Showing posts with label FNM Killarney. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNM Killarney. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part IV

Tribune Staff Reporter

HERE is the fourth and final part of The Tribune's report on what MPs say they did with the $200,000 allocated for constituency enhancement projects in their constituencies in the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 budgets.

A number of MPs forwarded these details after requests were put to them before and after the Christmas holidays. Fewer than half of the MPs responded -- 15 FNMs and one PLP.

Earlier this week, The Tribune reported how Desmond Bannister (Carmichael), Carl Bethel (Seabreeze), Loretta Butler-Turner (Montagu), Larry Cartwright (Long Island and Ragged Island), Sidney Collie (Blue Hills), Earl Deveaux (Marathon), Fred Mitchell (Fox Hill), Hubert Ingraham (North Abaco), Zhivargo Laing (Marco City), Charles Maynard (Golden Isles), Branville McCartney (Bamboo Town) and Phenton Neymour (South Beach) said they utilised the funds in their constituencies. See for those details.

Brensil Rolle - FNM - Garden Hills:

Providing a list of the payments made from the constituency allowance in chronological order, Mr Rolle first noted that $19,000 was allocated towards the establishment of two learning centres designed to assist students with basic language, mathematics and science and Spanish language skills, and enable tutoring for homework assignments.

The MP donated funds from the allowance to several junkanoo groups, including $2,000 to the Prodigal Sons and $2,000 to Kingdom Warriors.

A further $6,000 was spent on a constituency clean-up campaign which had appliances, garbage and derelict vehicles removed by local contractors.

Under the Entrepreneurial Creative Straw Vendor Programme, Mr Rolle said two industrial sewing machines were purchased, instructors hired, and 50 people were trained in creative straw production. The funds also covered the purchase of materials for the classes. A total of $4,819.60 was spent on the programme. A subdivision clean-up campaign cleared debris from overgrown lots in the constituency at a cost of $6,050.

For $26,710 a Subdivision Entrance Landscaping Programme was undertaken. Trees were planted at "strategic intersections in the constituency to improve the ambiance at the entrance to subdivisions," Mr Rolle said.

As part of the after-school programme, three payments of $800 were made to the Cousin McPhee Cathedral, and $1,000 was paid to Kizzy McKinney, Pamela Murphy and Vanessa Rolle.

A second session of the Entrepreneurial Creative Straw Vendor Programme was funded by $3,200.

Another $1,000 donation was made to the Prodigal Sons junkanoo group.

The sum of $23,420 was committed to improvements to the public park in Pride Estates by contractor Hubert Styles. This project is awaiting approval by the Ministry of Public Works.

A $1,000 donation was made to the Kingdom Warriors junkanoo group.

A second clean-up campaign was carried out at a cost of $20,010.

And $200 was donated to each of the following seven churches that participated in a Senior Citizens Christmas programme: Cousin McPhee Cathedral, Good Samaritan Church, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Southwest church of God, Independence Church of God, Chapel on the Hill and Bible Truth Ministries.

The sum of $1,500 was allocated to those who catered to senior citizens during the event.

A Ms McQueen was paid $1,000 for her instruction as part of a Straw Craft Certification Programme in collaboration with the Bahamas Agricultural and Industrial Corporation that trained and certified 30 people. BAIC was paid $700.

The sum of $5,000 was spent on a special education programme for challenged students of Garden Hills. Students followed a special curriculum and received individual tuition during the six-month programme held from January to June 2009.

A further $2,128.50 was spent on the purchase of playground equipment for the Pride Estates Public Park. Donations of $2,000 each were made to the following public schools in the constituency: A F Adderley Jr High, S C McPherson Jr High, C W Sawyer Primary, and S C McPherson Jr High.

Materials and an instructor for a shell craft training programme were purchased for $4,000.

The sum of $19,128.50 was spent to allow 50 members of the constituency to participate in the Ministry of Agriculture's Backyard Farming Programme. $1,060 was allocated to the Ministry of Agriculture for subdivision drainage. Twenty subdivision signs were printed and erected in the constituency for $14,400.

Playground equipment for a public park in the constituency was purchased from Creative Kids for $12,061.50. The placement of three drainage wells in areas that experience serious flooding cost $18,000, paid to M and R Drilling and Well Construction.

Further junkanoo donations of $1,500 each were made to the Kingdom Warriors and the Prodigals Sons. Another clean-up campaign saw $2,320 paid to Old Har Investments.

Tommy Turnquest - FNM - Mount Moriah:

Minister Turnquest said he has committed contracts for the entire sum of $200,000 and essentially all the funds have been spent, or will be spent, on recreational parks in his constituency.

"I purchased materials and supplies (approximately $20,000) for three parks in yellow Elder Gardens; spending $80,000 plus on the big park in Stapledon Gardens and about $35,000 on the smaller parks on Sunderland Road and Spitfire Road. I spent $40,000 on bathroom facilities on the park in Millennium Gardens."

The rules governing how constituency allowance funds are spent do not demand that the contracts to provide the work, goods or services are put out to competitive tender, and Mr Turnquest noted that none of his contracts were.

"The parks in Yellow Elder were done by the prison work group as part of their community work. I provided the supplies and equipment to the prison and they had three quotes and sourced from the lowest quote. The big park in Stapledon Gardens is being done by Enviroscape Ltd. The park on Sunderland Road was developed by Cedrick Smith and the bathrooms on Millennium Park and the park on Spitfire road were constructed by Davis Renovations and Landscaping Company."

Brent Symonette - FNM - St Anne's:

The Deputy Prime Minister did not break down exactly how much of the $200,000 he had allocated to date or who was paid for the work, however he gave a brief description of what the money was used for.

Mr Symonette utilised the funds to construct walking tracks in two parks and provide benches for three parks.

He also undertook the redevelopment of the East End point, the waterfront area opposite the Winton Fort and the waterfront area on Eastern Road and Prince Charles, landscaping pathways, installing planters, a drain and park benches.

Mr Symonette noted that a considerable number of drainage wells were also dug or cleaned throughout the area using the allowance funds.

"All of the work was supervised and signed off on by the Ministry of Works in line with price guidelines which they had established. I am still working on lighting for two parks which might have to be covered by the allowance," he added.

Hubert Minnis - FNM - Killarney:

The MP said the allocation was used towards signage in the community, including "welcome signs" for the entrances of Southwest Ridge, Rockcrusher and the Grove West, and repairing signage to Lake Cunningham. Beautification efforts were also funded, plants and flowers purchased and landscaping carried out around the signs. However, some of these were stolen, the MP said. Other funds were used to install speed bumps in South Westridge and benches at the Rockcrusher basketball court.

January 22, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - part I

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part II

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part III
