Showing posts with label Branville McCartney political career. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Branville McCartney political career. Show all posts

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Branville McCartney - the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) leader is risking his political career

Third party support

thenassauguardian editorial

Since the resignation of Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney from the Free National Movement (FNM), the national airwaves have been dominated by talk of a third political party to challenge the FNM and Progressive Liberal Party (PLP).

The last major politician to try the third party route was former PLP deputy leader Dr. Bernard Nottage in 2002 when his Coalition for Democratic Reform (CDR) took on the two major parties. Dr. Nottage’s party failed and he lost his seat. CDR candidates were crushed as non-contenders at the polls.

At the time Bahamians were upset with the FNM, which was fractured and falling apart. They chose to go with a Perry Christie. He was a part of a major political force and he was also a new face to leadership. Christie ran as a “new PLP”, seeking to break with the somewhat tarnished legacy of the defeated old PLP.

At that 2002 election there was something new that was still a part of the mainstream for Bahamians to choose. Dr. Nottage could not compete with that.

Almost ten years later, a young, attractive and charismatic politician (McCartney) is trying the same thing with his Democratic National Alliance (DNA). He is not as politically accomplished as Dr. Nottage was at the time he led the CDR to defeat. However, McCartney may have an advantage.

At this general election, neither political party has anything new to offer at the leadership level. FNM leader Hubert Ingraham and PLP leader Perry Christie both entered the House of Assembly in 1977. Both men are known. Neither man can claim to be new. Neither man can suggest he can offer something he has not already offered during his long political career.

At this election it could be argued that a message could be presented, stating that Ingraham and Christie, and the FNM and the PLP, are the same thing and a new direction is needed for the country. In recent years there have been annual murder records; the down economy has persisted; and the Bahamian education system is doing poorly.

Though this environment exists, it is unclear if Bahamians will break with the PLP/FNM duopoly.

The key for any third party movement would be to determine if dissatisfaction with the parties could be harnessed into votes. If that dissatisfaction cannot be, starting a third party will only waste money.

Ultimately, Bahamians will have to decide if they will accept others at the national table of decision making or if they think only card carrying PLPs or FNMs should lead The Bahamas.

Third parties should understand what is at stake. If defeated badly at the general election, that third force will look like a joke never to be considered again.

McCartney is risking his political career.

Jun 11, 2011

thenassauguardian editorial