Showing posts with label Malcolm Adderley's resignation speech. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Malcolm Adderley's resignation speech. Show all posts

Thursday, January 7, 2010

House of Assembly Bahamas: Malcolm Adderley's resignation speech in full

"Mr Speaker,

Members of Parliament,

It is my belief that politics is about persons coming together to achieve common goals for the good of the people they represent.

In order for the group to survive there must be respect, honesty, transparency and decency towards one another. In order for progress to be achieved, there must be some real fundamental bonding with each other - and a vision as to what that group needs to achieve in order to capture the dream to which people aspire.

Mr Speaker, when I was invited to enter the political arena some time in the year 2001, I had a vision of being a part of an organisation that my father, a humble taxi driver (taxi no. 4) was a proud and faithful member of since its inception. I reluctantly agreed to enter politics but felt it was a noble cause. Over the years, my reluctance became sheer love for this new career path - especially as I came to know the people of Elizabeth.

Sir, I never once expected fame or fortune when I entered politics. Service to country was not new to me. In earlier years, I had served in the capacity of a prosecutor in the Attorney General's Office for four years; as an acting magistrate on several occasions; I served as the first president of the newly established Bahamas Industrial Tribunal for two years; and as a justice of the Supreme Court for a year - all at no significant remuneration.

I should add, sir, that before I left the Supreme Court bench I was invited to become a permanent judge and could have been a judge years ago had I wished. But I declined and returned to my own law chambers.

So to trivialise this matter by saying that this is about my not having been given a Cabinet seat is frightening, because it shows a mentality that is totally out of touch with reality. The Cabinet was chosen in 2002. This is now 2010 - why would I stay for seven and a half years afterwards if in fact I was "puffed up" over not being in Mr Christie's Cabinet.

Mr Speaker, the Elizabeth Constituency has some 4,000 constituents. Since the 2007 election , I have spoken to many of my supporters in Elizabeth indicating to them the possibility of my departure from the political arena depending on the direction in which my party chose to go.

Over the past few days Mr Speaker, the noise in the market has become quite vociferous. But, sir, I invite those who are not a part of the great constituency which I have been privileged to represent, not to mind the noise in the market.

You see, we in Elizabeth know what time it is. That noise is not coming from the decent people of Elizabeth. The noise is coming from the same direction that it came from prior to my nomination in 2007.

The people of Elizabeth are intelligent, decent, independent minded and have been calling me to tell me what they have been telling me since 2007 - we support you whatever you do.

Mr Speaker, ever since my election to this honourable House in 2002, my relationship with the leadership of my party has been strained. Seven and a half years later that relationship has worsened. From then to now has been the worst personal experience that my family and I have ever faced. I took the insults, the disrespect, the negative gossip, the careful and calculated undermining that has been the hallmark of my political journey.

But through it all I took the blows, never flinching, never allowing it to make me lose my focus of what my responsibilities were to the people of Elizabeth. The interesting thing, sir, is that is that none of this came from the good people of Elizabeth. In fact, it came from those outside Elizabeth, who obviously feared anyone who could think and had an independent view - and most of all, refused to be led by mediocrity.

In fact, sir, if it were not for the support and encouragement of the good people of Elizabeth, I would have succumbed long ago to the vicious politics and hatred that was hatched by those wretched beings outside the boundary of the great constituency of Elizabeth by those whom one would least expect to do so.

But the history of my political journey is well documented in the account I gave during my first speech in this House, after the 2007 election, of the journey of the famous dingy boat "Elizabeth". And so, Mr Speaker, I need not relate it once again.

Mr Speaker, I have tried my best to serve the good people of Elizabeth. We had good and bad times together. During the years 2002 to 2007 I sought but could not obtain the much needed assistance for the people of Elizabeth; nor could I provide the much needed infrastructure. Nevertheless, Elizabeth supported me. I am happy that between 2007 and 2009 as a result of the contribution of the government members of parliament, I have been able to refurbish two existing parks and construct four new parks for the people of Elizabeth - so that families can take their children for recreational activities at their leisure. I am happy that Elizabeth Estates park has had additional construction recently added with the addition of a walking track, a softball diamond and a brand new modern toilet facility for men and women.

I am indeed pleased that I was able to donate to the Elizabeth Children's Home beautiful furniture to add to the comfort of the children and the staff in the home and also to the Thelma Gibson Primary School two state-of-the-art eno-active boards that will go a long way to promote and assist the advancement of the learning process of the dear children of the school.

Even as I speak, a computer lab is being established for the children of Elizabeth as a result of the contribution of the government made to each constituency.

Mr Speaker, during my tenure in this House, I have come to love the years of door-to-door campaigning, the greetings and discussions with the beautiful people of Elizabeth - I shall surely miss this wonderful and rewarding experience.

The people of Elizabeth over the years have shown me the warmth and love that is crucial for survival in the type of politics that I had to deal with from those who wished me ill.

I can attest to this by drawing your attention to the events leading up to the 2007 election.

Mr Speaker, if one ever doubted that there is a God above...I can testify that there is -- I am living example of this -- and God is good. Whom God bless, no man can curse. In the 2007 general election -- despite what has been said I was fighting two formidable giants.

Not only did I have to deal with the formidable, well organised, well-equipped political genius of the then opposition leader...regardless to what you have heard and will hear in the future, I was exposed to the forces of my own party.

The only thing I had was my personal ambition and a determination to conquer both forces -- and like the Biblical shepherd boy David -- the Almighty God stood by my side and gave me victory. Praise be to God!

Mr Speaker, despite all of this I took it like a man -- never wavering, but kept my focus. I must confess however, sir, that it has not been easy. It has been even more difficult for my family. And as they say, sir...enough is enough!

Mr Speaker, immediately after the recent election, I met with my family and close political friends. Together, it was agreed that I should allow time to pass to see whether there would be any improvement in my relationship with the leadership. It was felt that after a two year period of mid-term would be a reasonable point to assess my political future. It would be a good time for me to know the position and notify the people of Elizabeth whether I would be seeking a third term in office.

Mr Speaker, the decision I make today, no doubt, is one of the most difficult decisions that I have ever made. The fact of the matter, sir, is that my love for politics does not matter. It is not about me. In life, we are mere vehicles that God sometimes uses to achieve worthwhile objectives.

What is important -- is that the people of Elizabeth deserve better...much better. I decided that this constant and perpetual undermining of the duly elected Member of Parliament in total disregard and blatant disrespect of the will of the people of Elizabeth....this contrived and calculated creation of confusion in Elizabeth had to stop and that the time to address them is now.

Mr Speaker, which other constituency held by the official opposition after the 2007 election other than Kennedy and Elizabeth were there persons being actively encouraged to campaign against us with a view to becoming the parties candidate in the 2012 election, brazenly knocking on doors, even dispensing T-shirts, groceries, even handing out Mother's Day gifts and cards, indicating to constituents that they were the party's choice for 2012.

Mr Speaker, we are now in mid-term. I am on time. I have reviewed the period from May 2007 to December 2009...a period of two and a half years. Nothing has changed. In fact, it has worsened. The point is, sir, that there is still too many issues that separate the leadership of the party and I.

The record will show that my future as a member of the Progressive Liberal Party has always been dim. Time would not have allowed me to believe that there would have been a new day...a change of attitudes, a change of good will for all concerned.

I simply cannot bury my head in the sand, like the proverbial ostrich and pretend that all is well. The people of Elizabeth need as their representative, someone who has the full support of the party which he represents.

The leadership of the party at its recent convention was given an almost unanimous vote of confidence by the membership...I know what it is like to be subject to that leadership. I have had it for seven and a half years. I have always expressed my deep concern about the lack of vision of the leadership and that has not changed. The reality is, sir, that the people have spoken and I have to respect their voice.

Accordingly, sir, it has been said that when a member of an organisation finds that he cannot support its leadership -- then the honourable thing for that member to do is resign. So, after many months, days and nights of painful deliberations, I found that I had no other choice than to tender my official resignation to the chairman of the party effective January 1st, 2010.

The Progressive Liberal Party is a party that has the distinction of being built by the blood, sweat and tears of hardworking men and women of humble beginnings but proud of their commitment to uplift the well-being and standard of the people.

Men and women like my late parents, Malcolm Adderley, Sr and Elaine Adderley, like so many of their era, played a significant role in bringing the Progressive Liberal Party to its zenith and made it the most powerful force in our great Bahamaland. Regrettably, if they were alive today their hearts and souls would ache to see the state of the party today as a result of the venom and ill will that is displayed almost on a daily basis on any member who tries to correct its ills.

Mr Speaker, as I said before, politics is not about one individual. It is about what is in the best interest of the people that we serve. As a result, there is no benefit to the people of Elizabeth for me to sit in this house as the independent member for Elizabeth.

Mr Speaker, issues have been raised as to my loyalty because of the position I have taken. In order to remove all doubts as to who the wonderful people of Elizabeth want to represent them...I have decided to remove myself from the political stage and allow the people of Elizabeth in their wisdom to decide who they would wish to be their spokesman.

And so, sir, with the greatest respect and humility, I hearby tender my resignation to this honourable house as the Member of Parliament for the Elizabeth constituency effective at 5.30pm today.

Mr Speaker, I thank the officers and members of the Progressive Liberal Party for having allowed me to carry the banner of the party in the last two general elections.

I thank the staff of the Honourable House for their support, goodwill and professionalism displayed towards me during my tenure as the Member of Parliament.

I thank all of my colleagues in this Honourable House and wish you well in your future endeavours. Let me assure each and every one of you that I hold no animosity whatsoever.

To all those beautiful, loyal, decent, loving people of the great constituency of Elizabeth -- who despite all -- has shown me love and supported me through thick and thin, especially Marsha Curry, Cynthia Cox, Verona Woodside, Elizabeth Collie, Lillymae Thompson, John "Commander" Higgs, Annamae Forbes, Mrs Cash, Cindy Moss, Keisha Rodgers, Sidney Strachan and many many more. I extended my heartfelt thanks and will forever be indebted to you. You stood by me through all the storms and sheltered me from harm. I love you all and may God continue to bless you.

To William "Bill" Wallace who played an integral role in my election of 2002; to Donna Smith, who unselfishly joined our historical team in my election of 2007 and played an integral part in it, I extend my sincere gratitude.

To Calvin Davis, who from the election of 2002 to now, has stood by my side -- whose support I find impossible to quantify, I express my eternal gratitude.

Mr Prime Minister! My gratitude to you, sir! for your statesmanship in rising above petty politics in allowing me to continue to serve the people of the Bahamas as Chairman of the Gaming Board under your watch for the past two and a half years. This is a position I thoroughly enjoyed as it allowed me to serve the Bahamian people in a small, but meaningful way.

To my fellow directors, the officers and employees of the gaming board, I thank you for your support, it has been truly a worthwhile experience.

To my wife, Daphne, and our five children (who are present in the House today) -- Eamon, Engedi, Evan, Misty and Mia -- you are my strength, my inspiration and my gift from God -- I love you all.

Finally, Mr Speaker!

As I leave these honourable chambers I am pleased to see that the landscape of Bahamian politics is changing. For I am happy to say -- for the better.

The young people of Elizabeth and other constituencies can no longer be persuaded by bully tactics and ghetto politics. Sir, they demand and deserve better Mr Speaker. A new day is dawning for the wonderful people of the Bahamas. One in which the guideline is integrity and honesty.

I pray, Mr Speaker, that God will give me the strength and the wisdom to continue to serve the people of the Bahamas in any other capacity with integrity and character as I have tried to serve the wonderful people of Elizabeth -- as their duly elected Member of Parliament for the past seven and a half years.

May God Bless you all.

May God Bless this Honourable House

And May God Bless the people of The Commonwealth of the Bahamas.

Thank you and God speed."

Malcolm E Adderley, Jr

Resignation address

January 6, 2010.
