Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Homosexuality. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Many Bahamians think homosexuality is the greatest threat to the continued existence of humanity

Gay hysteria in The Bahamas

The Nassau Guardian Editorial:

There has been an attempt at a gay pride weekend in Grand Bahama. Members of that community wanted to get together to have a good time and express pride in who they are.

This, of course, set off hysteria in The Bahamas. Many Bahamians think homosexuality is the greatest threat to the continued existence of humanity. A gay pride event, they argue, will help further spread the “plague” of homosexuality, taking our young people over to “the dark side”.

Dr. Myles Munroe, president of Bahamas Faith Ministries International, was leading the “band of the terrified” over the weekend. He said he has watched with horror over the years as people have “hijacked” and “raped” the meaning of the civil rights movement in an effort to fight for the rights of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community.

“I have, with all my logic, sought to understand, but still cannot equate the philosophy, ideology or purpose for the civil rights movement with the agenda of the homosexual LGBT community,” he said in a lengthy statement.

“I think the attempt to equate the historical civil rights movement with the demands for the right to dignify, glorify and accept as normal the practice of a lifestyle that could render the human race, for which they sacrificed, extinct is illogical, dishonest, and is the abuse of the blood and imprisonment of many.

“It’s a hijacking of the gains paid for by the blood of honorable men and women for an unnatural, human-destroying behavior.”

Munroe’s statement, titled “Homosexuality – Phobia or Principle”, was in response to the gay pride event.

While Munroe expressed his fears through words, others were belligerent. The event, which started on Friday and was supposed to continue through today, was cut short as members of the LGBT community abandoned it “out of fear” of repercussions from irate members of the public.

Victor Rollins, one of the event organizers, told The Nassau Guardian he received death threats on his Facebook page after posting pictures of event attendees holding gay pride flags along with Bahamian flags on a beach.

These attitudes are unfortunate. The Bahamas is not a Christian state – as too many like to exclaim. It is a secular democracy. In this democracy, we believe people have common dignity. Blacks, whites, women, Jews, Rastafarians, Haitians – they are all part of our multicultural community. In this inclusive society we prosper because we are able to use the talents of all of our people. The homosexual can work next to the Protestant. The woman can sit next to the Hindu. The atheist can go to school with the Haitian.

Societies that reject inclusion always devolve into a state of violence. That’s because they do not accept the common dignity of their brothers and sisters who are different. Those who believe they are absolutely right in their beliefs exclude “the others” from the benefits of full citizenship, the benefits of full humanity. Then, the move comes to push them out of the society altogether.

Homosexuals should not be feared. They are our cousins, our nephews, our teachers, our friends. They have been part of every human society that has ever existed. We must move away from the backward thinking that defines homosexuals as fiends.

People of African ancestry were once considered lesser than those of European ancestry in Western society. Some were even brought to zoos in 19th century Europe to be peered at as beasts. That was wrong then. Hating homosexuals just for being who they are is wrong now.

The belief in inclusion has bettered the human project. It has taught us that it is possible to live and thrive in communities with people who are not like us. Gay hysteria is based in fear and hate. Let us move more toward lifting up the common humanity of our brothers and sisters, rather than seeking to cause pain, exclusion and victimization.

September 02, 2014


Sunday, August 31, 2014




In the guise of “Civil Rights” and ‘Human Rights’ the LGBT minority community have decided to ‘celebrate’ the civility of their very uniquely chosen lifestyle and sexual preference publically. I am not sure what their mission or goals are in this effort, but obviously they have received enough incentive and motivation to attempt something that 90% of The Bahamas and Bahamians consider unacceptable and violates their collective convictions, moral standing and values.

Perhaps it may be helpful to first ask a simple yet profound question; “Is it civil, right, reasonable, logical, sane to promote a cause, lifestyle or practice of a behavior that could in its ultimate conclusion cause the extinction of the human race? It is insanity to demand the ‘celebration’ of your own extinction

I am not sure what role is being played by Government, Government Leaders, Ministry of Tourism, or other parties that may have provided, if any, the incentive for this defiant social act, but I believe this must be addressed from the perspective not from any religious position, but rather from the concern for our very small fragile social fabric being held together by values and moral standards that provide the framework for a healthy Bahamian society.

Concern is also raised concerning the assistance, support and promotion of these efforts by international organizations and in individuals including travel agencies and tourism promotion entities such as The citizens of the Bahamas have a legitimate right to be and express their concerns in these matters.

I think it is dangerous, inappropriate, immature and disingenuous to accuse anyone with a deep concern about any attempt to impose, force or establish a set of values, standards, moral trends or lifestyle that could and would drastically change and in a very real way destabilize the foundations of a society, as have a phobia – or fear.


One of the greatest natural competent of human mechanism for survival and safety is the element of fear. Without the ability to embrace ‘fear’ or ‘panic’ the human species cannot protect himself against threats. The beauty of fear is that is an in inherent human quality that protects against danger and extinction. Phobia is inherently good.


There is no greater harm to human dignity than deception. Throughout history the power of deception has ruined millions of lives, started world wars and even changed the climate of nations. In our postmodern world there is a massive deception invading the very moral fabric of nations and dismantling the very core of the natural existence of humanity. As matter of fact this deception is threatening the extinction of mankind. What is amazing is that this deception is not a new one, but it emerged in the context of human existence on the planet as long ago as five thousand years. However, despite the reality of its existence, it has historically always kept its place at the fringes of mainstream society.

What is this deception? It is the unnatural attraction and relations between human species of the same sex or gender attempting to normalize the unnatural under the guise of being normal? Even though this unnatural behavior disguises itself under many labels, it is generally described as Homosexuality. The word itself incorporates its basic premise and that is, it is primarily sex driven. Those who have decided to embrace, practice, encourage, and surrendered and succumb to its passions, and they desire to dignify, promote and civilize this “lifestyle” over the past generation have become more aggressive even to the point of violence in some instances. This strategy seem to be one of fear mongering, psychological battery, and the selling of self-pity and abuse. Terms like bigot, hate crime, closed minded, conservative, anti-human, anti-civil, bulling, and the most common, phobia, are used to isolate the mainstream of humanity painting them as unloving, insensitive, ungodly, human haters, unsympathetic and uncivilized.

It is my view that this accusation of ‘homo-phobia” is the greatest deception of all. Its intent is to make those who are considered ‘normal’ feel guilty for being normal. This deception is unfair, dishonest and dangerous. Its affect is to make the majority of humanity feel guilty for not accepting, glorifying and dignifying this ‘unnatural’ human behavior.

I am sure the question will arise, “What is ‘unnatural’ and who defines ‘natural’?” It is essential to understand that natural cannot and does not need to be defined. Natural is simply the normal state of creation which manifests itself by its natural essence. In other words, nature defines itself. What is defined by nature is also what is considered as ‘normal’. Normal is that which is the result of the natural course of life as nature or creation works in sustaining itself. Therefore the source of ‘natural’ or ‘normal’ is creation itself and any opinion of attempt of human genius cannot change what is natural.

Perhaps at point is it may also be important to note that the root word from which we derive our modern word ‘Law’ is the word ‘norm’. The obvious implication is that all nature is the source of natural law and therefore defines what is the reference for the creation of any human law that attempts to interfere with nature itself? It is also important to note that any law made by man is ignored by nature.

Human sexuality is a product of natural creation and is rendered as normal, thus does not need definition. Any deviation from the natural is generally considered as ‘unnatural’ or ‘abnormal’. In nature there will always be exceptions and these must be recognized as such. But even exceptions must be properly defined, for even in nature there is a natural inherent response to safe –guard its survival by minimizing the impact of the exception. All exceptions in nature are natural and not by choice.

In light of this natural reality why should homosexuality be considered ‘unnatural’ and perhaps ‘abnormal’? Perhaps the answer is in the very description of homosexuality as ‘a lifestyle’. Being an heterosexual is not a lifestyle but a natural by-product of nature and not by choice. Lifestyles are ‘chosen’ or a result of ‘circumstances’ but never a product of nature. We can choose lifestyles but never our nature.

The natural definition of ‘unnatural’ is that which is not a product of nature itself is, and that which cannot naturally reproduce in creation naturally. Perhaps this is the greatest challenge of the great deception of homosexuality, the natural fact that members of the same sex can come together, live together, express intimacy, and even be deeply emotionally involved with each other, but the reality and truth is they can never naturally reproduce after their kind. It is this fact, truth and reality that renders this lifestyle ‘unnatural’.

It is this simple truth that make those who wish to perpetrate this unnatural ‘lifestyle’ of ‘orientation’ dishonest and deceptive. I am not against nor will attempt to prevent any human deciding to practice a specific ‘lifestyle’ or are inclined to follow a certain ‘un-normal’ behavior, but my concern and contention is their attempt to impose that decision on those who by nature are considered normal.


It is amusing that when the majority of the human community respond, express their disagreement with, or their deep honest concern about the attempt of those who embrace and practice this lifestyle to impose this ‘unnatural’ human lifestyle on society response this is interpreted a Phobia or fear.

If this accusation was levied by ignorant, uninformed persons perhaps it would be laughable, but one when intelligent individuals make this claim of phobia to a responsible intelligent person, one must take personal offence. Maybe the real fear is that one I would call ‘truthphobia’ or ‘realityphobia’. Could it be that those who wish be considered normal, acceptable, natural, and civil, fear that self-evident truth that what they are claiming, demanding, promoting and fighting for is by nature unnatural and abnormal?

However, I agree with their accusation from one perspective; and that is yes, I am afraid of any lifestyle, orientation, preference or behavior that threatens that very survival of the human race. Could it be that the homosexual harbor an unspoken heterosexualphobia? Heterosexual never attempt to impose itself on society nor does it need to fight for or recognition any defense.


The lifestyle of homosexuality and all the other names and labels it has come to be described as, is as old as the biblical character Abraham, and was practiced by members of communities of his contemporary over four thousand years ago. Many of the minority who are still involved in this lifestyle seem to act as if this is a new cause for which they were born to fight for. In the early sixties some individuals in high profile positions in society began to venture out of what they called ‘the closet’ to expose themselves to the larger community as if to test the waters. The reaction from that time by the majority of the population was one of resistance and discomfort which still exist today despite the claims to the contrary.

This resistance has been so strong that those involved in the LGBT lifestyle changed their strategy for social acceptance from imposing by exposure demanding their social rights, and resorted to making the issue one of civil rights. It is interesting to note that after over 4000 years of the recorded existence of the this lifestyle and unnatural behavior the social resistance still exists and I'm sure will continue, no matter how social and so-called civic society attempts to disguise it socially acceptable attire. Nature will never disagree with itself and common or legislative law can ever change natural law.

I have with great disappointment stood on the balcony of history and watched with horror and shock the high-jacking and raping of what we have come to know as the Civil Rights Movements. What made it more distressing was to see many individuals who were actively involved in these historic resistance movements, abandoning the sacrifice of many who died for the noble causes of human dignity for the majority who were being abused, to use their blood to cover the demands of minority sectors of society to justify and civilize their selfish and munnatural preferences.

I have tasted the negative impact of civil oppression by a regime that devalued my humanity, but this was not because of a lifestyle I chose, or a behavior that was by orientation, or a disposition preferred, but rather a reality that was ‘natural’. I was as victim of by inherent pigmentation……I was born black and had no choice in the matter. In The Bahamas I and my family along with the majority of the Bahamian population were discriminated against, devalued as humans, disenfranchised, and oppressed by a minority regime.

I have with all my logic and sought to understand, but still cannot equate the Philosophy, ideology or purpose for the Civil Rights movements with the agenda of the Homosexual LGBT community. I think the attempt to equate the historical Civil Rights movements with the demands for the right to dignify, glorify and accept as normal the practice of a lifestyle that could render the human race for which they sacrificed extinct, is illogical, dishonest, and is the abuse of the blood and imprisonment of many. It’s a high jacking of the gains paid for by the blood of honorable men and women for an unnatural human-destroying behavior.


The fundamental principle of the Civil Rights movements was the freedom and restoration of the dignity and value of the Majority of an oppressed humanity. As a matter of fact, historically it was usually the imposition of the values, prejudices and inhumane ideology of the minority on the majority that was the context and source of oppression and devaluation of humanity. The context of the present LGBT movement could be considered in the same light where a small percentage and minority segment of the population are attempting to impose their unnatural ideology, values, morals and personal sexual preference on the common culture, moral convictions, standards and values of the Majority.

Perhaps, this could be considered the new 21st century regime of oppression. This idea seem to be further enforced by the encroaching influence and demands of globalization, the United Nations and other world bodies and agencies who have now conditioned their offer of national economic assistance to national social and cultural conformity that embraces moral and values-based compromises.


The most powerful and dangerous partner to deception is perception. The world of media is really about the business and management of perception. The power of the media cannot be calculated and must not be miscalculated or minimized in its impact for creating perception. This is why throughout history anytime there was a need to control the mental environment or to create a perceived reality, the use of the media has always been engaged as the critical tool in exporting, importing and disseminating deception. It is therefore important that in our modern democracy the demand for truth, transparency and objectivity in the media be a primary concern to all responsible citizen. We must always be on our guard as civilly minded citizens to watch for the collective agenda and bias in the media. It has been my observation that in recent times the print and electronic media both nationally and internationally seem to favor the prominent and multiple placement, and preoccupation with stories that promote or glorifies this lifestyle. There seem to be many times and Imbalance of opinions and views. It is my hope that all media would make an effort to also publish the views of the majority.


There also seem to be the increase use of economic and political blackmail in the area of manipulation by the LGBT minority forces, which also includes an intentional smear campaign of the majority as bigots, human haters, intolerant, and bullies. This is a dishonest and grave misrepresentation of the facts. There is also the misuse of un-substantiated claims by the minority regarding changing trends and attitude to boost their own positions. This is incredible. In fact, there seem to be massive plague on intellectual, social and physiological and logical dishonesty. There is no conclusive scientific confirmations that verify claims that the minority who practice this lifestyle, that their condition is matter of biology or genetics rather than a habitual learned behavior which become a lifestyle they prefer.

Let us reiterate once again that the majority of the population in most countries throughout history and in our contemporary society, are not ignorant of the existence of abnormal behavior or unnatural preferences of the homosexual lifestyle. This lifestyle and behavior is really an old story with a new twist. What the majority does not appreciate is the dishonesty and deception that have been engaged by those who wish to impose their will on them. Every human has the right to choose his or her unnatural lifestyle, but must demand that we accept it as natural. They are free to prefer any unnatural sexual orientation they desire or crave, but they must, cannot and should not require that we the majority dignify it by promoting or glorifying it as normal. All the majority want are Honesty and the Freedom to express our concerns, opinion and positons without being labeled ignorant, intolerant, unsophisticated, or homophobic.

Dr. Myles Munroe

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Homosexuality - Spiritual AIDS

By Lambert Sands
Marriage Mechanics Ministries

Several days ago, national media organizations carried a breaking news story of the changing position of the Roman Catholic Church toward homosexuality. Whereas, it was nothing more than an embellishment of impromptu and ill-advised remarks made by the Pope, it showcased the ambition and drive of the homosexual agenda to promote the acceptance of the vile and heinous sin of homosexuality throughout the world.

Without doubt, recently, there has been an avalanche of homosexual stories in the media. Many of the stories are exaggerations, misinformation, and sometime very morbid and crude untruths meant to show homosexuality as a natural and viable lifestyle. People are told homosexuality can be found among various species of animals, so humans, being primates, are perfectly normal if they are homosexuals. Professional players are being reprimanded for inappropriate homosexual comments. Then, the wife of President of the United States, called a homosexual person to congratulate him for “coming out” or openly letting everyone know that he was a homosexual, and the list goes on.

Sadly, most people are not even aware of impact and the significance of this torrent of homosexual information passed on as being normal and innocuous. The media, especially in America and the UK, show a decided bias never allowing stories about the opposite point of view to be told or showcased (I guess it would be considered hate speech or some form of phobia). Thus, the avalanche continues unabated, with younger people and a new generation who have no fundamental religious upbringing or teaching, destined to accept and embrace homosexual doctrine. They are unsuspectingly being infected with the spiritual HIV virus.

During the 1980s was our first encounter with the dreaded HIV virus which struck first at the homosexual community. The virus immobilizes and destroys the human immune system. The resulting condition and disease is called AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. The disease doesn’t kill you; however, it leaves the body defenseless to the ravages of all other diseases including the common cold. People who contracted AIDS during the 1980s died quick and untimely deaths causing much fear and trepidation among various communities.

Similarly and spiritually, homosexuality has the appearance of toleration; live and let live: and we have a right as consenting adults to do whatever we desire; but it’s a mirage and teaser for greater and more profound wickedness and debauchery leading to the end of civilization. Male and female represent the foundation of civilization. If we recognize and accept a man pretending to be a woman or a woman pretending to be a man as normal, we then endorse Satan’s greatest and most vile deception…isn’t it a deception for someone to pretend to be something that they are not???? Like Satan pretends to be God??? You see, if you accept homosexuality, a man having sexual relations with another man or a woman having sexual relations with another woman, then, what about polygamy; what about bestiality (apparently now on the rise), what about lowering the age of sexual consent; what about a man and his daughter, mother and son; and the devilish list can go on? Evil then multiplies exponentially, thus, the “AIDS” effect of homosexuality. Wow!

My friend, homosexuality is not a new phenomenon. It’s an old, very old perverse sin and spiritual disease that led to the utter destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. This is true! This is real! This has happened! “And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly; And delivered just Lot, vexed with the filthy conversation of the wicked: (For that righteous man dwelling among them, in seeing and hearing, vexed his righteous soul from day to day with their unlawful deeds;)” (2 Peter 2:6-8)

We, the human race, are known for this one thing: repeating mistakes! We love doing the same things over and over again hoping for a different result. We get smart; we invent stuff; we feel enlightened; we have money; then, we become prideful and stupid. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, …For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;” ( Romans 1:26-28)

Then, God has to step in and clean it all up like Sodom and Gomorrah and in Noah’s time. “And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man. They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.” (Luke 17:26-27) “Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded; But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all. Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.” (Luke 17:28-30)

Homosexuality signals judgment! We are headed in this direction with-I may add-speed! The Lord continues to warn us, especially the spiritual leaders in America and the western world who love to point fingers at the government to create a smokescreen for their own wickedness. You see, if there is no revival, and the Church of the Lord Jesus Christ does not travail in prayer and revival, the Lord himself will judge. This generation will not pass away until everything is fulfilled. That means dire judgment!!! Remember Sodom and Gomorrah! Remember Noah! Lot waited until it was too late before running around like a chicken with his head chopped off telling everyone about the impending doom. The present church is no different. Living lavishly in the present world, we are that Laodicea church, rich in goods and believe we have need of nothing. (no real evangelism) (Revelations 3:14-22) Yet, we are divorced, selfish, self-centered and without spiritual illumination. God help us!!

We are the light of the world. We are the salt of the earth. We have a job to tell our neighbors about the Living Christ and the God who can save any one. We are to share God’s love with the world. Before my wife passed away, she did this: There was a young man who was a homosexual that worked at a large department store where I live. When we visited the store, he seemed to vault his homosexual behavior. He would throw his hips. He would act real feminine and the like. One day, my wife witnessed to him telling him about the love of Jesus and praying with him. About two weeks later, when I visited the store, he ran up to me to tell me about his new found relationship with Jesus Christ. He was simply ecstatic! He didn't have religion, no, he had a real relationship with the man called Christ! He recounted to me how he found Christ and his new devotion to witnessing and telling others about Christ. God is still in the saving business…let’s get busy and put a stop to the AIDS disease!

Lambert Sands

Friday, March 26, 2010

Bahamas: Dismantling lecture on homosexuality

"God, in His grace, has already revealed the truth. It is our responsibility to seek out that truth, if we so choose. As ministers we have a greater responsibility to seek out the truth because we will be held accountable to correctly teach it,"

African-American minister, K Darnell Giles in the preface to his book, 'What Did Jesus Say? Why The Bible Did Not Condemn Homosexuality'.

Tribune Staff Reporter

NEARLY three weeks after I wrote an Insight article exposing the use of Biblical scriptures to demonise and ostracise gays and lesbians as a fallacy, I became the target of ridicule from one of our country's most prominent clergymen.

In a nearly 3,000 word retort, Pastor Lyall Bethel, senior pastor of Grace Community Church, questioned what authority I have to "passionately lecture" the "unsuspecting general public" on the "gay militant agenda". Juxtaposed next to a photo of the smiling pastor, appearing squeaky clean in a suit and tie, was a lengthy assault on gays, riddled with questionable statistics and quotes primed to put fear and prejudice in readers' minds.

Pastor Bethel, who accused me of naiveté, in his attempt to legitimise his claim that gays are disease-ridden, immoral folk, went so far as to cite the work of "Doctor" E Fields of Marietta, Georgia. "Doctor" Fields has been exposed as a non-practicing chiropractor, known white supremacist, neo-Nazi and member of the Klu Klux Klan. The Anti-defamation League, the United State's leading civil rights agency formed in 1913 to fight anti-Semitism and now all forms of bigotry, has extensive details on Mr Fields' decades-long links to racist and fascist groups.

Conservatives, who in the past have unwittingly cited Fields' material, have publicly apologised and distanced themselves from Fields, the author of "Is Homosexual Activity Normal". In my naiveté, I would expect that an upstanding man like Pastor Bethel, a respected black Christian leader, will follow suit.

But I digress.

As Pastor Bethel rebuked me, he attempted to undermine the gay rights movement. He subversively linked all gays with paedophilia, disease, extreme levels of domestic violence, promiscuity - even providing statistics to claim that gays run a higher risk of getting murdered than their straight counterparts. He also scoffed at my comparison of today's gay struggle to the historic civil rights movement in the United States. Yet he overlooked the thrust of my argument: That there is room for interpretation of Biblical scriptures used to condemn gays and therefore a religious argument against sexual orientation is invalid. But this is an issue I will revisit later.

First, I want to dismantle several statements in the pastor's "enlightened" lecture.


Pastor Bethel lists numerous goals of "the gay militant agenda" , which he said were expressed during the 1993 March on Washington for Lesbian, Gay and Bi Equal Rights and Liberation. His selective account of the event shocked me. I was surprised that he forgot to mention that several high-profile black civil rights leaders threw their support behind the April 25 protest, which called for an end to discrimination of gays in the military. On February 26, 1993, The Washington Post reported that leaders of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP) endorsed the march, one of the largest protests in the DC area.

"The NAACP has always been in the forefront in the struggle for equal rights," said George Carter, then deputy director of the NAACP, at a press conference ahead of the march. The Post reported that at the time, the NAACP's board of directors had adopted a stance "to end discrimination against gay men and lesbian Americans in areas of American life where all citizens deserve equal protection and equal opportunity under the law."

According to The Boston Globe, before a crowd of hundreds of thousands of exuberant gay men and lesbian women attending that march, Reverend Benjamin Chavis, then executive director of the NAACP said: "We must be against all forms of injustice. We must be against treating all people unfairly, because of their race, their class or their sexual orientation."

This alone unravels one of Pastor Bethel's fallacious statements, which claimed that American civil rights leaders do not empathise with the gay community nor see similarities in their plight. Pastor Bethel mocked me because I drew a correlation between African Americans' struggle for equality to the plight of gays worldwide. "Sexual preference is nothing like skin colour," he Writes. "Homosexuality is not a civil right. It is an affront to African-Americans to say having past generations being prevented from taking a drink from a public water fountain or being sprayed down by fire hoses in a public park was on par with preventing a man from marrying another man."

He goes on to quote American civil rights leader Jesse Jackson, who said in a 2004 Boston Globe article that gays were never "called three-fifths of a person in the Constitution". What Mr Bethel does not tell you is that in that same article, Mr Jackson said he supports "equal protection under the law" for gay couples.

And what of Julian Bond, the NAACP's chairman from 1998 until February of this year, a champion to the gay and lesbian community for his fight for the rights of all people? As he received an award from the Human Rights Campaign in 2005, the largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender political organisation in the US, Mr Bond was asked if gay rights are civil rights.

He said, "Of course they are. Civil rights are positive legal prerogatives - the right to equal treatment before the law. These are rights shared by all - there is no one in the United States who does not - or should not - share in these rights.

"When others gain these rights, my rights are not reduced in any way. The fight for civil rights is a win/win game; the more civil rights are won by others, the stronger the army defending my rights becomes. My rights are not diluted when my neighbour enjoys protection from the law - he or she becomes my ally in defending the rights we all share.

"For some, comparisons between the African-American civil rights movement and the movement for gay and lesbian rights seem to diminish the long black historical struggle with all its suffering, sacrifices and endless toil. However, people of colour ought to be flattered that our movement has provided so much inspiration for others, that it has been so widely imitated, and that our tactics, methods, heroines and heroes, even our songs, have been appropriated by or served as models for others," Bond said, according to the October 15, 2005, issue of the Atlanta Inquirer.

Mr Bond, as I did in my earlier piece, even compared the controversy surrounding gay marriage to the bigoted criticisms of interracial marriage during eras of racial tension: "We know there was a time, not so long ago, when black people in this country couldn't marry the person of their choice either."

This information is readily available to anyone with an internet connection, yet Pastor Bethel omitted these references from his essay. I wonder why.


Pastor Bethel, and like-minded persons, are quick to point out that they are not fighting the gay individual but rather they are waging war on "the gay agenda". Pastor Bethel takes the words of writer Michael Swift - which are widely accepted as satire - and omits the crucial first line of his essay, which puts the tone of the paper into context.

"This essay is an outré (bizarre), madness, a tragic, cruel fantasy, an eruption of inner rage, on how the oppressed desperately dream of being the oppressor," writes Swift in the preface to his 1987 article, The Gay Manifesto. In his hasty essay, Pastor Bethel ignores this introduction - in the typical vein of extremists - only exposing readers to carefully selected portions of Swift's piece. But surely, the pastor can grasp the concepts of satire and farce.

Too many times I've heard the word agenda - which is simply a list of things to be done - used as if it is a secret, evil plot to take over the world (insert evil laugh here). Uber conservatives and fundamentalists throw the phrase "gay agenda" around like a conspiracy theory, as if other minority groups and, people in general, don't have their own interests to push as they fight for their rights to be heard in this unfair world.

"Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) people are as diverse in our political beliefs as other communities ... notions of a 'homosexual agenda' are rhetorical inventions of anti-gay extremists seeking to create a climate of fear by portraying the pursuit of civil rights for LGBT people as sinister," the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has stated.

Right now in the United States, there is a heated debate between African-American leaders on whether or not President Barack Obama needs to advance the "black agenda" in the face of rising unemployment levels within the black sector, as the US reels from the job losses brought on by the recession. Embroiled in this dispute is Reverend Al Sharpton, and author and talk show host Tavis Smiley. Mr Smiley - who reportedly planned to host a panel of civil rights leaders and scholars entitled "We Count: The Black Agenda Is the American Agenda" - has lambasted the reverend for saying President Obama does not need to identify a black agenda to properly serve the needs of that community.

A Google search of "black agenda" turns up 20,600,000 results. A search for the "feminist agenda" reveals 895,000 results. A similar search on "gay agenda" provides 5,050,000 results. So if other minority groups are pushing their causes, and proudly label them as agendas, why should we fear one from the gay community?

Because being gay is "vile" with "painful and sometimes deadly consequences," says Mr Bethel.


If a non-objective reader drew nothing else from the pastor's reproof, it would be that all gays are child molesters, infected with a myriad of nasty diseases, violent, and intent on destroying the family. Throughout his piece, the pastor clumps homosexuality with the illicit act of paedophilia, as if the two are interchangeable.

He says that homophobes are right to fear gays as molesters ready to snatch little children out of their beds. He mentions an association - the North American Man and Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) - not mentioning that the fringe group has long been ostracised from and denounced by the international gay community for advocating for legal sex with young boys.

"These goals (of NAMBLA) constitute a form of child abuse and are repugnant to GLAAD," the group has said. NAMBLA has been subject to intense investigation and raids by the FBI, has about 1,200 members worldwide.

However it is not a new phenomenon for people to disenfranchise minorities by painting them all as lecherous fiends.

"Members of disliked minority groups are often stereotyped as representing a danger to the majority's most vulnerable members. For example, Jews in the Middle Ages were accused of murdering Christian babies in ritual sacrifices. Black men in the United States were often lynched after being falsely accused of raping white women. In a similar fashion, gay people have often been portrayed as a threat to children," writes Dr Gregory Herek, professor of psychology at the University of California at Davis, and an authority on sexual prejudice, in the essay Facts About Homosexuality and Child Molestation.

Pastor Bethel says he is arguing based on the facts, and lists a number of dubious statistics detailing, among other things, the high rates of violence, disease and promiscuity among homosexuals. The conclusion he would like persons to reach is that gays are afflicted with these problems only because they are homosexuals. Using his line of thinking, I wonder what Pastor Bethel would say about the high rate of violence among African-Americans in the US? Is it because they are black?

Of course not. What is true however, is that in many countries both gays and blacks are classified as minority groups. As such, they have historically been subjected to discrimination, violence and marginalised. Indeed this pattern repeats itself among oppressed minorities around the world including American Indians, non white Hispanics, etc.

On the question of promiscuity, I don't believe heterosexuals possess the moral high ground on this. Here in the Bahamas the most recent figures released by the Department of Statistics revealed that out of the 5,126 live births in the Bahamas in 2007 - 3,047 of them were to unwed mothers. Young girls between the ages of 15 and 19, who accounted for 604 live births in the respective period, had 581 children out of wedlock.


After my earlier article was published, I received an email from an angry reader who stressed to me that there should be no debate on this subject because the Bible decrees being gay an "abomination". The reader added that if God intended gays to be a part of the natural order, he would have created "Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve".

K Darnell Giles, writes that the Creation story and a handful of other scriptures have been used by extremists to justify hatred and exclusion of gays. But this stance is based on "historical church practice and rumours" rather than an educated analysis of the Bible, Giles contends.

He explains that one cannot interpret today's Bible without understanding the cultural context of the scriptures. Scriptures that were translated into English from ancient Hebrew and Greek languages, which may not have had equivalent English translations.

It is argued that God created a man and a woman to populate the earth in His image, something extremists argue is impossible in a gay relationship therefore against God's master plan.

For this argument to hold water, it would have to apply to sterile men or infertile women, people who are biologically or otherwise incapable of reproducing.

"Are these men and women to be cast away by God because they are not bearing His image through procreation? Are they committing some type of sin because they cannot or choose not to produce children? Of course not," says Giles in his book, What Did Jesus Say? Why the Bible Does Not Condemn Homosexuality.

"I believe African Americans, above all other people, owe it to themselves to take a deeper look at the scriptures for a clearer understanding of its teaching on homosexuality instead of passively continuing the marginalizing of this people group.

"For hundreds of years, African American people have been oppressed as homosexuals are today, although in manners and with methods far more harsh.

"Our oppressors misinterpreted the same Bible to enslave our ancestors; and it is now used to marginalize and teach ignorance about homosexuals. The same holds true for how women have been treated in the distant and recent past within church culture and society as a whole," wrote Giles.


I don't see it as a stretch to say that Pastor Bethel responded so vehemently to my article because he thought it was a fight he thought he could win - presumably because he feels the majority of Bahamians are on his side. This is not the only way in which Pastor Bethel and the rest of the Christian Council are strategic in their choice of battles - they also choose only to attack issues which threaten their privileged position as self-appointed moral arbiters of the nation.

This is why domestic abuse, crime, violence, infidelity and a host of other problems this country faces are not on their most wanted list - everyone agrees these are social evils. Instead, they choose to rail against sexual orientation, gambling and "immoral" films, as these fall into the category of things they could formerly control, but which an increasing number of Bahamians feel are private affairs.

Lyall Bethel and his colleagues would pretend that in policing perceived "immoral activities", they are merely expressing their right to voice their opinions. But in agitating for stricter anti-gambling laws, urging Bahamians to take a stand against "further infiltration of homosexuality" and attempting to ban certain films from being seen by adults in theatres in the Bahamas, they are pushing for the state to limit the freedom of responsible, intelligent, adult individuals - much like the Sharia law in fundamentalist Islamic societies.

This suggests that they hold a number of assumptions which are incompatible with modern Bahamian society - among them that we are not qualified to make our own moral choices, that we are little more than children and require the enlightened guidance of men of the cloth, and - ironically - that their influence is so weak that they need the law to reinforce their position.


Friday, July 16, 2004

Apostle Cedric Moss on Rosie O’Donnell’s Homosexual Cruise to The Bahamas

Rosie O’Donnell’s Homosexual Cruise - The Bahamas

By Apostle Cedric Moss

Nassau, The Bahamas




For several weeks now we have been hearing about Rosie O’Donnell’s upcoming homosexual cruise with “family values” that is scheduled to make two port calls in The Bahamas.  According to the published itinerary, the ship will stop at Little Stirrup Cay on July 15th from 11:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. - and then Nassau on July 16th  from 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Today I offer a kingdom perspective on it, which I trust, will serve as a faithful guide for the Christian community’s response.

A Big Show Down?

There are those who hold the view that the Church should seek to stop this homosexual cruise and others like it.  There are others who believe the Church should stage demonstrations to protest against this cruise and homosexuality.  I disagree with both views.  My disagreement is not just in the present situation…  I have always held this position against protesting and seeking to stop such cruises.

I clearly recall the protests against homosexual cruise a few years ago.  Some protesters got into shouting matches with passengers and physical confrontations with the Police.  Clearly something is wrong with those pictures because such protests misrepresent the cause of Christ and the way of His Kingdom.

What Manner of Spirit?

I am reminded of the response of Jesus to James and John when they sought His permission to call down fire on the Samaritans just because the Samaritans did not welcome them.  Jesus rebuked the brothers for “not knowing the manner of spirit they were of” and reminded them that He did not come to destroy the lives of men, but to save them (see Luke 9:51-56).  Those who are minded to physically protest and confront this cruise- and other groups they oppose should be guided by these words of Christ.  If not, they should be guided by common sense: Such protests are counterproductive and do more harm than good.

Their only result is to cause persons who are trapped in and blinded by the sin of homosexuality to be further alienated from Christ and His ambassadors who are supposed to be bearers of good news and not inflammatory rhetoric.  So I would urge all in the Christian community to recognize the manner of spirit we are of, and pray for Rosie O’Donnell and those who will be accompanying her to hear and respond to the Gospel.

Hospitality and Honesty


We are a tourist destination, and as such - should be hospitable to all those who wish to visit our shores- and abide by our laws and cultural standards of public conduct.  However, in addition to hospitality- we need to demonstrate honesty, and the Ministry of Tourism or the relevant arm of government should appropriately and clearly advise the cruise organizers of our cultural standards of public conduct to be passed on to passengers.  The sad thing is that many will object to such honest communication because they believe some homosexual tourists will choose to not come to The Bahamas.

I am not speculating about this objection.  I have previously mentioned the need for this kind of honest communication to homosexual tourists, and some who oppose homosexuality disagreed simply because they fear the possibility of losing homosexual tourists and the money they spend.  In other words, they prefer that we continue to engage in national hypocrisy and keep quiet about our cultural norm against homosexuality because we might have to pay a financial price.  It leads me to wonder if their greed exceeds their conviction against homosexuality.  Clearly the strongest one will win.

Our Real Battle

Many years ago I learnt a very helpful lesson: You always have more battles to fight than you have bullets available; so you must choose your battles wisely.  Violating this rule of engagement means you might win unimportant battles, but you will lose important ones.  Bearing this in mind, the matter of homosexual cruises and land groups who come to visit our shores for a few hours or days is an unimportant battle, and fighting them is a waste of bullets…our time, efforts and energies.  Our real battle is to wisely engage our efforts to ensure that when our constitution is amended, citizens of The Bahamas are given an opportunity to decide whether or not they wish to encode in Our constitution the clear definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman, and the Prohibition of all forms of legal accommodations for same sex unions.

This battle should in no Way seek to infringe on the current freedoms, which our constitution gives to same sex couples to associate and relate to each other however they choose. It should only seek to enshrine the boundaries of marriage in The Bahamas from any possible legal infringement.




Apostle Cedric Moss serves as Senior Pastor at Kingdom Life World Outreach Centre.