Showing posts with label 2011 murders Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 2011 murders Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rev CB Moss - executive director Bahamas Against Crime (BAC) says: ...the new murder record "ensures that 2011 will be the bloodiest year in The Bahamas' history... setting the fourth new record in the last five years."

Bahamas 'near the tipping point' in crime


THE Bahamas is now "near the tipping point" a local anti-crime activist group has warned.

Calling the new record for murders set last week a "shameful" milestone, Bahamas Against Crime (BAC) urged authorities to change tack before it is too late.

"Only a collective effort, with less talk and more focused action, will prevent a deepening of the crisis, with the attendant social collapse," said BAC executive director Rev CB Moss in a statement.

Rev Moss said the new murder record "ensures that 2011 will be the bloodiest year in our history, setting the fourth new record in the last five years."

As if this were not enough, he said, other serious crimes are also at or near record levels.

"Obviously this state of affairs is providing opportunistic and self-serving entities a great platform to assign blame, and to promote their selfish agendas," he said.

"The truth is that most, if not all of them failed to respond when they should have, thereby making a direct contribution to the present sad state."

BAC noted that since 2005, its members have tried "with very limited success" to alert the country to the impending crisis.

"Some of those doing the most talking today were among the least responsive. On April 19, 2010 Bahamas Against Crime organised a summit for private sector organisations, followed by another on June 16, 2010. It is very interesting to note how many of the nearly 100 invitees failed to attend. A visit to our website,, will reveal their identities, which should make interesting reading.

"Bahamas Against Crime is once again calling upon the nation to act now before it is too late. If we are not prepared to act, then stop the rhetoric," Rev Moss said.

September 20, 2011
