Showing posts with label David Mitchell Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label David Mitchell Bahamas. Show all posts

Friday, September 23, 2011

Despite the regularity of the issuance of the death sentence, executions are uncommon in The Bahamas... There has not been a hanging in The Islands since David Mitchell was executed on January 6, 2000

Realistic about the death penalty

thenassauguardian editorial

Execution remains the most severe punishment prescribed by the state for the crimes of murder and treason.  The punishment of death is regularly issued in The Bahamas against those who murder. Treason prosecutions are virtually non-existent.

Despite the regularity of the issuance of the death sentence, executions are uncommon.  There has not been a hanging in The Bahamas since David Mitchell was executed on January 6, 2000.

In the 1993 Pratt and Morgan ruling, Her Majesty’s Privy Council ruled that it would be cruel and inhuman to execute a murder convict more than five years after the death sentence was issued.

This ruling was intended to protect the innocent and various civil liberties.  But it has had unintended consequences.

The ruling has slowed the execution process.  Murder trials take a long time to come up in this country and the appeals process after the death sentence is issued also takes years.

The country hanged 50 men since 1929, according to records kept at Her Majesty's Prison.  Five of them were hanged under the first two Ingraham administrations (1992-2002); 13 were hanged under the 25-year rule of the Pindling government (1967-1992); and the remainder were executed between 1929 and 1967.

In 2006, the Privy Council also issued a ruling, stating that the section of the Penal Code requiring a sentence of death be passed on any defendant convicted of murder "should be construed as imposing a discretionary and not a mandatory sentence of death."

The government has acknowledged that hangings are unlikely considering the five-year rule and the amount of time it takes for the appeals process to take place.  However, despite this acknowledgment, capital punishment remains a legal punishment.

This commentary is not intended to offer an opinion on whether or not capital punishment is a fair or reasonable punishment.  There are good arguments for and against hangings.

What is clear is that it is virtually impossible for the death sentence to be carried out.  And appeals against the sentence add to the backlog of cases before various courts.  If the five-year rule remains, we need to end the death penalty for practical reasons.

The appeals waste time and money.

Anecdotally, the majority of Bahamians appear in favor of executions.  This includes many of the powerful and vocal Christian clerics.  Governments fear even raising the issue of ending the death penalty.

As we all consider ways to reduce the number of matters before the court in order to make the criminal justice system more efficient, we must put this issue up for debate.  Emotionalism is useless.  The facts are the facts.  Hangings, though desired by many, are unlikely.

Bahamians want to understand what is going on.  And they want action.

We are eager to learn the details of the government’s legislative plan to address the definition of the length of a life sentence when Parliament resumes next month.

As long as the Privy Council rule remains in effect, murderers will appeal and appeal until the time for execution has past.

We must be realistic and accept that the days of execution in The Bahamas are over.

Sep 22, 2011

thenassauguardian editorial