Showing posts with label Craig Butler Kennedy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Craig Butler Kennedy. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2011

Craig Butler - independent candidate for Kennedy says: Capital punishment will not have any significant impact on crime... resume corporal punishment as a deterrent for violent crime

Capital punishment 'will not impact crime'


CAPITAL punishment will not have any significant impact on crime, said independent candidate for Kennedy Craig Butler.

Instead, the former Progressive Liberal Party member has called for the resumption of corporal punishment as a deterrent for violent crime.

"There have been repeated calls for capital punishment to be resumed as it is felt by many that this would have the deterrent effect," said Mr Butler.

"Although the ability to effect such a sentence is on our books, in reality, given the constraints that have been imposed by the Privy Council through its interpretation of our constitution, the likelihood of hanging a convicted person is virtually nil.

"If it is the desire of the Bahamian people to resume this practice, a referendum must be held so that the necessary changes to our constitution can be made, that would allow a convicted person the right to pursue any and all appeals that they may desire and at the end of that process despite the passage of a long period of time for the State to mete out its punishment."

Still he called for a public referendum to get public consensus on the controversial issue.

"In the circumstances, I call upon the Prime Minister to hold the national referendum before the next general election and allow the voices of the people to be heard. To me it seems as though it would be impossible for any political institution to oppose such a move for fear of being branded not serious about dealing with the issue of crime."

Mr Butler said he feels corporal punishment is the way forward.

"Corporal punishment brings real results. The reinstitution of the use of 'the rod' and 'the cat' will be something that will in my estimation cause one to stop and think. Amnesty International and all the other international groups I am sure will be berating us as a barbaric society.

"If the more serious crimes came with these as a mandatory part of the sentence I am convinced that many of those who commit crimes will think long and hard before doing so."

September 05, 2011
