Showing posts with label Dr Hubert Minnis Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr Hubert Minnis Bahamas. Show all posts

Friday, October 22, 2021

Hubert Minnis jumps again - before he was pushed!

Statement by the Leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) Party - The Hon. Dr. Hubert Minnis

Minnis has declared he will not run for the FNM leadership, nor will he allow his name to be placed in nomination!

Hubert Minnis
At the end of November, the Free National Movement will hold a one-day convention to elect the Leader of the Party.  I will not nominate for the leadership nor will I allow my name to be placed in nomination.  I wish those who will contest for the leadership the very best.  

I will continue to serve in the House of Assembly as the Member of Parliament for Killarney.  I again thank the constituents of Killarney for their support since 2007 and during the recent general election.

As a former prime minister and in whatever role is assigned to me, I will support the work of the Official Opposition to advocate on behalf of the Bahamian people and to hold the Government accountable.

We remain in a deadly global pandemic.  I will continue to promote measures to save and to protect the lives and livelihoods of Bahamians, utilizing my experience in office and as a medical doctor.  I will never tire in advocating for the needs of the poor, the disadvantaged and the more vulnerable in our society.

It has been an extraordinary privilege to serve our country as prime minister and as a member of parliament.  I thank the Bahamian people and the members of the FNM for their support and encouragement.  I also thank the many well-wishers for their advice, prayers and assistance.

The Free National Movement has an extraordinary legacy, guided by the values of freedom, equality and opportunity for all.  At our 50th anniversary, there is much to celebrate as we renew our mission and embrace the future.

I have often spoken of the God of New Beginnings.  May God bless the FNM with wisdom, discernment and fortitude.  

And may God bless our Bahamas.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Official Opposition Leader - Dr. Hubert Minnis called on Prime Minister Perry Christie to find the “testicular fortitude” ...and make a decision with regards to the licensing of offshore oil drilling ...without having to “pass the buck” to the Bahamian people via a national referendum

Minnis Puts Ball In Plp Court Over Oil

By Tribune242

WITH the Bahamas Petroleum Company fulfilling all its required licence and regulatory obligations for another three year licence, FNM Leader Dr Hubert Minnis called on Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday to find the “testicular fortitude” and make a decision with regards to the licensing of offshore oil drilling without having to “pass the buck” to the Bahamian people via a national referendum.

Highlighting that nearly 75 per cent of the Bahamian workforce is related to Tourism, Dr Minnis said that his party remains concerned about the prospects of BPC and the possible impact a spill in Bahamian waters would have on the nation’s number one industry.

“We have serious concerns about the environment and where are the regulations that would protect us if an accident were to occur. Where are the regulations with respect to how any proceeds from this venture would be handled? And what are we going to do with the money? That money, and that oil belongs to the people. It should be protected for future generations. And the people should have a say in what is done with it,” Dr Minnis said.

The Free National Movement’s leader also questioned whether or not Mr Christie ever returned the consultancy fees that he admitted receiving from BPC.

“We demand that the Government immediately disclose whether or not the law firm of Davis & Co. or any other law firm owned by a PLP cabinet minister or parliamentarian (still) acts on behalf of BPC.

“We remind Mr Christie that the most precious resources we have, apart from our people, are marine, touristic and fisheries resources. They should not be recklessly endangered, and the FNM will not permit potentially compromised decision-making, and lax regulatory oversight of oil drilling to compromise and endanger the well-being of Bahamian fishermen, hoteliers and communities,” Dr Minnis said.

With regards to the upcoming referendum on oil drilling, Dr Minnis challenged the Prime Minister to make up his own mind on the issue and act – and not pass the buck to the Bahamian public, as he, and his PLP party were elected to govern.

“Christie is revoking his responsibility to govern and is passing the buck. You were voted in to make a decision. So make a decision. You are vicitimizing people left, right and centre. You didn’t ask me about that. You can’t be a government of referendum. Being in government means you have to make decisions. He is copping out. I wonder if he has the testicular fortitude to make tough decisions,” he asked.

In fact, the FNM said that if Mr Christie and his government were so “frightened to lead” that they should hold a referendum on their governance thus far and allow the Bahamian people to vote on that.

“Have a referendum on whether or not we made a mistake in putting you there. If we vote ‘Yes’, then go,” he exclaimed.

September 11, 2012

Tribune 242

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Opposition Leader - Dr Hubert Minnis says: ...senior police officers are alarmed at the appointment of newly sworn in State Minister for National Security Keith Bell and fear operational interference

Police Alarm Over Bell Appointment


A NUMBER of senior police officers are alarmed at the appointment of newly sworn in State Minister for National Security Keith Bell and fear operational interference, Opposition Leader Dr Hubert Minnis said yesterday.

Dr Minnis made the remarks during his House of Assembly contribution.

The session not only rehashed the previous Ingraham administration's work while in office, but continued with proposals for the 2012/2013 budget.

Speaking of the reform brought to the Royal Bahamas Police Force by the FNM, Dr Minnis said his government had worked hard to revitalise the force from 2007 until the PLP won the general election on May 7.

"As I speak," he said, "a former officer who acted in an extraordinary and partisan political manner during the election campaign is now Minister of State in National Security. I hope we do not see one of the worst periods of politicisation of the police force in its history.

"I understand that a number of senior officers are alarmed at the appointment and fear operational interference."

Dr Minnis pointed out that when in opposition the PLP blamed every criminal incident on former National Security Minister Tommy Turnquest.

But, he said, this was unfair as crime is a societal problem and politicians on both sides are "in this together".

For this reason, Dr Minnis said, the FNM will not blame every criminal act on the new Minister of National Security, Dr Bernard Nottage.

However, he did warn that the Bahamian people will not forget the PLP's promise that Urban Renewal 2.0 will be the cure for all crime.

The public is watching the new government, he said.

"We in the FNM support any crime fighting initiatives that are constructive and curb the senseless bloodshed, but, Mr Speaker, we want accountability. We want to see the logic and tangibles that come with launching such a programme."

From the opposite end of the spectrum, Dr Minnis urged the government to return to the basics of crime fighting on the streets of New Providence.

"We can't talk about zero tolerance when individuals are breaking the traffic laws; when individuals in the west have problems sleeping because of noise pollution, because of licenses given to homes and business that have excessive noise.

"When we close an eye to that we close an eye to the criminals who feel that they have the right to proceed," Dr Minnis said.

June 13, 2012