Showing posts with label Harajchi Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Harajchi Bahamas. Show all posts

Monday, November 15, 2004

Suisse Security Bank & Trust Ltd (SSBT) Loses its License Revocation Appeal

High Court Explains Why It Dismissed Suisse Security Bank Appeal


By Candia Dames

Nassau, The Bahamas

15th November 2004

The Governor of the Central Bank acted in conformity with the law when he revoked the license of Suisse Security Bank & Trust Ltd. (SSBT) more than three years ago, the Court of Appeal says in its newly released written response to SSBT’s appeal.

The high court on June 29, 2004 reaffirmed the 2003 judgment of Supreme Court Justice Austin Davis who ruled that SSBT failed to prove any grounds of its appeal.

Controversial Iranian businessman Mohammed Harajchi, who is still fighting to get his license back, owns the bank.

The Governor revoked the bank’s license on April 2, 2001 after determining that SSBT was carrying on its business in a manner detrimental to the public interest and the interest of its depositors or other creditors.

In the written response, Justice Milton L. Ganpatsingh said despite the submission of SSBT, the Governor could not have been acting in bad faith when he revoked the license.

The main reasons stated for the revocation included the failure of SSBT to report that US $1.6 million of its assets had been frozen in a trust account pending the outcome of litigation in the United States; and that US $3 million of SSBT’s assets had been attached in an account at a brokerage firm in New York in an action to which the company was a third party defendant.

These sums together made up 74 percent of the bank’s capital base.

The reasons also included a failure to provide the Central Bank with evidence of collateral to its satisfaction and evidence that the risk presented by the potential loss of US $3 million was covered by insurance.

The Central Bank has also reported that Mr. Harajchi’s bank continuously failed to provide it with a financial statement.

The first ground of appeal brought by attorneys for SSBT was whether the governor’s power to suspend and revoke the license of SSBT was temporarily suspended by an interlocutory injunction granted by Supreme Court Justice Hartman Longley on March 2, 2001.

But the Court of Appeal said this ground for appeal failed because there were more serious issues outside the limited terms or scope of the injunction and the Central Bank still possessed its general regulator powers and was free to act on them.

The second ground of appeal was that Justice Davis erred in holding that the governor’s power to suspend and revoke SSBT’s license was exercised in accordance with the Bank and Trust Companies Act 2000.

SSBT argues that under law, it should have received notice about the revocation and should have been afforded the opportunity to state its objection in writing.  But the court said this was not necessary, as pointed out by the Central Bank, because of certain practical reasons, including preventing loss to depositors and a run on the bank.

SSBT also maintained that the Central Bank Governor failed to give any or adequate reasons as required under law for revoking the license.

But the Court of Appeal, in support of Justice Davis’s view, disagreed.

It pointed out that SSBT had been made aware of all the concerns of the Central Bank and was not only “adversarial, but disingenuous in its response, so much so that it had initiated judicial review proceedings.”

“We do not agree that it was essential for the governor to set out a chronology of events touching and concerning the issues in order to establish that the regulatory demands had not been complied with,” the response from the high court said.

SSBT’s attorneys also submitted that there was no rational basis for the governor’s decision and that he failed to take into account certain important considerations before making his decision.

But the Court of Appeal held that the failure of SSBT to comply with certain regulatory requirements and the failure of the bank to inform the Central Bank of the US litigation involving US $3 million of the bank’s assets were “relevant considerations” in the governor’s determination.

“Both of those failures were as much a fact as the state of one’s digestion and demonstrated conduct which fell below the statutory requirements,” the judgment said.

Another ground of appeal was that Justice Davis erred in law in holding that the Governor did not act unreasonably or abused his power or acted in bad faith.

But the Court of Appeal justices said they can only judge the governor’s conduct in light of the prevailing circumstances.

“In the first place, it was entirely a matter within the Governor’s discretion to decide on reasonable grounds firstly, what would be required to protect the capital base of SSBT in terms of collateral to meet regulatory requirements;

“And secondly, what arrangement it would be necessary to put in place for Central Bank to obtain reliable and full information, which SSBT had failed to provide so far, concerning the US litigations,” the judgment said.

The final ground of the SSBT appeal was that the Supreme Court Justice erred in holding that the notice issued was not unlawful in that an officer of the Central Bank issued it.

But the judgment of the Court of Appeal said, “We do not understand the Governor to have delegated his power to suspend and revoke in the circumstances of this case by virtue of the fact that the notices were attached to a letter signed by an officer of Central Bank.”

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Mohamed Harajchi is Disgusting

Iranian businessman Mohamed Harajchi: “A Disgusting Little Man”


Calling controversial Iranian businessman Mohamed Harajchi “a disgusting, little man”, CEO of Jones Communications Wendall Jones on Wednesday denied claims that Mr. Harajchi helped finance his business in the early 1990’s or at any other time.

Mr. Jones also said the government should revoke the permanent residency status of Mr. Harajchi.

“He is an unfit person to be a permanent resident of The Bahamas and as far as I am concerned anybody who is prepared to go to the lengths that he is going to destroy the good name and reputation of officials of the Government of The Bahamas should have his permanent residency revoked.

“Now, I don’t know whether or not the Government of The Bahamas is minded to do that, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve never come across a foreigner in The Bahamas who was more disgusting than this little man on Paradise Island.”

Mr. Harajchi at a press conference earlier in the day lashed out at Mr. Jones over an editorial published in The Bahama Journal on June 23, 2004 in which the paper questioned the truthfulness of his claims that he donated many millions of dollars to the Progressive Liberal Party for its election campaign in 2002.

The editorial said, “We are absolutely flabbergasted at suggestions that Mr. Harajchi –directly or indirectly - funneled some $10 million into that party’s coffers.  We simply do not believe that is true. While we know that donations were made, it is absurd for anyone to suggest or believe that Mr. Harajchi would give any organization in this country $10 million.  We do not believe that he is that generous.”

PLP National Chairman Raynard Rigby also denied that Mr. Harajchi had given the party anywhere near that much money.  Mr. Harajchi did not produce documents to prove his claim, giving reporters only copies of a cheque where he made a $100,000 contribution.

At the press conference called primarily to discuss his contributions to the PLP, Mr. Harajchi sidetracked, telling reporters that he gave Mr. Jones money to help support his communications business.

He also distributed copies of a cheque in the amount of $3,000 dated April 27, 1991- that was made out to Mr. Jones, who heads radio Love 97 and the Bahama Journal.

“Mr. Wendall Jones asked ex-Minister of Sports Norman Gay to come and see me and I said no problem- and Mr. Jones came with Mr. Norman Gay and he told me how hard the newspaper life [is] and if I can assist him in the financial side,” Mr. Harajchi claimed.

“I said no problem and I helped him twice, once in the form of cash and once in the form of cheque…[A few weeks ago] I was reading his paper [which] said: Harajchi put up or shut up.  I was disappointed.  I said how [could] Mr. Jones tell such a thing?  He came 10 years ago to my home, asked for assistance, I did and now today he is putting such a thing against me.”

In response to the statement, Mr. Jones said, “Mr. Harajchi knows that what he told the Bahamian public or the media was an untruth.  Mr. Harajchi never, ever contributed to the funding of my business.  What Mr. Harajchi did in 1991 was to pay my communications company $3,000 for services rendered.  At the time, he was seeking to purchase Resorts International, which later became Sun International.”

Mr. Jones said Mr. Harajchi failed in that bid because the then PLP government felt that he was not the fit and proper person to be granted a casino license.

“Mr. Harajchi needed public relations services which we provided and indeed we used The Bahama Journal to print a number of stories on his businesses, both here as well as in Europe,” Mr. Jones said.  “Mr. Harajchi as far as I am concerned is a disgusting, little man who has been going about this country impugning the reputation of businesspeople as well as government officials, making scurrilous and malicious remarks that he knows are untrue.

“The average Bahamian must see just how ridiculous his claims are. Mr. Harajchi and people of his ilk must know by now that I am un-bought and un-bossed.”

He added, “Mr. Harajchi has never, ever had to give me money for anything other than professional services.  Indeed, Mr. Harajchi called me wanting me to support his position with the governor of the Central Bank in his ridiculous claims against the governor of the Central Bank and invited me to a dinner in Europe, which I refused to attend.

“He gave me his number saying where he was going to be in Paris at the time I traveled to Europe- and I refused to use the number or to attend any dinner with Mr. Harajchi because I know the kind of individual that he is.”

Mr. Harajchi maintains that Governor Julian Francis revoked his license for Suisse Security Bank & Trust three years ago after he declined to do a favour for the governor. It is a claim Mr. Francis has vehemently denied.