Friday, January 28, 2022

Writes of a FNM in Exile

Opinion of a FNM Supporter in Exile

The Free National Movement today, is basically comprised of loyalists of the expired and rotten Hubert Alexanders

By Dennis Dames

Free National Movement - FNM Bahamas
The PLP appears to be smartly embracing the moral vision and concept of majority rule – in The Bahamas. The present makeup of that party looks to be a solidly engaging Bahamian political organization.

The Official Opposition, FNM - on the other hand, appears to be a political scrap gang without a viable national identity. That political party has allowed itself to be derailed and robbed of its noble Caravan-of-love image of the 1980s – by a bunch of no good political pirates of the last three decades – in my humble view.

The Free National Movement today, is basically comprised of loyalists of the expired and rotten Hubert Alexanders. We know exactly what they are all about; their secret motto is: lovers, selective family and friends. We know that that sweetheart practice is not compatible with true nation building.

So, the present FNM leader- Mr. Pintard, has a lot of house cleaning to do, if he wants to be taken seriously by the Bahamian electorate. It cannot be about the same old FNM sellout crew who have allowed our great party to descend back into the dark political era of the 1970s.

The upcoming FNM virtual convention is a real test for Mr. Pintard, and the future of the Free National Movement – FNM. If the Ingraham-mites and the Minnis-ites continue to control the party after the conference, then the FNM will find itself going around in unfruitful circles - until another royal cut-ass brings them to their full senses.

The FNM focus should now be on a new dispensation in The Bahamas- in my view; where every Bahamian gets their equitable taste of the good life. Away with the exclusive lovers, family and friends club in the FNM!

The all-for-we-baby clan could run for party positions as much as they want. They will never gain political control of The Bahamas again. They could choke the party’s future as much as their wicked hearts desire, but they will die miserably in opposition - as lonely, greedy and selfish political nincompoops.

As an FNM in exile, I am tuned in to the show. So, let’s see how this upcoming virtual convention goes.

Will it be more of the crazy same, or will the FNM delegates put an end to the foolishness - and send the Ingraham and Minnis dead weights packing? We’ll know the much awaited answer by February 25, 2022 - no doubt.

Dennis Dames - FNM in Exile