police reported that two murders happened on Saturday, two on Sunday and one on Monday.

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Get Lost Hubert Minnis!

Hubert Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the United Bahamian Party, UBP - at the Free National Movement, FNM Convention - 2022

sour Loser Hubert Minnis
The smoke has cleared over the FNM convention - 2022, and my sitting duck MP, Dr. Hubert Minnis did his best to claim the spotlight under pretext – without success. He announced publicly that he was really more concerned about the governance of the country, and that voting at the convention was essentially a going through the motions kind of thing for him.

I was under the impression that every MP, and aspiring politician are naturally concerned about the governance of the country at all times. So, why is Minnis so extra focused on the governance of the country after his no-good ruling FNM administration was soundly, and devastatingly defeated at the general election polls in September of 2021?

It’s because he is seeking the limelight, but no one is still not on his run. He should have resigned his seat gracefully at the same time he removed himself as leader of the Free National Movement- FNM – following the FNM humiliating general election defeat under his inept leadership– in my opinion. He’s not a graceful and humble man. Rather, he is a mean spirited, vindictive and petty victimizer who hates democracy, and people who oppose him!
Take it from yours truly- who is one of his prime victimized victims - over the years. He also despises other people in the FNM whom he deems to be a threat to his distorted and freaky leadership ambitions.

Yes, Hubert Minnis really detests people like my beloved nephew, the Honorable Shanendon Eugene Cartwright - MP for the great constituency of St. Barnabas; simply because he sees him as a major threat to his kinky political leadership plans. We know who Minnis supported at the convention for Deputy leader of the Free National Movement- FNM. The one who is no threat to him, of course.

Minnis was prepared to sell his poor political soul to the UBP - at the FNM convention, for selfish political gain! That maneuver was soundly defeated by wise and revolutionary FNM delegates - who saw the play coming in to the convention.

Mr. Evil Hubert Minnis
One can see the evil and unforgiving spirit all over Minnis these days. He’s becoming uglier with bad political intentions- as time passes by. He is a pestering nuisance in the modern day Bahamian political arena - in my humble view.

The electorate cannot stand the man, yet – that doesn’t stop him from rambling on at every opportunity. Sitting duck Minnis obviously feels that he is some kind of comeback kid who sees Mr. Pintard, the present FNM leader – as a seat warmer. How much more delusional can a sitting duck MP be?

Friday, January 28, 2022

Writes of a FNM in Exile

Opinion of a FNM Supporter in Exile

The Free National Movement today, is basically comprised of loyalists of the expired and rotten Hubert Alexanders

By Dennis Dames

Free National Movement - FNM Bahamas
The PLP appears to be smartly embracing the moral vision and concept of majority rule – in The Bahamas. The present makeup of that party looks to be a solidly engaging Bahamian political organization.

The Official Opposition, FNM - on the other hand, appears to be a political scrap gang without a viable national identity. That political party has allowed itself to be derailed and robbed of its noble Caravan-of-love image of the 1980s – by a bunch of no good political pirates of the last three decades – in my humble view.

The Free National Movement today, is basically comprised of loyalists of the expired and rotten Hubert Alexanders. We know exactly what they are all about; their secret motto is: lovers, selective family and friends. We know that that sweetheart practice is not compatible with true nation building.

So, the present FNM leader- Mr. Pintard, has a lot of house cleaning to do, if he wants to be taken seriously by the Bahamian electorate. It cannot be about the same old FNM sellout crew who have allowed our great party to descend back into the dark political era of the 1970s.

The upcoming FNM virtual convention is a real test for Mr. Pintard, and the future of the Free National Movement – FNM. If the Ingraham-mites and the Minnis-ites continue to control the party after the conference, then the FNM will find itself going around in unfruitful circles - until another royal cut-ass brings them to their full senses.

The FNM focus should now be on a new dispensation in The Bahamas- in my view; where every Bahamian gets their equitable taste of the good life. Away with the exclusive lovers, family and friends club in the FNM!

The all-for-we-baby clan could run for party positions as much as they want. They will never gain political control of The Bahamas again. They could choke the party’s future as much as their wicked hearts desire, but they will die miserably in opposition - as lonely, greedy and selfish political nincompoops.

As an FNM in exile, I am tuned in to the show. So, let’s see how this upcoming virtual convention goes.

Will it be more of the crazy same, or will the FNM delegates put an end to the foolishness - and send the Ingraham and Minnis dead weights packing? We’ll know the much awaited answer by February 25, 2022 - no doubt.

Dennis Dames - FNM in Exile

Friday, October 22, 2021

Hubert Minnis jumps again - before he was pushed!

Statement by the Leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) Party - The Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis

Minnis has declared he will not run for the FNM leadership, nor will he allow his name to be placed in nomination!

Hubert Minnis
At the end of November, the Free National Movement will hold a one-day convention to elect the Leader of the Party.  I will not nominate for the leadership nor will I allow my name to be placed in nomination.  I wish those who will contest for the leadership the very best.  

I will continue to serve in the House of Assembly as the Member of Parliament for Killarney.  I again thank the constituents of Killarney for their support since 2007 and during the recent general election.

As a former prime minister and in whatever role is assigned to me, I will support the work of the Official Opposition to advocate on behalf of the Bahamian people and to hold the Government accountable.

We remain in a deadly global pandemic.  I will continue to promote measures to save and to protect the lives and livelihoods of Bahamians, utilizing my experience in office and as a medical doctor.  I will never tire in advocating for the needs of the poor, the disadvantaged and the more vulnerable in our society.

It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve our country as prime minister and as a member of parliament.  I thank the Bahamian people and the members of the FNM for their support and encouragement.  I also thank the many well-wishers for their advice, prayers and assistance.

The Free National Movement has an extraordinary legacy, guided by the values of freedom, equality and opportunity for all.  At our 50th anniversary, there is much to celebrate as we renew our mission and embrace the future.

I have often spoken of the God of New Beginnings.  May God bless the FNM with wisdom, discernment and fortitude.  

And may God bless our Bahamas.

Friday, October 8, 2021

An Open Letter to Dr. Hubert Alexander Minnis, Leader of the Official Opposition - FNM party

Dear Dr Minnis:

Hubert Minnis

You have had your opportunity to lead The Bahamas and make an historic difference, but you have squandered it from day one.  It all started with your demagogic position on VAT – leading up to the 2017 general election.

Although you were right at the table in the last Hubert Ingraham FNM Administration – between 2007 and 2012 - where the implementation of VAT in The Bahamas was set in motion, and subsequently implemented by the Perry Christie PLP Regime of 2012-2017 at 7.5%, you played brand new and publicly opposed it.

Then after the FNM won the 2017 election, you became the Prime Minister and increased the VAT rate to where it is today – at 12%!  So, you unwittingly provided all the nails for your political coffin.

It was a hugely unforgiving political move, as the Bahamian electorate would let you know in overwhelming fashion in the 2021 election.  You did it to your own lying self Dr, and you will always be remembered publicly for it.

On top of your unbearable VAT increase, came Hurricane Dorian and the Corona.  All hell break loose after that.  

And we, the poor people especially – were waiting patiently on your lying ass. You could of felt it - no doubt, so you knew what was coming down the pipe.  

That’s why you jumped before you were pushed, and called an early election.  Good move bro.  You are now officially done!


Dennis Dames

Tuesday, October 5, 2021

The FNM, a political party without a competitive base


By Dennis Dames

The Rt. Honourable Hubert Alexander Ingraham
It’s so sad to see the Free National Movement (FNM) party reduced to shambles and ruin.  It’s presently a national political entity without a viable base.  Remember, the FNM was an expanding family caravan of love organization in the 1980s – that was moving from strength to strength; until the arrival of the most illustrious protégé of the late PLP leader, Sir Lynden Oscar Pindling (SLOP).

His name is, Hubert Alexander Ingraham.  He was allowed by the selfish, hoggish and wicked FNM party leaders at the time to take over the mighty FNM, and live-out his mythic dreams of becoming the ruler of The Bahamas.  In doing so, he and his PLP goons along with the self-centered, greedy and evil FNM leadership gang -  embarked on a vicious internal campaign of political victimization, intimidation and bullying of the faithful FNM party base - which wanted to have nothing to do with the PLP most noted spy and long-knifeman - turned FNM chief, Hubert Alexander Ingraham.

So, by the year 2017- and after three non consecutive terms of Hubert Alexander Ingraham’s regime– the FNM had become a weak-base political party.  Then, under the leadership of Hubert Alexander Minnis - who also had the mythical vision of becoming dictator of The Bahamas, the shattered and shaky base of the FNM became unrecognizable.

Dr, The Most Honourable Hubert Alexander MinnisHubert Alexander Minnis ruled for a bit more than four years.  He totally abandoned what was left of the FNM base – and ran The Bahamas like a lone, wild and crazy man.

Minnis and his miniature and faithful band of FNM yes men and women lost miserably in the recent general election of 2021.  They did not have a winnable base heading in to the contest, and they really didn’t care; after all, they were quite confident and comfortable in the remote bubble of which they governed The Bahamas in for a little more than four years; 2017-2021.  It’s totally disgraceful and distasteful when one thinks about it.

The moral of the story for future FNM leaders is:  An incumbent political party without a spirited, passionate, and an ever-increasingly national base – will not be re-elected for a second consecutive term in The Bahamas – never again.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

The losers of the next general election in The Bahamas

By Dennis Dames

Who’s going to lose the next general election in our country – The Bahamas? We, the Bahamian people, as usual.

There is no political party out there that’s up to the challenge of moving our nation out of the grips of omnipresent poverty, widespread illiteracy, rampant crime, the pervasive underground economy, and economic stagnation.

The PLP and FNM have demonstrated over and over again in government – that they are simply executive taxers, borrowers and spenders. They only want to get control of the cookie jar once more, so that they can continue their regular lovers, family and friends feast – while many more of us join the unemployed and underemployed band, the hunger line, the default payment society, and the – may God help us prayer.

FNM and PLP leaders have shown us their wicked colours a long time ago, but we still look forward with great enthusiasm – to screwing ourselves all over again at the next polls. It’s like stupidity on steroids. We love punishment and the shit end of the stick; and the politicians are always delighted to swing us again – one more time.

I have noticed the misguided passions of the yobbish PLP and FNM fans – and cheerleaders on social media. We are stupidly blind and politically careless about our future. We don’t know Brave Davis yet, or Fred Mitchell, Glenys Hanna Martin, Obie Wilchcombe, Dr Hubert Minnis, Carl Bethel, Dion Foulkes, et al?

What could those political dead weights do for The Bahamas and Bahamian people at this juncture of our existence as a free nation and people? They grew up in the corrupt PLP and FNM. They have already executively served in the various corrupt PLP and FNM regimes over the past few decades, and all we got from their respective governments are more public debt, more crime, more unemployment, more hunger and suffering, a broken education system, a failing health care infrastructure, and an absolutely corrupt status quo.

So, who will lose the next general election in The Bahamas again? We, the Bahamian people will – if we don’t collectively resolve to hold the next Bahamian government’s feet to the fire – for the benefit of a truly better, prosperous and more competitive Bahamas and Bahamian people in the 21st century.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

War Declared on the FNM

The FNM has become a selective lovers, family and friends society

By Dennis Dames

As a Free National Movement (FNM) supporter since the 1970s, I am ready to cast my net on the other side. The party has been transformed in to a sweetheart political organisation – where the leaders appear to be following in the footsteps of their whore-mongering predecessors.

FNM leaders and standard bearers of today, seem to be more obsessed with their sweeties, hoes and bastard making pursuits, rather than the good of the country – in my opinion.

I have made more political contributions and sacrifices than many of them past and present. I have been in the FNM trenches most of my life fighting PLP corruption and victimisation – while many of the present day FNM leaders were PLPing-it-up, PLPing-it-down and PLPing-it-all-around.

Yes, the FNM party has lost its way since the advent of Pindling’s most illustrious protégé – in 1989.

I’ve been blacklisted and sidelined a long time ago in my party, the Free National Movement, (FNM). I am always ready to serve my beloved country, The Bahamas; and nothing will stop me – as long as there is God’s breath in me.

Indeed, the FNM has become a selective lovers, family and friends society. The Bahamas and Bahamian people deserve better than that. I will continue to fight for a better country, and not allow the FNM to bury me alive.

Dennis Dames will rise again, and I have declared war on the politically wicked and - in my opinion - morally corrupt FNM.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Peter Nygard says that the Official Opposition - Free National Movement’s (FNM) politicization of the Stem Cell Therapy Bill was “small-minded” ...and the group does not deserve to be in government

Nygard slams FNM on stem cell debate

Guardian Staff Reporter

Controversial Lyford Cay resident Peter Nygard said earlier this week that the Free National Movement’s (FNM) politicization of the Stem Cell Therapy Bill was “small-minded” and the group does not deserve to be in government.

Nygard appeared on the More 94.9 FM radio show “Real Talk Live” with Ortland Bodie on Monday and said he was shocked when saw the issue become so politicized.

“This should never, ever be politicized,” he said.

“I am so in shock that this should ever become politicized.

“My goodness, a big issue like this should be above politics. Even people like [FNM Deputy Chairman Dr. Duane] Sands who is a key doctor in the committee.

“I think he was in shock to see this become politicized within his own party.

“This is such a disfavor for the Bahamian people, for the Bahamian nation for having an issue such as this become politicized and then doing it for the wrong reasons.

“In my mind, the people, they don’t even deserve to be in government. It’s just so small-minded.

“I actually was working on this before Prime Minister Christie with the other government. I tried to bring this forward at that time and they chose not to pay the same kind of attention to it that Prime Minister Christie did.”

Sands was a member of a government-appointed task force that reviewed the stem cell issue and presented recommendations on how the procedures could be developed in the country. Those recommendations were instrumental in the drafting of the law.

FNM Chairman Darron Cash said yesterday that the party is not surprised by Nygard’s statements.

“We simply say what else is to be expected?” he said in a statement.

“He knows that he will always be clothed in the protection and comfort of the prime minister.”

He added: “One day soon there will be a new sheriff in town.”

FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis blasted the government for “rushing” stem cell legislation through Parliament during debate on the bill in July.

The party later suggested that the government was pushing the law as a payback to Nygard, an assertion the government denied.

Nygard told reporters in July that he had no personal self-serving interests in the government passing the Stem Cell Bill.

However, in a recent YouTube video Nygard claimed that he “initiated and helped to write the stem cell legislation” which was eventually passed.

Parliament passed the Stem Cell Therapy Bill in August.

Health Minister Dr. Perry Gomez said the law would place strict limitations on the practice to prevent human reproduction.

A scientific review committee and an ethics committee are to police the sector.

October 31, 2013


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Value-Added Tax (VAT) was approved by the Free National Movement (FNM) and Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) governments... ...The question now is: When will it be implemented?

Pm Accuses Critics Of Vat 'Distortion'

Tribune Business 

PRIME Minister Perry Christie yesterday hit back at critics of the Government’s proposed Value-Added Tax (VAT), accusing them of “distortion” and urging the International Monetary Fund (IMF) to publicly back his administration’s plans.
“All over the region and the world VAT has been implemented. The IMF has described it as one of the most efficient forms of taxation,” Mr Christie said.
“Both governments, FNM and PLP, committed to VAT, and it was only a question of when it would be implemented. We came in and indicated that we would implement it.
“We are putting together all of the teams and everything to do with having people educated, and having them participate in discussion on it, so people will become aware of the intention behind it and the effect of it, and how it will be used to better the Bahamas.”
His comments came after the Nassau Institute think tank this week released a study entitled ‘The Economic Consequences of the Value-Added Tax for the Bahamas’. The study was produced by David Godsell, a third year PhD student at Queen’s University in Ontario, and a former Canadian Revenue Agency tax auditor.
It estimated that VAT’s implementation would result in a net $165 million decline in the Government’s total annual revenues, while the private sector would incur a collective $103 million annually in compliance costs.
In addition, the Bahamian economy would see a reduction in per annum GDP of between $322 million and $483 million. The report said studies had shown a tax increase equivalent to 1 per cent of GDP resulted in a GDP decrease of between 2-3 per cent.
Hitting back at the report, Mr Christie said: “When I read of the study commissioned by the Nassau Institute, I was not surprised. They have always taken positions that they say are protective of the economy, but in this case we thought the study was predicated on incorrect premises.
“One of the things that I know we must put in place is the capacity to answer quickly, through informed persons, who are not politicians, these issues about VAT.
“The call I made today is for the IMF, which comes into the Bahamas, and other countries around the world, to indicate whether you are on course with your economy or are managing your economy in the right way, that they have a vested interest to protect the debate and ensure that factual inaccuracies and political distortions do not violate the integrity of what we are trying to do.”
Mr Christie added: “There are lots of people who, for their own reasons, will distort the truth of VAT and use misinformation to cause people to say: ‘I don’t want it’, and we think that it has a disastrous outcome for a country that is following on really with unanimity in policy, where both governments - past and present - are in agreement with the implementation of a new form of taxation.
“For the last five years this has been an issue for us, and now that we have begun the process of implementation we want to ensure that there is honest commentary and that people have an opportunity to hear what it is all about without it being distorted. People have jumped the gun on it, and you have a lot of distortions on what VAT is and what it is intended to do.”
September 20, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

Hubert Minnis and the Long Knives of the Free National Movement (FNM)

For the FNM, a familiar place

By Candia Dames
Guardian News Editor

In some respects, the Free National Movement (FNM) is back in a very familiar place.

After its election defeat in 2002, it was in near shambles.

Hubert Ingraham, who led the party to victory in 1992 and 1997, had gone into retirement, and the party’s new leader, Tommy Turnquest, not only found himself in opposition, but was also without a seat in the House of Assembly.

In that election, many former Cabinet ministers were sent into political retirement.

Turnquest’s dream of becoming prime minister in 2002 was shattered, along with the party’s efforts for a third consecutive victory at the polls.

Turnquest learnt quickly that the post-Ingraham era was a difficult place to be.

A diligent and focused worker, he kept the party together, attempted to chip away at the credibility and popularity of the new Christie administration, and tried to re-oil the FNM machinery to do battle again in 2007.

But by 2004, many in the party had accepted that Turnquest did not have what it would take to lead the FNM once again to victory. He was a difficult sell in 2002 and they felt it was likely he would be a difficult sell in the future.

Turnquest himself accepted that he needed help in determining what the FNM would have to do to return to the glory days and the seat of power.

The then FNM leader appointed an advisory council of the party, headed by former Deputy Prime Minister Frank Watson, to consider the steps the FNM needed to take to be considered a formidable force at the next election.

That council advised Turnquest that there are many FNMs who wanted him out and Ingraham back as leader.

Seemingly in denial at the course the FNM was on, Turnquest declared not long after that, “We in the FNM will not allow our political opponents to capitalize on make-believe issues in our party.”

Those “make believe” issues eventually led to another leadership change in the FNM in 2005. Hubert Ingraham was back and FNMs had renewed hope.

With the Christie administration already suffering from multiple blunders and scandals, Ingraham’s forceful leadership was the icing for a newly energized and freshly minted FNM, which set its sights on a return to government.


Today, the FNM is suffering from the same kind of lethargy and lack of focus it suffered under Tommy Turnquest.

Added to this is the fact that the party has lost the last three elections: The 2010 Elizabeth by-election, the 2012 general election and the 2012 North Abaco by-election.

Each was a humiliating defeat for the party. Elizabeth was the first dogfight that signaled major trouble for the FNM.

Though the PLP’s candidate Ryan Pinder only managed to edge out the FNM’s Dr. Duane Sands after going to Election Court, it was a major victory for the then opposition that remained ferocious and unrelenting in its assaults on the government throughout the FNM’s last term in office.

Unlike the PLP, the FNM does not now have the same kind of strength as an opposition force. Half of its team in the House is new to politics and its leader is still feeling his way.

Still reeling from the 2012 election blow delivered by Christie and his gold rush team, the FNM was unable to hold on to Ingraham’s former seat when a by-election was held last October.

The party’s candidate — Greg Gomez — became a laughing stock in some circles and caused major embarrassment for the FNM.

But some pundits opined that even with a stronger candidate, the opposition party would not have been able to convince enough North Abaco voters that there was anything substantial the FNM could do for them, no matter how much Ingraham urged them to stay red.

It was a throwback to 1997, when Sir Lynden Pindling’s former South Andros seat went with the governing party in the September 5 by-election.

It was after the North Abaco by-election defeat when Minnis declared, “The Ingraham era is over”.

It was a watershed moment for the FNM as Minnis dug his heels in and renewed his commitment to a new course for the party.

He has been off to a wobbly, lackluster start, but appears determined to stay the course even in the face of piercing criticisms from within and outside his party.

What Minnis has going for him at this point is there is no clear competitor for the leadership of the party.

And although some have become nostalgic and long for Ingraham’s return, there is no evidence that it is likely to happen or that it is even in the party’s best interest.

But it is early still.

Although Minnis won his seat in the House in 2012, the parallels between his leadership and Turnquest’s are striking.

Minnis was a standout MP between 2007 and 2012 in terms of his work and presence in his constituency. But he was also lucky to be in an area traditionally considered a “safe seat”, the boundary cuts notwithstanding.

With the party still demoralized from the 2012 loss to Perry Christie and the PLP, he is attempting to blaze his own path as leader while battling the forces within the FNM still loyal to Ingraham.

The political sport has thus far proven a struggle for him.

Minnis is having a difficult time commanding the respect of many within his party. Though a seemingly hardworking and organized leader, he is not a career politician, he suffers from grave political insecurity and he lacks a natural charismatic flair and style important for successful political leadership.

Many within and outside the FNM just don’t think Minnis has what it takes to be a strong leader.

One political observer recently quipped: “You can’t go to a dilly tree looking for juju.”

Another pointed out however that political victories are more often shaped by the mistakes of the governing party and its leader, than by the strengths of oppositions.

Minnis has sought to stamp himself as a strong and effective leader although his multiple positions on the gambling issue worked against this effort.

His big moment was his very public spat with House Speaker Dr. Kendal Major last month, which led to Minnis being suspended for two house sittings.

Minnis also played the role of whistleblower in the Cuban ‘abuse’ fiasco. Although he initially took a public whipping on the issue, he sought to maximize his political score after a report was leaked in which Defence Force marines admitted severely beating detainees at the Carmichael Road Detention Centre.

The leader’s new focus is finding someone to lead his party’s Senate team after the resignation of Desmond Bannister from the Upper Chamber.

Although Bannister and Minnis have both said the move was no surprise, some party insiders indicated that it was further evidence that confidence in Minnis’ leadership was eroding.

Bannister resigned with gracious tones, and even characterized Minnis’ leadership thus far as “outstanding” — a declaration some observers saw as laughable.

Bannister is the second senior FNM to resign from the Senate in under a year. Former Minister of State for Finance Zhivargo Laing did so last year, citing personal reasons.

Days after having Bannister’s resignation letter in hand, Minnis had still not made it public. The announcement was made in The Nassau Guardian as a result of a leak last Tuesday.

The letter was dated September 1, although it is understood that Minnis got it several days later as he was out of town.

Minnis said he had planned to make the announcement today and he said a new senator will be named by the beginning of October.

Given that Bannister’s resignation was no surprise to the FNM leader, one assumes he had a new senator in mind a while ago. The choice will undoubtedly be another former minister as the other members of the FNM’s Senate team are junior members of the party in terms of political experience.


After his resignation was made public, Bannister urged FNMs against infighting, saying they have an opportunity to win the next election with Minnis as leader if they pull together.

“If the Free National Movement is to be the next government, people in the FNM have to understand that we can only have one leader at a time. We can only have one deputy leader at a time, and if you aspire to be leader, support them, make the organization stronger and then challenge them when the opportunity comes,” Bannister told The Nassau Guardian last Wednesday.

“But don’t continue to undermine them as some members have done and that is very, very important for an organization.

“Some of this undermining that I have seen and some of these attacks have been unwarranted. We need to support leadership. We need to be team players and as the church continues to tell you, you cannot be a leader unless you have been a follower at some stage.”

Minnis no doubt recognizes that for him the knives are out. And so he has had to try to balance his fight for his political life against his need to be an inclusive leader who listens to the views of all within his party, even those against him — and there are many.

Fortunately for the FNM, it has time to work on its leadership challenges.

Frank Watson, the former deputy prime minister, was instrumental in Ingraham’s 2005 return to party leadership.

Watson told National Review that Minnis should be given more time to prove his leadership abilities.

He recognized that the party’s leadership has a lot of work to do.

“The leadership is not projecting itself in a way that is attracting the attention of the general public and it is therefore not generating the kind of support that we are going to need if we are going to become a challenge to the PLP at the next opportunity,” Watson said.

“I think that those in leadership position first have to bring some cohesion to the leadership, that they’re all on the same page, singing the same song at the same time and that there’s a clear direction that the party is going in with respect to the issues that they are going to promote and a policy position of the party that they are developing to attract the attention of the voters.

“I have determined that Minnis should be given a clear shot and that clear shot should be between now and next year maybe this time to prove that he is capable of doing so.

“He’s not a natural politician, but I have seen any number of instances where if you have the drive, which he has, if you have the desire, which he has, and you reach out to those who can see more clearly the political landscape, you can do the job. The job can get done.”

But Watson thinks it would be a bad idea for FNMs to reach out to Ingraham for yet another return.

“Mr. Ingraham is my dearest friend, and I think he is one of the great leaders of our time, but everybody’s time comes to an end and the party has to find new blood. You can’t be regurgitating all the time,” Watson said.

“You’ve got to find new people to carry on in this new environment. I don’t encourage him at all. No; not at all. I think he’s done the best with what he had.”

He added, “If Minnis recognizes his political shortcomings and reaches out to find the means by which he could overcome those shortcomings, I think he could possibly lead us into the next election.”

September 16, 2013


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

The Free National Movement (FNM), Peter Nygard, stem cell and the stem cell legislation

FNM Focused on Stem Cell, Not Nygard

By The Bahama Journal

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Darron Cash doesn’t believe the party focused more on the controversy surrounding Peter Nygard, instead of the actual stem cell legislation.

The chairman said this while speaking to Jones and Co. host Wendall Jones during his appearance on the programme.

Mr. Cash said despite people only seeing the ‘blow-up’ over Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygard’s interest in stem cell research being done in The Bahamas, FNM Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis actually gave detailed reasons as to why the party disagrees with passing legislation for the medical practice.

“In reality, the leader of the opposition essentially said it is supported. But what he did was speak to the question of how to educate people,” he said.

“He spoke to the fact that there are many deficiencies, in terms of how to oversee the structure, how to answer the broader questions like The Bahamas’ position in the international community as a good, safe and reputable place for researchers to do business. He said he’s not comfortable that that structure had already existed.”

“So the government ought to facilitate a broader discussion and analysis. Bring the bill forward and put it to a committee so that they can be an appropriate framework for all of these questions to be answered.”

The FNM leader was suspended from the House of Assembly for two sittings on August 7th after he refused to apologize and withdraw a statement he made concerning Mr. Nygard’s and the prime minister’s relationship.

Since then, members of the government have taken the Opposition to task over the debacle surrounding Mr. Nygard.

Both the FNM’s deputy leader and chairman have openly supported the legislation, which was eventually passed that same day.

FNM Deputy Chairman Brensil Rolle defended the party saying that they never brought Mr. Nygard in the discussion, but that he allowed the PLP government to drag him in it.

“The FNM never deflected to Nygard,” he said.

“Mr. Nygard himself and the PLP government allowed Mr. Nygard to inject himself into the discussion.”

“The FNM doesn’t have any difficulty with stem cell or stem cell legislation. What the FNM and hundreds of Bahamians were offended by was the fact that a non-Bahamian was giving an impression to people that this was for him.”

Mr. Christie made the announcement that Mr. Nygard was helping the government with bringing stem cell researchers to The Bahamas while making remarks at the Jones Communication Network’s ’40 Under 40’ awards.

19 August, 2013

Jones Bahamas

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Opposition Free National Movement (FNM) has vowed to do everything in its power to block exploratory oil drilling in The Bahamas ...before comprehensive regulations are put in place ...and unless there is full disclosure of any relationship between the oil industry and senior Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) members

Opposition Calls For Full Disclosure On Plp Links To Oil

Tribune 242

THE Opposition has vowed to do everything in its power to block exploratory oil drilling in the Bahamas before comprehensive regulations are put in place and unless there is full disclosure of any relationship between the oil industry and senior PLPs.

And, with the government’s “rush to drill” – despite its own pre-election promises – FNM chairman Darron Cash claimed there were also worries the government was simply delivering a ‘favour to a financial backer’.

He said in a press release: “The FNM will use every means at its disposal to ensure that the first drill does not penetrate the sea bed until the appropriate legislative and regulatory frameworks are in place and until the Christie administration officials make full disclosure to the people.”

He said Prime Minister Perry Christie and Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis both delivered services to the Bahamas Petroleum Company before they came to office, while a PLP candidate was the company’s local manager.

“Full disclosure must begin with Senator Jerome Gomez, former country manager for BPC, Deputy Prime Minister Philip ‘Brave’ Davis and Prime Minister Perry Christie, attorney and consultant, respectively,” Mr Cash said.

“Before these senior public officials vote on any issue regarding oil drilling, they must disclose to the Bahamian people everything related to their dealings with any oil or related company that requires approvals from the government to do business in the Bahamas.”

He said these men must disclose:

• terms and conditions of any contracts they had with oil companies

• how much they, their firms and other related parties were paid

• the duration of their contractual relationships

Prime Minister Perry Christie “seems incapable of designing and implementing public policy in a well thought-out and co-ordinated manner,” said Cash.

“The government has announced its intention to allow exploratory oil drilling ahead of putting in place the legislative and regulatory framework necessary to ensure transparency, safety and appropriate returns to the Bahamian people,” he added.

“The Minister of the Environment has given assurances that these are coming. But we must ask, why the rush?”

The move is reminiscent of the government’s “failed attempt to get approval from the Bahamian people” for web shop gaming.

Mr Cash said: “The government was rejected in that effort because of its failure to put in place the necessary legislative and regulatory framework to ensure accountability and transparency. History appears to be repeating itself. With oil drilling the stakes of incompetence in the Christie government are higher.

“While shortcomings in the web shop business may lead to reduced government tax revenues, lack of oversight and proper enforcement in the oil drilling business would be far more catastrophic, possibly leading to significant destruction of our fishing and tourism industries.”

Mr Cash added: “Prime Minister Christie would be aware from the General Election campaign that this is an issue of tremendous concern to the Bahamian people. In view of that, the FNM would have expected a well-considered and well-structured approach from the very beginning. As of now, the government’s haphazard approach has been enormously disappointing.”

Given the national and international attention that the government knew this matter would receive, he said, the Minister of the Environment should not have announced the government’s policy reversal until the proposed legislative changes and the regulatory framework could be disclosed at the same time.

“It is not constructive to the process that the debate has begun in earnest but there is an information vacuum,” Mr Cash said.

In addition to the government’s failure to present details of the legislative and regulatory framework, he said, there was no evidence that the structure to manage this public discussion had been set up within the Ministry of the Environment, he claimed.

There is no information packet available, no statement of government principles, no answers to frequently asked or anticipated questions, no secretariat and no readily available environmental impact studies, the FNM chairman said.

“For a debate of critical national importance that requires a wealth of information, the process is getting started in a completely backwards fashion. This could have been avoided.

“This begs the question – Why the rush? Again!

“In the interest of complete transparency, the Bahamian people deserve to know whether this action by the government is another act of payback to a financial backer of the PLP?

“While we are at the start of this process, the FNM wants the Christie administration to understand that the official opposition will not be a meaningful partner in this important national debate unless and until the members of the Christie administration with past and present ties to oil interests make complete and accurate disclosures of their past financial and other dealings with the principals of BPC and any related party or entity. This disclosure is non-negotiable.”

The FNM urged the Prime Minister to be “very proactive” in managing any public discussion on the issue of oil drilling.

“He would be well advised to outline a clear plan of action and an information/education campaign so that all stakeholders can be informed and then plan appropriately to have their voices heard on this important issue.

“The Prime Minister, as head of the government owes the Bahamian people this elevated level of transparency.”

Tribune 242