Showing posts with label CBA Engineering Ltd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CBA Engineering Ltd. Show all posts

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Bradley Roberts denies conspiring with former Water and Sewerage chairman Don Demeritte

Bradley Roberts denies conspiring with former Water and Sewerage chairman
Tribune Staff Reporter

PLP chairman Bradley Roberts has denied claims he conspired with the former Water and Sewerage Corporation chairman to offer a lucrative contract to a PLP member as alleged during testimony in an industrial tribunal.

The former Minister of Works and Utilities was said by sacked Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC) engineer Mario Bastian to have conspired with former Corporation chairman Don Demeritte to call off the bidding process for a reverse osmosis plant to start negotiations with BK Water Limited/Veolia, whose principal was Jerome Fitzgerald, now a PLP senator.

The deal, according to the testimony given before the Industrial Tribunal, was allegedly discussed before Mr Bastian's termination from the corporation in September, 2006. In his testimony, Mr Bastian claimed it would have cost Bahamians millions of dollars more to have gone with BK Water. However, the plan did not go ahead as the PLP government was voted out of office the following May, the tribunal was told.

Mr Roberts was unwilling to devote any time to the claims when asked by The Tribune yesterday, angrily shrugging off all allegations as false and of little cause for concern.

"It is utter BS," Mr Roberts said.

And when asked to comment in further detail, he added: "I was emphatic with you, that is utter BS!

"I never met the young man in my life, I never dealt with individuals at the corporation, the board of directors was it.

"There is nothing for me to defend myself about.

"This is like water off a duck's back for Bradley Roberts."

Mr Demeritte declined the opportunity to speak publicly on the matter as he is due to appear as a witness at the tribunal.

However the tribunal, presided over by Harrison Lockhart which met on Monday, has now been postponed indefinitely owing to the ill health of an attorney, a court official told The Tribune yesterday.

Mr Bastian claims he was wrongfully dismissed from WSC, and victimised because he refused to engage in unprofessional and unscrupulous management practices. He also alleges breach of contract and damage to his reputation.

However, Corporation officials maintain they terminated Mr Bastian's contract as he was simultaneously serving as a director of CBA Engineering Ltd, a company in direct competition with WSC.

Mr Bastian denied the conflict of interest allegation, but raised further allegations about a WSC conspiracy to waste millions of dollars paid by hardworking Bahamian taxpayers by engaging in an economically nonsensical contract with BK Water/Veolia.

He told the hearing on Monday how WSC general manager Abraham Butler gave a directive to end the bidding process and engage in negotiations with BK Water/Veolia.

Negotiations began but were stopped when the government changed in May 2007.

WSC counsel Thomas Evans, QC, said Mr Bastian was accusing Mr Roberts, Mr Demeritte, and other WSC senior officials of, "a dastardly conspiracy to rob Bahamian people of millions of dollars."

However, Mr Bastian alleged that WSC chairman Demeritte manipulated the corporation and intimidated him into providing information about Mr Butler that could lead to his dismissal as the chairman inferred that he (Bastian) would be sacked if he did not comply, and promoted if he did.

Mr Demeritte and Mr Butler reached an irreconcilable position when the general manager criticised the chairman's "unauthorised" promotion of minor staff to lucrative positions in February 2006.

The promotions soon prompted industrial action when employees learned 56 staff had been promoted twice within 12 months, while 45 were twice overlooked.

And as fights erupted between Mr Butler, Mr Demeritte and union members, Mr Butler was removed from the corporation under the PLP.

Mr Bastian wants the tribunal to decide if the corporation was justified in terminating his contract.

May 05, 2010
