Showing posts with label Killarney Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Killarney Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

...delighted today to have read the message of peace in this election season and beyond the Free National Movement’s candidate for Killarney; the Hon. Hubert Minnis

By Dennis Dames

I was delighted today to have read the message of peace by the Free National Movement’s candidate for Killarney; the Hon. Hubert Minnis. He wrote about allowing calm heads to prevail this election season and beyond.

It’s a point worth repeating by all responsible politicians in the land, as the temperature is truly rising among the people across the political divide. I have never experienced such touchiness, itchiness, and angriness among Bahamians of different political perspectives in The Bahamas until now.

If things continue on this course, we could be in for something violently new in our electoral process; and it will be a direct reflection of our 21st century political leadership in The Bahamas.

Respect should always be our password; and with it – comes responsibility and love for one another. The political disrespect that seems to be out of control in our country today is a part of the wider disrespectful culture that’s slowly tearing us apart.

We cannot be serious about a prosperous future as one people, if we hate one another because - we support different political parties, or we see things differently.

If the invasive contempt for one another continues through the upcoming general election, then - what kind of results do we expect at the end of the day brothers and sisters?

Yes, the assault incident in Grand Bahama this weekend involving a candidate’s daughter, is one worthy of serious note and action. Nip it now or be sorry later.

I have noticed that so called responsible politicians and political leaders in our country are first concerned about winning by hook or crook. Well, Mr. and Ms. politicians, you all better change that outlook before you don’t become a victim of your distorted philosophy.

Let’s all watch and see who will follow Doctor Minnis of Killarney, and denounce all forms of violence in this election season and onwards; because only real leaders will do so.

Step up to the plate brothers and sisters who seek our vote.

Caribbean Blog International

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Jerome Gomez and Dr Daniel Johnson confirmed as Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) candidates for the next general election

PLP confirm Killarney, Carmichael candidates

THE PLP has confirmed that the party will run financial services consultant Jerome Gomez in Killarney and Dr Daniel Johnson in Carmichael in the next general election.

According to a PLP release, Mr Gomez, a financial services consultant and former member of several Government boards, was ratified by the PLP's National General Council on Thursday evening as the Killarney candidate.

Meanwhile, Dr Daniel Johnson, a podiatrist, son-in-law of the late Sir Lynden Pindling and son of former MP for Cat Island Oscar Johnson, will run under the party's banner in Carmichael.

Presently, the Killarney seat is held by Dr Hubert Minnis, also Minister of Health, and Carmichael is represented by Desmond Bannister, Minister of Education.

Mr Gomez, 46, is the principal of the chartered accounting firm Baker Tilly Gomez and has previously worked at Shell Bahamas Limited and Barclays Bank in various positions.

He is the managing director of Gomez Corporate Management Ltd., a licensed financial and corporate service provider, and Gestfinanz (Bahamas Ltd.), a Bahamian licensed securities investment advisor.

As a Fund Administrator for the Bahamas Entrepreneurial Venture Fund, the government sponsored venture capital fund, the party noted that Mr Gomez has "had the privilege of providing hundreds of entrepreneurs with business consulting services."

Mr Gomez served for a period as chairman of the Hospitals and Health Care Facilities Licensing Board, deputy chairman of the Town Planning Committee and a member of the Real Estate Disciplinary Committee.

He is a graduate of St. Augustine's College and holds a Bachelor of Science in Economics and Finance from Barry University, Miami, Florida. He is married to Jean Gomez (nee Shannon) and is the father of five children.

The party did not release any further information about Dr Johnson.

August 23, 2010


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Dr Hubert Minnis - Killarney MP was on the verge of resigning his cabinet post after a contentious exchange with Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham

Cabinet Minister 'was on verge of quitting'

AFTER a particularly contentious exchange in Cabinet last week between Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham and his MP for Killarney, it is reported that Dr Hubert Minnis was on the verge of resigning his cabinet post, but changed his mind.

According to well-placed sources within the party, it is claimed that Mr Ingraham "belittled" his Minister of Health to the point that the minister felt he had no other option but to tender his resignation.

However, since this exchange it is said that Dr Minnis has been "talked out" of his previous position.

Sources claim the incident occurred during a special cabinet meeting in front of some 25 persons last week.

Having always been perceived as a "close friend" and ally of the Prime Minister, other sources within the FNM said that even if the Killarney MP was so personally offended, he would not have resigned from his cabinet appointment as the MP has always held future leadership aspirations.

However, a well-placed source within the government claimed that Dr Minnis and the Prime Minister's relationship has been strained for over a year.

"It would be political suicide for him to leave. In my opinion Minnis is too Machiavellian for that. So even if he was offended to that degree I don't see him leaving.

"Once they had an exchange in the Smokers Room at the House (of Assembly) and someone asked, 'Hey, isn't that your friend?' And the response I recall was that 'there isn't any friends in here'."

With one of his Members of Parliament, Branville McCartney having already resigned from the Cabinet earlier this year, Mr Ingraham noted at the time that it is always regrettable for a Prime Minister to lose a Minister or Minister of State.

As for Dr Minnis, it is unknown what sparked the disagreement or how the incident will play itself out as cabinet is expected to meet today and the Budget debate opens in Parliament on Wednesday.

Repeated attempts to reach the MP for Killarney were unsuccessful up to press time last night.

June 01, 2010
