Showing posts with label National Health Insurance in The Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label National Health Insurance in The Bahamas. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The High Cost Reality of National Health Insurance (NHI) in The Bahamas

NHI roll-out ‘could take years’

Guardian Staff Reporter

While the government has said it will implement National Health Insurance in January 2016, Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson suggested yesterday it could take several years to fully implement that plan.

Gibson, who has ministerial responsibility for the National Insurance Board, said it is “impossible” to roll out the entire plan in just over a year, but the government will introduce it in phases.

“National Health Insurance is not something that you can implement wholly on one day,” he said following a press conference to announce Public Service Week.

“You can begin the process of implementation and you would generally have to implement it in phases.

“We have some countries where it took them as much as 10 years to fully implement.

“We are looking at implementing it on January 2016, [but] it is impossible to have it implemented 100 percent on a particular day over this short period of time.”

NHI is intended to provide universal access to affordable healthcare for all Bahamians.

The first Christie administration had pegged the cost of NHI at around $235 million annually, but the government has said it will cost a lot more.

Before the May 2012 general election, now Health Minister Dr. Perry Gomez pledged NHI would be implemented within the first year of a new Progressive Liberal Party term.

Gibson said the roll-out could be similar to that of the National Prescription Drug Plan, which was introduced in phases.

Sanigest Internacional, a Costa Rican-based firm contracted by the government to advise on NHI costing, has said it is “plausible” in some scenarios for NHI to cost more than $500 million.

Asked about that figure and the status of Sanigest’s costing report, Gibson said he plans to meet with officials this week to discuss the plan.

The consultants submitted a draft report in August.

October 21, 2014


Friday, May 16, 2014

The government is moving ahead with a National Health Insurance (NHI) plan / universal health scheme

Gibson: Gov’t Will Meet NHI 2016 Deadline

By Korvell Pyfrom
The Bahama Journal

Despite tough scrutiny from the Opposition over its ability to implement the much touted National Health Insurance (NHI) plan, Labour and National Insurance Minister Shane Gibson yesterday assured that the government is moving ahead with establishing the universal health scheme.

However, Mr. Gibson who has repeatedly been quizzed by the press about how much the government is paying a Costa Rican based firm contracted to consult the government on the plan’s implementation, was still unable to provide any figures.

“We’re not operating in a vacuum as soon as we have all the information and we are ready to release the information we will release it,” Mr. Gibson said to reporters outside of Cabinet Tuesday. “It makes no sense to me personally, to release information bits and pieces at a time.

“As soon as we are ready to release the appropriate information through the appropriate means then we will do so, but at this time we are not going to be releasing information every time the committee meets.”

The administration has announced January 2016 as the deadline for its rollout of NHI, but earlier this week Mr. Gibson announced that elements of the plan will be implemented ahead of that date.

Free National Movement (FNM) Deputy Chairman Dr. Duane Sands is among those skeptical of the plan ever coming to fruition and recently he said that the government’s track record on meeting its deadline makes it highly unlikely that NHI will ever come to reality.

But Mr. Gibson dismissed these assertions and suggested Dr. Sands is a man desperate to be elected.

“It is very difficult for me to keep responding to an always rejected man who wants to be a politician. He is at his best when he is criticising and I’m not going to endorse or authenticate what he says by responding to it,” he said.

“As soon as he is able to be elected in parliament and the people say that we want you, I will speak to him.”

The government contracted Costa Rican based Sanigest Internacional healthcare and management consultancy firm in March to provide a costing, benefits package and payment modalities report within three months.

Health Minister Dr. Perry Gomez has announced that the report is expected to be completed in early July.

May 14, 2014

Jones Bahamas