Showing posts with label Jennifer Issacs-Dotson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jennifer Issacs-Dotson. Show all posts

Thursday, January 6, 2011

The trade union leadership in The Bahamas is in shambles

By Dennis Dames

It was sometime in December 2010 that I saw the big-time union-woman Ms. Jennifer Isaacs-Dotson on television hinting with a vengeance about the possibly of a general strike or massive demonstrations as a result of the government’s decision to sell the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) to one Cable and Wireless. She ended with the words: We coming.

Then, some days later– I saw her again on the screen; but this time, she was like a ship without wind for its sails. It looked like she and her band of irresolute union leaders were not sure after all about the next course of action that they would take.

We coming had turned to: We don’t know if we are coming or going.

Big booboo Ms. Isaacs-Dotson!

You played with fire and you got burned. I think that you have presented your cards recklessly on this issue; and it is my perception that the union leadership in The Bahamas is in shambles as a consequence.

Then, I saw the BTC union leader on the news like he was crying. He threatened to sue someone who would insist on essentially telling lies on them. It was like he was timid rather than confident. It really did not reflect favorably on their cause; whatever it is that they are trying to articulate.

Then, there is Mr. Carroll – the Managers’ union man of BTC. He simply looks lost in all of this union lunacy that we must endure – hopefully for not too much longer. Every-time I see Mr. Carroll in the newspapers – he looks out-of-place or in space.

What are these people really dealing with? Fighting boredom perhaps or are they simply being misguided by political con-men who are out to springboard solidly to the 2012 general election?

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