Showing posts with label Cat Island Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cat Island Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Ezra Russell - Aspiring Member of Parliament and Rob Law - his American business partner plan to sue police over their "unjustified" 96-hrs detention

Aspiring MP plans to sue police over 96-hour detention
Tribune Staff Reporter

AN ASPIRING would-be MP and his American business partner are preparing to sue the police for their "unjustified" 96-hours detention in the disappearance of a German in Cat Island.

Cat Island native Ezra Russell and US citizen Rob Law were held for questioning from Saturday, May 8, to Wednesday, May 12, after Cat Island resident, Johannes Maximillian Harsch was reported to have disappeared, leaving his private jet and yacht on the island.

According to Mr Russell, Mr Law - who is presently out of the country -- also will be seeking compensation for the alleged "abuse" he claims he suffered at the hands of police detectives during questioning. He has alleged that he was "smothered" with a plastic bag put over his head by officers in an attempt to obtain information.

Following their questioning over the four-day period, the two men were released without charges being brought, according to police.

Almost three weeks after he was last seen, Mr Harsch, who rented a private villa near the Fernandez Bay resort on Cat Island, remains unaccounted for.

Now Mr Russell, who hopes to run as an independent MP for Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador in the next general election, claims that police have come up short when pressed for answers about the basis on which they were able to detain Mr Law and himself beyond the usual 48 hours police are allowed to hold a person for questioning in connection with a crime.

"Everyone's playing like they don't know what's going on," said Mr Russell.

Police told the media at the time that they were able to get an extension granted by the court for the additional time to speak with the men.

Meanwhile, Mr Russell is also claiming that a political conspiracy is behind him being held in custody for the extra period. Although he has provided no evidence, he believes that his would-be political opponent, Cat Island, Rum Cay and San Salvador MP Philip "Brave" Davis might be behind an attempt to sully his reputation. Mr Russell, who was Mr Davis' campaign general in the MP's previous elections, recently announced his intention to run against Mr Davis in the next election. Mr Davis is also Deputy leader of the PLP.

The businessman also hopes to get approval in the near future to go ahead with a resort development on the island in conjunction with Mr Law.

Yesterday Mr Davis dismissed such allegations as "nonsense."

"As long as I've known Ezra Russell and his family I've done nothing to harm, obstruct or in anyway frustrate their legitimate goals and I have no desire to do so," Mr Davis said, adding that he has no "control over the police."

Explaining the circumstances that he believes led to his arrest, Mr Russell noted that Mr Law, who has lived on the island for about 15 years, had been friends with Mr Harsch, but the two ex-patriates had recently "fallen out."

"The police came to the island and didn't do a proper investigation. They just listened to rumours," said Mr Russell.

Calls to head of the Police's Central Detective Unit, Superintendent Leon Bethel, yesterday for comment on the status of the investigation in Mr Harsch's disappearance and Mr Russell's allegations were not returned.

June 02, 2010


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Philip Davis' former campaign general - Ezra Kelson Russell plans to challenge him in next election

Tribune Staff Reporter

A FORMER campaign general for the Progressive Liberal Party's deputy leader Philip "Brave" Davis has announced his intention to challenge the MP in the next General Election, claiming the area has suffered far too long without "good and qualified representation."

Ezra Kelson Russell said that "God willing" he will be the next Member of Parliament for Cat Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador because he is the "man with the plan."

In his former capacity as the chairman of Mr Davis' election campaign in 2007, Mr Russell said he has no time to "bad mouth" either the PLP or the FNM as his intention to run has nothing to do with "bad blood" or any grudge with the area's current MP.

"I am coming with a mission, to represent the good people of Cat Island, Rum Cay, and San Salvador. The people here have suffered for too long. They say that Brave doesn't have a house in the area, he doesn't live in the constituency, and a lot of his supporters are upset that they don't see him. They are telling me that Ezra if you do not run, we will not support the PLP and Mr Philip Brave Davis in the next election," he said.

Having already met with religious leaders on the island and their many civil servants, Mr Russell said he has considerable support in the area having been the "front man" for the PLP in the area for decades.

As such he said, if he were to be successful in a general election, he would use his influence in the House of Assembly for the betterment of Cat Island, San Salvador and Rum Cay by providing better linkages and avenues for cultural tourism. In addition, Mr Russell added that he would create a proper sporting facility in the far flung islands that would improve the lives of the children, as well as upgrading the many now derelict government offices.

"I live in Cat Island. The people here can find me to talk to me or meet with me on a daily basis. I live in the constituency. I know what the people are going through. They can identify with me because I go through their same pains on a daily basis."

The prospective candidate said he will be travelling to San Salvador on February 9 to begin his campaign, having already done a roll call on the island to feel out his level of support there.

"I am a people person. We are independent people. We think in and outside the box. And we don't have no time to smear nobody. The government and anybody else should be thinking of taking care of its people. It is the government's job to make sure the infrastructure is there. That is all we want. And I will ensure that we get it," he said.

Attempts to reach Mr Davis for comment on this matter were unsuccessful.

January 26, 2010
