Showing posts with label Cheryl Grant Bethel. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cheryl Grant Bethel. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cheryl Grant Bethel should be Fired in the Public's Interest

By Dennis Dames:

I am profoundly disappointed in Ms. Cheryl Grant Bethel’s ugly public behavior in regards to her quest to challenge the government’s decision to hire the new Director of Public Prosecutions - Jamaican born, Ms. Vinette Graham Allen. She feels that the Job is constitutionally her own. It reminds me of the Freeport attorney who thought that the prime minister should have included him on the Q.C. list in the last batch of successful candidates; so he sought legal advice in his nonsensical endeavor to compel the PM to recommend him to be a Queen’s Counsel.

I saw a recent headline where the official opposition PLP has encouraged their women to support the folly of Ms. Grant Bethel. I hope that PLP women with foreign husbands working in The Bahamas – doing work that Bahamians are qualified to do would see the wisdom in staying away from this lost cause. This goes too - for PLP men with non-Bahamian wives with Jobs here that Bahamians are capable of doing.

There are too many people in the public and private sectors who feel that the next step up the ladder belongs to them exclusively, or the man’s job is theirs until death separates them. My advice to them is to start your own enterprise where you could occupy any position that you desire until you die.

It is my view that Ms. Grant Bethel should be fired immediately from the public service, because she has terribly compromised her integrity – and is showing a thug mentality unbecoming of a senior officer. It’s time for the powers that be to put their foot down and show Ms. Bethel who’s in charge; send her home!

Congratulations are in order for Ms. Vinette Graham Allen, and welcome to The Bahamas. We trust that you would help us get things in order in regards to law and order in our beloved country. Don’t mind the noise in the market Madame; it’s the price of the fish that concerns us. All the best to you and yours and God bless.

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