Showing posts with label FNM North Abaco. Show all posts
Showing posts with label FNM North Abaco. Show all posts

Saturday, January 23, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part II

Tribune Staff Reporter

HOW did the MPs spend $200,000 made available to each of them for constituency enhancement projects in the 2007/2008 and 2008/2009 budgets?

Having sought an accounting from all 40 MPs, 16 responded -- 15 FNMs and one PLP.

Here is part two of our report on what they say they spent the money on. See tomorrow's Tribune for part three:

Earl Deveaux - FNM - Marathon:

Mr Deveaux, Minister of the Environment, reported having committed $189,000 of the $200,000 allocation. He did not break down what was spent in each year, but listed the work and services purchased for the constituency as follows:

$15,000 for park benches, $10,000 to pave the entrance to RM Bailey Park, $14,000 for computers, $50,000 for a clean-up of the constituency, $40,000 towards the redevelopment of the RE Cooper and Florence Garden Parks, $40,000 for the CI Gibson High School park and $20,000 for a wall, swings and a basketball court at the Lou Adderley park.

Hubert Ingraham - FNM - North Abaco:

The Prime Minister allocated the entire $200,000 towards funding the construction of a public beach facility at the northern end of Treasure Cay beach.

The facilities include nine cabanas, a main building, restroom facilities, walking paths, parking, electrical, water and telephone connections to central supply and sporting facilities. Mr Ingraham noted that the balance of the funding is being provided by government. Construction is expected to be completed in the second quarter of this year.

Zhivargo Laing- FNM - Marco City:

Mr Laing, also Minister of State for Finance, gave a very detailed accounting of what was by far the most diverse range of projects and programmes any MP chose to fund or construct using his or her constituency allowance. In 2007/2008 this involved committing $41,042 to a "Constituency Schools Support Programme."

From this figure, $4,000 went to support the participation of the Jack Hayward Senior High in Junior Junkanoo and $4,000 to support Walter Parker Primary School's participation in Junior Junkanoo. $25,067 was spent on the purchase of computers for area schools. All three local primary schools in Marco City, except Walter Parker Primary, received four desktops, a laptop computer for the administration, a backup battery pack and a printer. Walter Parker did not receive computers because it had recently been donated a number of computers by a local civic group.

The funds also covered the purchase of one computer that was donated to an area church, Sunland Lutheran Church's community centre. Another $2,100 was donated to support the Grand Bahama High Schools attendance at the Hugh Campbell Tournament in March 2008. $4,675 went towards repairs to Walter Parker Primary School's bathroom and $1,200 was directed to assist The Technical and Vocational Department at Jack Hayward High School.

$2,683 was spent on tuition assistance for four to six young ladies to receive training in clerical business courses (typing and computers) for local training programme. A "Marco City Christmas Cleanup Campaign", which conducted clean up campaigns in Winchester Circle, Beaconsfield, Mayfield Park, utilised $20,200 of the allowance for the year and engaged some 15 young men during a six week cleanup period.

Another $14,700 was spent on contracting a coordinator and purchasing equipment necessary to begin establishing a discount card programme for elderly and disabled residents that could be used at various Grand Bahama stores. (Mr Laing noted that the programme is still waiting to be fully launched due to a delay in securing the participation of major food stores, but is proposed to begin in March 2010.)

The MP also donated a total of $14,700 from the allowance to community organisations and events: the Marco City Urban Renewal for Disabled Persons Luncheon, $1,500; the Zion Baptist Church Pantry Programme, $1,000; Freeport Seventh-Day Adventist Community Centre Project, $4,000; Pathfinders Organization, $1,200; Youth Football Programme, $1,500; Youth Basketball Tournament, $1,200; Freeport Seventh-Day Adventist Youth Club, $3,000; Legends Marching Band, $1,000; Reach Out Ministries, $300; Jack Hayward High School Literacy Programme and a donation to Junkanoo Group, $3,000; donation to Classic Dancers Junkanoo Group, infrastructure, $3,965; blowing out of storm drains in area, $1,200; air condition installation in Computer Centre in Constituency Office, $2,756.

$14,400 was allocated to summer youth programmes in the constituency. This went towards the cost of park wardens and summer camp coordinators, sporting activities, crafts and lunch for children in three camps on three parks for four weeks.

Through these projects Mr Laing utilised the $100,000 for the year.

Using the further $100,000 made available the following year - 2008/2009 - the Marco City Backyard Farming Programme was able to be established, among other projects.

$22,585.44 was allocated to assist 120 residents to establish backyard farms. Funds were spent on a coordinator, engaging three farmers to act as advisers to residents, four young Bahamians who assisted residents in ploughing and prepping their farms, purchased seeds, seedlings and soil. Money was also allocated towards assisting area schools with their farms. Under the Elderly and Disabled Persons Roof Repair Programme $28,010.20 was spent to repair the roofs of about 10 elderly people's homes which had been leaking since the hurricanes in 2004. All roofing contracts were approved by the Ministry of Public Works and all contractors were approved by Ministry of Public Works, Mr Laing noted.

$20,000 was spent on a Community Clean Up Campaign which engaged 10 young men over some four to six weeks. A School Assistance Programme saw $5,000 donated to the Walter Parker Primary School Silver Jubilee Celebrations; $3,050 towards the installation of a public address system for Freeport Primary and $1,500 for the Beacon School Junior Junkanoo Programme. Donations totalling $19,655 were made to the Classic Dancers Junkanoo Group ($3,000), the Knights of Columbus Marching Band ($5,055); the Marco City Urban Renewal for Purchase of four computers and printers ($2,000); the Grand Bahama Secondary School Sporting Association for the participation of Grand Bahama schools in the Hugh Campbell Tournament ($3,000).

$500 was given to the Grand Bahama Regatta Association; $500 to the No More Victims of Crime group; $1,000 to the Healing Hands Ministry, $3,000 Central Church of God Home for the Elderly; and $600 towards the participation of two Freeport Primary School students in a track and field event in the United States.

These efforts and donations utilised a total of $99,800.64 from the constituency allowance.

January 20, 2010

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - part I

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part III

How Bahamian Members of Parliament (MPs) spent their $200,000 allocation - Part IV
