Showing posts with label GOLDEN Gates. Show all posts
Showing posts with label GOLDEN Gates. Show all posts

Friday, December 4, 2009

Shane Gibson claims 'vicious attack' on him is imminent

GOLDEN Gates MP Shane Gibson yesterday issued a cryptic warning to his supporters to "brace" themselves for "the most vicious attack" that he claimed is to be imminently carried out against him.

Mr Gibson, who stood to speak during the debate on a resolution to transfer land to the National Insurance Board from the Treasury, said the attack would be the most "vicious ever launched against an MP in this Bahamas."

"I expect next year to be the most challenging year in the history of my representation," said the MP.

Mr Gibson did not explain what he expected to take place as a result of this "attack" or for what reasons.

Speaking with The Tribune after the close of the parliamentary sitting yesterday morning, Mr Gibson said he was not prepared to say more at this time.

"I've said all I want to say right now on that issue. In due time I will reveal more about that."

December 03, 2009
