Showing posts with label China Eximbank. Show all posts
Showing posts with label China Eximbank. Show all posts

Monday, November 22, 2010

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham: I will not knowingly give anybody else a better deal than Kerzner got...

PM responds to Kerzner’s claims
Guardian Staff Reporter

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said yesterday that he is not concerned with the statements made by Kerzner International’s Chairman and CEO Sol Kerzner that thousands of jobs may be at risk as a result of the Baha Mar project.

Kerzner told reporters on Thursday that the 8,000 jobs at the Atlantis Resort on Paradise Island would be placed in jeopardy if the government approves the Baha Mar project in its current form.

“It’s a deal that makes no sense,” Kerzner said. “It’s a deal that could be harmful to the people of The Bahamas and certainly to future investors and indeed ourselves.”

Kerzner has also argued that the deal between the government and Baha Mar violates the most favored nation status clause his company agreed to with the government in successive agreements.

Under these agreements, no investor should receive more favorable terms with the government than Kerzner’s company.

Ingraham said he thinks the issue with Kerzner will come to a satisfactory conclusion.

“I have many discussions with Mr. Kerzner,” said Prime Minister Ingraham, who was a guest on Love 97’s radio talk show Issues of the Day. “I think that we will resolve this issue satisfactorily. I think so.”

Despite the public criticisms of the Baha Mar deal by Kerzner, the House of Assembly unanimously approved the Baha Mar resolution on Thursday.

The company is seeking 8,150 work permits for non-Bahamian construction workers. The government brought the resolution to the House in order to get the ‘blessing’ of members before it finally approves the project, likely by the end of the month.

“We were always concerned that when we came to office that there was nothing in the Baha Mar deal that would give them a better deal than Kerzner, ”?Ingraham said yesterday. “I think I can say that the thing that ticked Kerzner more than anything else is a statement made by (Progressive Liberal Party Leader) Perry Christie to the effect that Baha Mar only wanted to get what Kerzner got. And he (Kerzner) was of the view that Baha Mar was getting more than him. And he was very hurt that Christie would make such a statement.”

Ingraham said Kerzner is concerned about Baha Mar’s lower construction labor costs, as compared to his company’s construction labor costs. Baha Mar will be mostly using Chinese labor to build its resort. Kerzner used more Bahamian labor at his property, increasing costs.

According to Ingraham, Kerzner is also concerned about the sum Baha Mar paid for the land the development is located on.

Ingraham said one of the reasons why they insisted there had to be a substantial increase to the contract value for Bahamian contractors was to help to offset any question about Kerzner’s concerns.

As a result of negotiations between Ingraham and the Chinese, and subsequent negotiations between the Chinese and Baha Mar, subcontracts to Bahamians in connection with the Baha Mar project will increase from $200 million to $400 million.

Ingraham said he wants to be sure that the government is not giving Baha Mar a better deal than Kerzner.

He added that when the Free National Movement (FNM) government negotiated a deal with Baha Mar in 2008, it did not give Baha Mar some of the concessions the Christie administration had agreed to.

“They issued side letters offering Baha Mar more. We tried to pull those things back. We think we have been somewhat successful ensuring that there is equity and balance between the two,” Ingraham said.

In response to criticism that he treats Kerzner with more regard than he does other developers, Ingraham didn’t shy away from the relationship he shares with the hotel developer. However, he added that all developers are treated fairly.

“There’s no question of my high regard for Sol Kerzner for what he has done for The Bahamas,” Ingraham said adding that Kerzner provided The Bahamas with 2,000 more jobs than he committed to.

“I will do all I can for as long as I can to ensure that his project is successful, but that has nothing to do with whether I will be fair to anyone else. But I will not knowingly give anybody else a better deal than Kerzner got,” he said.

Ingraham added that the Baha Mar project is only going forward because of his government.

He said there was no means by which Baha Mar’s CEO Sarkis Izmirlian could get the funding from the Chinese unless the government gave the Chinese the go ahead.

China Export-Import Bank (China Eximbank) is extending a $2.45 billion loan to Baha Mar.

