Showing posts with label Bahamians of Haitian Descent. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bahamians of Haitian Descent. Show all posts

Monday, November 7, 2022

Haitians Need to Stop Sewing Seeds of Discord in The Bahamas and Focus on Assimilaton Into The Bahamian Society


Last month, Louby Georges posted
on his page a Post of a Bahamian Soccer Team which won the overall prize after defeating three other Caribbean Teams.

Rather than CONGRATULATE The Bahamas Team, some in the Haitian Community went out of their way to diminish the Bahamian Team's success by telling the public that the success was due to the Haitian and Jamaican Descents on the team.

I found that repulsive and expressed my views on the Post.

Now, today, Monday, Nov.7, THE PENDULUM has swung the other way and non other than Louby Georges is now calling Bahamians "XENOPHOBIC", because they are now expressing their views on the "Bahamians of Haitian Descent" passing out, as full fledge Immigration Officers.

The Bahamas Constitution gives Citizenship access to every child born in the Bahamas after 1973 to FOREIGN PARENTS. Once that child reaches the age of 18 yrs old, they can apply for Bahamian Citizenship. Once that child has pledged allegiance to this nation, they become a full fledge Bahamian Citizen with all the rights and privileges afforded to ALL BONIFIED CITIZENS.

When a Bahamian Citizen of Haitian Descent achieves an award or honour, WE NEED TO STOP THIS NONSENSE OF DIGGING UP their parents nationality to give credence of their success to Haiti. Only the Haitian Community does this. We do not hear this from nationals of other nations.

The Haitian folks "cook their own Goose" now, and cry fowl when they have to eat their own meal.

I want ALL HAITIANS living in the Bahamas to know that you cannot "Eat your cake and have it to", because THE PENDULUM DOES SWING BOTH WAYS, as it has done with the Soccer Team vs The Immigration Passing Out. Both Haitians and BAHAMIANS are XENOPHOBIC, if you want to use that word. Do not throw up your Haitian Nationality in the faces of BAHAMIANS and expect them to accept it lying down. It won't happen. When you kick up dust, it will fly in your face.

When Miss Bahamas Universe, Miss Shantell O'Brien won her title at the Miss Universe Pageant, the Haitian Community jumped on Social Media and told the World that Shantell was a Haitian. They basically killed that young Lady's accomplishment, because most BAHAMIANS no longer saw her as one of us.

You Haitians need to stop sewing seeds of discord for yourself. You need to focus on ASSIMILATION into Bahamian culture, or just leave The Bahamas and go to Haiti and be happy.