Showing posts with label Michel Martelly Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Michel Martelly Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Bahamians of Haitian descent did not see anything wrong with Haitian President Michel Martelly’s message to Haitian-Bahamians and Haitians on his recent visit to The Bahamas

Young Haitian-Bahamians weigh in on Martelly controversy

By Krystel Rolle
Guardian Staff Reporter

Two Bahamians of Haitian descent have weighed in on the raging debate over Haitian President Michel Martelly’s recent controversial statements, saying that his comments were “blown out of proportion” and “misunderstood”.

During an interview on the Star 106.5 FM radio program ‘Jeffrey’ on Monday evening, Manishka Desinor, 26, who was naturalized three years ago, and Allie Lafleur, 28, who was naturalized recently, said they did not see anything wrong with Martelly’s message to Haitian-Bahamians and Haitians last Tuesday.

As previously reported by The Nassau Guardian, in a meeting with over 6,000 Haitians and Haitian-Bahamians at the Church of God Auditorium on Joe Farrington Road, Martelly urged them to align themselves with the political party that will best serve their interests.

“I told them to organize themselves and identify in the upcoming elections who is on their side. That way they can become a force. By being [unified] in the elections they might have people taking care of them. . .this is the democratic way,” the Haitian president said.

His comments sparked outrage among some Bahamians.

But Desinor and Lafleur do not see why his comments caused such a ruckus.

“I don’t think [Bahamians] should be upset about that,” Lafleur said.

“It’s just a comment he’s making to the people. He’s not telling you who to vote for. I can understand if he’s telling you to vote for the PLP or the DNA, then yeah, you could be offended. But he isn’t saying go ahead and vote for [any party]. He’s telling you to vote for the party of your choice.”

Desinor agreed.

“I don’t think he meant to cause any harm or make Bahamians feel like he’s butting into our affairs,” she said, adding that the media misinterpreted Martelly’s statements.

But some members of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) and the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) did see it that way.

In fact, DNA leader Branville McCartney called for Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham’s resignation, suggesting that the prime minister invited Martelly for political gain.

Ingraham has since refuted that claim.

PLP leader Perry Christie also took issue with Martelly’s statements, suggesting that the Haitian president was out of order.

But Lafleur said he thinks the PLP and the DNA are using the issue for political gain.

Desinor said she doesn’t know anyone in the Haitian community who intends to follow Martelly’s advice to form a voting bloc.

In fact, she said she is considering voting for an independent candidate.

Desinor became eligible to vote about three years ago when her application for citizenship was granted, a process that she said took three years.

Lafleur said he was naturalized 10 years after he applied.

Even though both Desinor and Lafleur’s parents are Haitians who illegally migrated to The Bahamas, the pair who were born in The Bahamas said they are just as much Bahamian as those born to Bahamian parents.

“I don’t consider myself a Haitian. I think of myself as a Bahamian,” Desinor said.

They both claimed that they have been discriminated against because of their parents’ nationality.

Desinor said that when she was growing up she felt “terrible and out of place; like I didn’t belong.”

While they don’t agree that people who were born here to Haitian parents are stateless, they admitted that it is frustrating not having Bahamian status upon birth.

“It’s stressful at times, knowing that you want to do things and you can not.  At 18 your life is at a standstill. You can’t do anything until your citizenship is approved,” Desinor said.

Feb 15, 2012


Friday, February 10, 2012

Haitian Ambassador to The Bahamas Antonio Rodrigue says Haiti's president Michel Martelly did not intend to interfere in Bahamian politics when he told Haitian-Bahamians to identify "who is on their side" in the upcoming general election ...and band together accordingly with the political party that they feel would best protect their interests

Haiti denies FNM 'vote ploy'


HAITI'S president Michel Martelly did not intend to interfere in Bahamian politics when he told Haitian-Bahamians to identify "who is on their side" in the upcoming general elections, Haitian Ambassador Antonio Rodrigue said.

The ambassador spoke yesterday as political rivals of the FNM expressed concern over Mr Martelly's comments - which they claimed were the result of a "political ploy" by the governing party.

On Wednesday, Mr Martelly advised Bahamians of Haitian descent to band together and lobby for a political party they feel would best protect their interests.

"I told them to organise themselves and identify in this upcoming elections who is on their side," he said.

"By being determinate in the elections they may have people taking care of them, this is the democratic way."

Mr Rodrigue claimed the president was misunderstood and stressed he was not trying to be political.

"I think people are taking it out of context and people here try to put it as a political effort.

"No, he wants to tell them - and this is something I think is normal - look out for your interests, look for who is helping you, who has your interests.

"He didn't mention any person, any group, anything in particular," Mr Rodrigue said.

"It was not his intention to get into the politics of the Bahamas. That's not his intention and I think it's a misunderstanding or maybe people try to twist what he said just for political reasons, but the president respects the choice or the politics of each country. Never would it be his intention to get involved in those things."

As for accusations that Mr Martelly's statements were an endorsement of the FNM, Mr Rodrigue said the president's visit had "nothing to do" with the FNM or any other party, and pointed out the president visited with both the FNM and PLP leaders.

"It was not his intention saying that to endorse anyone in this election," he emphasised.
Mr Rodrigue explained the president only meant Haitians should organise among themselves and not necessarily in support of a particular party.

"He didn't talk about any party, he said Haitians have to organise themselves. It's something I think is very important because Haitians here are kind of isolated so when they put themselves together they can work better," he said.

Mr Rodrigue called it "unfortunate" that the president's comments were "twisted."

An official statement released by the Haitian Embassy last night said: "President Martelly's sole purpose during his stay in the Bahamas was to seek opportunities to improve the lives of Haitians, so they don't have to migrate to other countries.

"At any moment, President Martelly did not intend to interfere in any way in the internal politics of the Bahamas."

February 10, 2012


Thursday, February 9, 2012

Visiting Haitian President Michel Martelly urged his countrymen to form a voting bloc in The Bahamas and align themselves with the political party that will best serve their interests

Haitians told ‘form voting bloc’

by Taneka Thompson
Guardian Senior Reporter

Haitian President Michel Martelly yesterday urged his countrymen to form a voting bloc in The Bahamas and align themselves with the political party that will best serve their interests.

“I told them to organize themselves and identify in the upcoming elections who is on their side. That way they can become a force.  By being [unified] in the elections they might have people taking care of them. . .this is the democratic way,” Martelly told reporters yesterday.

He was reiterating statements he made in Haitian Creole as he spoke to thousands of Haitians and Haitian-Bahamians who crowded the Church of God on Joe Farrington Road on Tuesday night.

Police on the scene estimated the crowd at 6,000.  Many of them converged outside the hall anxious to hear their president speak.

His meeting with the members of the Haitian community in The Bahamas kicked off his brief official visit to the country.

Many people of Haitian descent who were born in The Bahamas, and some Haitians who came to The Bahamas illegally many years ago have been granted citizenship over the years.

Martelly said he heard reports of Haitians being mistreated in The Bahamas, for example being arrested for illegal immigration although they had permits to work or reside in the country.

He also lamented the plight of ‘stateless’ people who have to wait until their 18th birthday to apply for Bahamian citizenship even though they were born in this country.

“So until they’re 18 they don’t belong to anywhere, and yet they were born here, meaning do I have to tell anyone if you send them back to Haiti they probably don’t know anybody or won’t recognize the place where they land?.

“This could be considered as a crime, but that’s not the issue to talk about crime here; the issue is to stand by them and find the right solution. Be responsible, be humans and see how to better assist these Haitians,” said Martelly at a press conference at the British Colonial Hilton hotel yesterday.

However, he said he did not urge Haitians living here to protest, but instead use this country’s democratic system to work in their favor.

“I could not ask my people to riot for their right, this is not what I want,” he said.

The president said his government is working to create job opportunities so his people do not have to leave the country to make better lives elsewhere.

At the meeting with Haitians Tuesday night, Martelly encouraged them to return home and help rebuild the poor nation. He said it would be hard to convince foreign investors to help develop the country if its own people are leaving in droves.

An official who works for the Haitian Embassy translated his comments into English for The Nassau Guardian.

“I’m asking for your support, everyone get together with me, unite with me. We are going to create jobs for Haiti so Haitians don’t have to leave Haiti to look for jobs elsewhere,” he said in Creole, eliciting cheers from the crowd.

“. . .Those that want to leave now I’m telling you go with me tomorrow.”

The purpose of Martelly’s visit was to rebrand Haiti as a nation ripe for investment and full of opportunities.

The president, who was elected last April, said Haiti is no longer looking for international aid but wants to forge new ties in trading.

The country needs foreign investors to help build homes, roads and other infrastructure for the struggling country, according to the president.

Yesterday, Martelly met with Governor General Sir Arthur Foulkes, Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham, leader of the Opposition Perry Christie, members of the Chamber of Commerce and the ministers of immigration, national security and tourism.

Feb 09, 2012
