Showing posts with label Bahamians first. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahamians first. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

We are Bahamians first whether we're black or white

Mrs. Nicki Kelly on the "dilemma for PLP's racist faction
Rick Lowe

Mrs. Kelly had a very thought provoking piece in her column for The Punch, Between The Lines, yesterday as usual.

She raised the valid point that the PLP now have two "white" candidates in Ryan Pinder and Clay Sweeting as well as Dr. Andre Rollins who has a white mother and a black father and this might be upsetting for the PLP's racist faction.

I wonder if the political class believe the Bahamian people think no further than race when they are voting?

Surely the population thinks about public policy, and whether it is good or bad for the country, more now than ever before?

If the "PLP's racist faction" can upset their parties apple cart because they have two white candidates and one half white standard bearer, the party does not deserve to win the government until its leadership casts them out or at least has the guts to face them down and explain they now live in 2011 and there is no room for that in their organisation.

We are Bahamians first whether we're black or white.

February 22, 2011
