Showing posts with label DNA's launch. Show all posts
Showing posts with label DNA's launch. Show all posts

Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Democratic National Alliance (DNA) receives "mixed reviews" from the general public on its official launch



AFTER its official launch on Thursday night at the Wyndham Crystal Palace Resort, the Democratic National Alliance is getting "mixed reviews" from the general public.

According to numerous persons interviewed by this newspaper, many agreed that the DNA was successful in drawing a large crowd to their official launch - a feat unmatched to this date by any third party option since Independence.

While many speculated as well on the actual make-up of this crowd, whether persons were there primarily as supporters or mere spectators, it was still noted that for the DNA to fill the hotel's ballroom was an accomplishment "in and of itself."

However, the commentary on the actual content of Branville McCartney's speech was another matter.

According to one online blogger on The Tribune's website,, C'Mon Man, there was little difference in Mr McCartney's speech from any other that was delivered by Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham or PLP Leader Perry Christie.

"If you closed your eyes during Bran's speech last night, it would have been difficult to discern from the content of the speech Bran from Hubert Ingraham or Perry Christie because all I heard was the same old politician speak. We gonna do dis for you, we gonna do dat for you and we gonna make all your dreams come true without ever saying where the money gonna come from to do these things.

"We Bahamians say we don't like to be talked down to, but everytime a politician talk to us like this they are talking down to us by telling us what they think we want to hear. It would have been refreshing for a politician to just be honest for a change and tell it like it is the good, bad and the ugly. Otherwise we will only be changing faces with the same old politics," the blogger noted.

Erasmus Folly, a regular blogger on also wrote that he was not impressed with the DNA's launch.

"The candidates leave much to be desired. The guy from Exuma already proved he doesn't understand business. The others, I don't know enough about, but I am not convinced. I'd like to see Bran win his (seat), with maybe one or two others from that party and see if they can sound sensible in Parliament over the next five years.

"Then perhaps see for the following election if they can offer more or win other credible candidates to their cause. I'd like to see change, but if it is wishy washy, then it is a waste of time. Faith in the people, which he drones on about, is a very, very vague term and means nothing. I'm always wary of fluff, too much talk of 'listening' and a speech without a clear and discernible plan of action.

"It is not enough to say that if you put the 'people first' everything will work out. Tyrants and leaders obsessed with their own charisma always talk most loudly about putting the people first and rarely manage to deliver anything of the kind," he said.

'Watching Jane' -- another blogger --added: "I like Bran as a person, but I must say I was not impressed by the speech, it lacked substance and was far too long!'

However there were also positive reviews of the DNA's launch from online viewers and those persons interviewed yesterday.

"Philosopher King" wrote that that the DNA is off to a good start, and "Androsian Finest" said that Mr McCartney needs to "work fast" and do what he needs to do because the FNM "is up to something."

"We in Andros have your back - we for you. DNA all the way! Last night was great," the blogger wrote.

Stanley Jackson Sr added that congratulations are in order for Mr McCartney and the DNA for their "overwhelmingly" successful launch.

"Never in Bahamian history has a third party garnered such huge support. Mr McCartney's delivery was excellent, well poised and answered every question necessary and more at this juncture as an introductory for the DNA. Indeed he offers hope Obama style . . . which is sorely needed in our country after 44 years of failure, rampant corruption, film flam, double talk, razzle dazzle and broken promises from the PLP and FNM who find themselves hopelessly compromised by special interest and unable to govern," he said.

May 14, 2011
