Showing posts with label Emancipation Day. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Emancipation Day. Show all posts

Monday, August 1, 2011

Happy Emancipation Day Bahamas!

By Dennis Dames

August 01 is emancipation day; it’s in commemoration of the Slavery Abolition Act of 1833 which ended slavery in the British Empire on August 01, 1834. We are free as God intended us to be.
We are free to determine our personal and collective destinies. We are free to be productive or unproductive people; to be caring or uncaring; to be respectful or disrespectful toward one another; we are free to love or hate.

In today’s Bahamas; our freedom has been taken advantage of for all the wrong reasons by we the people. It has lead us in to a state of disconnect, distrust and disunity; and criminals appear to be feasting on our exposed state of affairs.

Our collective freedom is not being well spent. We cannot decide on the way forward for our nation; we refuse to see the wisdom of a unified people. We prefer to fight and kill, rather than set good examples and build.

We have been emancipated since the beginning of time, and we choose to be reckless with our gift of choice rather than responsible citizens who are indeed brothers’ keepers.

We are free to make our ancestors proud of us by appreciating the sacred joy of freedom, and become nation builders of the first order; our children will treasure us for our resolve to create and maintain a prosperous and blessed country.

We are free, but it does not mean that we are secure. Security is a national endeavor in which every citizen has a stake. In The Bahamas today, our safety is being undermined by corrupt public officials and other rough elements amoung us.

Many of our countrymen are using their freedom to facilitate on a grand scale: human trafficking, gun smuggling, drug running,political corruption, murder and so on.

We are a nation under attack by criminal and satanic forces, and we who care about our future must come together and fight the scoundrels who are out to destroy our beloved land for their personal gain.

Yes, we must use our freedom to ensure that The Bahamas remains free, and the generations behind us are given the best opportunity to succeed and prosper.

We are free to be great, and to live as one in love and legitimate respect. Let’s do it brothers and sisters.

Happy emancipation day Bahamas.

August 01, 2011

Caribbean Blog International