Showing posts with label Godfrey 'Pro' Pinder. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Godfrey 'Pro' Pinder. Show all posts

Friday, February 5, 2010

Godfrey 'Pro' Pinder of the United Christian Love Revolution Movement sues over rejected nomination attempt

By Juan Mccartney ~ Guardian Senior Reporter ~

Attorney Godfrey 'Pro' Pinder is refusing to give up his quest to take part in the Elizabeth by-election, or at least be acknowledged as a candidate.

On Wednesday, Pinder - who had planned to run on the United Christian Love Revolution Movement ticket - filed suit in the Supreme Court asking the court to overturn the January 29 rejection of his attempted nomination by returning officer Jack Thompson.

Pinder has appealed on 16 grounds.

This means that the rejection has been suspended and will be challenged after the by-election on February 16.

In the appeal obtained by The Nassau Guardian, Pinder details the happenings on nomination day that led to his nomination being rejected.

Last Friday, Pinder showed up to nominate two minutes before noon, which is when nominations would have closed. After already being late, Pinder paid the mandatory $400 deposit fee to nominate for the election with a personal check.

However, the government requires that deposits be paid with a bank-certified check or with cash.

Thompson therefore rejected the nomination.

Among the grounds of Pinder's appeal are that the nomination rules do not specify the particulars of the payment amount in terms of the currency in which the payment should be made; that the practice of charging $400 as a deposit for nominees is discriminatory toward the poor; that the true nature of the payment type was not properly outlined on the nomination form; that Thompson was on a "frolic of his own and acted with bias" and out of self interests; and that Thompson and possibly other respondents named in the suit acted contrary to the Parliamentary Elections Act.

Pinder also claims to have taken a Scotiabank-certified check to the office of Parliamentary Commissioner Errol Bethel on the same day that his nomination was rejected, only to allegedly have Bethel turn him away saying, "I cannot accept that."

In the appeal, Pinder also claims Thompson failed to first state the facts and grounds for his decision to reject Pinder's nomination before endorsing the rejection letter.

Pinder is also requesting that Progressive Liberal Party candidate Ryan Pinder's citizenship records be subpoenaed and entered into evidence. Pinder claims that Ryan Pinder holds both United States and Bahamian citizenship.

Up to press time yesterday, Bethel said he had yet to receive notice of the appeal.

February 05, 2010


Thursday, January 21, 2010

The Elizabeth constituency by-election will be held on Tuesday, February 16, 2010

By KRYSTEL ROLLE ~ Guardian Staff Reporter ~

The by-election for the Elizabeth constituency will be held on Tuesday, February 16, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham announced yesterday.

Speaking in the House of Assembly, Ingraham said the writ for the election will be issued today and nomination day will be Friday, January 29.

"We will come back to Parliament on the 24th day of February, 2010 to swear in a new member," he advised.

The Elizabeth seat became vacant when Progressive Liberal Party MP Malcolm Adderley resigned from the House of Assembly on January 6. He also resigned from the PLP.

Tax attorney Ryan Pinder is running on the PLP's ticket, while Dr. Duane Sands is the Free National Movement (FNM) candidate.

Following Ingraham's announcement yesterday, PLP leader Perry Christie expressed confidence in the opposition party's chances of winning the seat.

"I believe that I have offered an extremely talented and gifted young man in the person of Ryan Pinder," Christie told reporters outside the House of Assembly.

"I believe also that Ryan Pinder will prove to be a good representative if he is elected. So we are very confident on the basis of what we have seen in Elizabeth that this is the seat that we can win. We are going to be very, very aggressive in our campaigning in ensuring that people are able to resist the normal temptations and inducements that are given in a by-election and the pressure of the government when it brings it to bear in a by-election and that's what I spoke of last year."

Both major political parties have already jumped into election mode.

The PLP has held two rallies already in Elizabeth and both parties have started newspaper advertisement and radio commercials.

Christie admitted that the party would be challenged by the FNM.

"A by-election brings in special considerations where a government is able to move in, bring its entire government in and bring in a lot of pressure. We are ready for it and we will resist it and that's why I said, 'no retreat, no surrender.' I feel very, very confident about our chances in the Elizabeth constituency. I believe the people will give our candidate a fair chance."

Ingraham, who is the leader of the FNM, said the party should be the clear choice for Elizabeth constituents. However, he added that he isn't overly confident of the win.

"You're never confident in an election; it is determined by the people who vote. People don't like presumptuousness or arrogance. We are appealing to them to support us because we think we are the better of the two parties to represent them."

Ingraham added that the people of Elizabeth know who he is and who he represents.

"I'm reasonably comfortable that the people of Elizabeth would be responsive to our candidate. We think he is a very good candidate who has some hands that can be trusted," the prime minister said.

The FNM will hold four rallies in that constituency leading up to the by-election, Ingraham said.

Several other people have voiced their intention to run in the by-election.

Workers Party leader Rodney Moncur, United Christian Love Revolution Movement leader Godfrey 'Pro' Pinder, and Bahamas Democratic Movement (BDM) leader Cassius Stuart have confirmed that they will contest the seat.

Christie said he believes the election will define the tone for the general election whenever the prime minister calls it.

January 21, 2010
