Showing posts with label Nygard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nygard. Show all posts

Monday, July 14, 2014

Peter Nygard’s proposed expansion plans at Simms Point/Nygard Cay...

Flawed Process For Nygard Plans

Tribune Staff Reporter

IN the face of mounting legal pressure and international attention, the government has been forced to extend its public consultation process on Peter Nygard’s proposed expansion plans at Simms Point/Nygard Cay for a further 21 days. In an embarrassing climbdown it has also had to admit to confusion and flaws in the process thus far.

Letters obtained by The Tribune yesterday, signed by Director of Physical Planning Michael Major and sent to Save The Bays (STB), the environmental group leading the opposition to the development, show that the consultation period has officially been extended because of the department’s failure to obtain certain information about Mr Nygard’s plans and its failure to disclose certain documents.

Concerned residents had requested the information and documents in order to make meaningful representations with respect to Mr Nygard’s applications.

Lawsuits were filed this week against the government by STB and wealthy Lyford Cay property owners, including Baha Mar Chairman Sarkis Izmirlian and retired British actor Sir Sean Connery, seeking a judicial review of the process.

On June 18, the government announced the start of the initial 21-day public consultation period that ended on Wednesday with respect to Mr Nygard’s applications for Crown land and approvals for building, dredging and other types of development in the surrounding seabed.  

Mr Major noted in a letter dated July 6 that despite the start of the public consultation process, his department has not received applications from Mr Nygard with respect to certain “future buildings” in his site plan.

He said that Mr Nygard’s “set of architectural plans displayed are incomplete and insufficient to secure a building permit.”

He added: “The plans displayed represent all of the plans submitted with the application. It is customary that more plans are required by the relevant agencies as the application progresses through the approval process.”

Mr Major also said that copies of certain relevant documents cannot be given to residents and apologised for not having a study that considers the sustainability of Mr Nygard’s work electronically available for inspection.

“While it is not possible to provide copies of the documents for each request, three printed copies of each document are available to accommodate simultaneous inspections,” the letter said. “The department will continue to make available for public inspections, all of the information submitted in respect to planning applications during the consultation period.”

“We apologise for the unavailability of the electronic version of the study referenced ... and instead another relevant study was posted on the BEST Commission’s web page.”

“In light of the initial difficulties in obtaining the digital information, consideration will be given for a reasonable extension to the consultation period.”

That extension was granted in a letter dated July 9. 

Earlier this week, American television personality Nancy Grace and former US Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady were among the 103 people who jointly sued the government while expressing concerns about environmental degradation and alleged unauthorised activities by Mr Nygard that they believe have already taken place in the area.

The government’s consultation exercise has been labelled a “farce” by some critics who believe that the government might try to sanction Mr Nygard’s plans as a favour for his financial support to the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) over the years.

The Tribune understands that STB will be before the Supreme Court on Monday to continue to press the case for judicial review. 

July 11, 2014

Monday, July 7, 2014

Peter Nygard and the Proposed Redevelopment of Nygard Cay goes Global

Nygard battle goes international

Guardian Business Editor

The battle between environmentalists and Canadian fashion mogul Peter Nygard over whether he should have the right to receive permits for redevelopment and land has gone international, ahead of the close of a public consultation period on the matter in The Bahamas.

The Guardian of London, and Der Spiegel of Germany, both reported this weekend on the case of Nygard's controversial application currently being considered by the government for permission to expand his property and to obtain leases for land.

Meanwhile, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., president of a 200-group strong global marine environmental movement, the Waterkeeper Alliance, also called on the government of The Bahamas to reject the application by Nygard, citing concerns over expected environmental implications.

Back in Nassau, Fred Smith, attorney and director for environmental group Save the Bays, alleged yesterday that the government has yet to release pertinent information relating to the applications made by Nygard; Smith claims the information was promised by Director of Physical Planning Michael Major.

While Smith had initially applauded the government for holding a consultation on the permit applications as a new step toward much-needed transparency and accountability, the attorney said that without such details the consultation is pointless. Information sought includes a government-commissioned report of 2014, which a notice announcing the public consultation on the applications said would "guide" the government in its deliberations.

In its report, The Guardian called the dispute over whether Nygard should be granted the right to rebuild parts of his property and obtain a lease of certain areas of seabed around his property, a "battle to stop fashion tycoon building on Bond beach" - a reference to the appearance of Clifton Bay in the 1967 James Bond movie "You Only Live Twice”. The article pointed out campaigners’ concerns that it could lead to "environmental calamity".

The government launched a 21-day consultation period over the permit applications, which ends on Tuesday. Opponents have urged the public to react during the consultation period or face seeing environmental damage done to the area.

"The beaches and azure waters of Clifton Bay in The Bahamas are at the center of a real-life drama that would surely compete with anything Hollywood could invent," said The Guardian.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., in a statement released over the weekend on the issue of Nygard's application by the Waterkeeper Alliance, said that the application submitted by Nygard should be rejected.

"The people of The Bahamas are taking action. More than 5,000 have signed a petition calling on Prime Minister Christie and the Bahamian government to enforce the law and protect Crown land and sea beds at Nygard Cay, and we add our voice of support to this cause,” he said.

Kennedy promised to "keep a spotlight on the Bahamian government and...mobilize concerned citizens in The Bahamas and across the globe to take action until Bahamian officials are transparent with the public and demonstrate a commitment to the preservation of these precious and fragile environments."

The Guardian article notes that Nygard's spokesman did not respond to questions on the matter but added that the businessman has previously accused the Save the Bays campaign of being a tool of a neighbor, Louis Bacon, a billionaire hedge fund manager with whom he has been in a land dispute - a claim the campaign has denied.

The Save the Bays campaign confirmed that Bacon was a large donor, but insisted that it was a coalition of concerned residents and environmentalists, added the newspaper.

Smith has urged members of the public to engage in the consultation process by submitting opinions or concerns on the proposed redevelopment of Nygard Cay to the director of physical planning. The public must send a letter or fax in order to do so.

In an interview with Guardian Business yesterday, Smith added: "The environment, as the rest of the world sees, is important and thankfully if the world is now paying attention to The Bahamas, our own politicians might finally begin to respect our own home."

Save the Bays has urged all members of the public to attend tonight’s town meeting on the future of Clifton Bay. The meeting is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. at the BCPOU Hall on Farrington Road.

A message sent to a spokesperson for Peter Nygard seeking comment was not returned up to press time.

July 07, 2014


Saturday, July 27, 2013

The hubris, narcissism and self-indulgence of Peter Nygard in The Bahamas ...have earned him the disgust of many Bahamians...

Perry Christie and the PLP’s Nygard Problem

By Simon

It wouldn’t be a PLP term in office without the party’s entanglement with highly controversial, eccentric and flamboyant foreigners seeking to use the country as an outpost for their curious interests, pressing for privileges to which they may not ordinarily be entitled.

Why do so many more of these characters flock to the PLP, like moths to a flame? It has to do with the party’s history, with Sir Lynden Pindling and his coterie of the compromised having fuelled and encouraged such a party culture.

It has also to do with the history of a number of the leaders and political parties which helped to usher in majority rule and independence in various former colonies.

Flushed with adulation and hero worship, and having gained political power and access to enormous economic wealth, many freedom fighters were lured into corruptions of power and money arising from their new circumstances and fortunes.

This happened most recently in South Africa under the African National Congress, now heavily criticized for corruption within its ranks, betraying the example set by Nelson Mandela.

Even the great Ghanaian independence leader Kwame Nkrumah gave in to corruption, as did Sir Lynden and his court, with an excessive lifestyle which demanded considerably more cash than a prime minister’s salary might afford.

Like the days of piracy and wrecking, the PLP have a particular talent for fleecing foreigners. Buyers beware. It is not only Bahamians who are at the mercy of the party’s broken promises. Many foreigners are also left waiting for promises which never materialize despite their generosity to certain coffers.

Casino license

Back when, there was Mike McLaney beseeching a casino license, which was faithfully promised to him by Sir Lynden were the PLP to win office. Having given the party electoral support which, according to a New York Times story included “cash, aircraft, boats, and a campaign headquarters on Bay Street” McLaney eagerly anticipated a license.

Though having described the PLP as being in his “ass pocket”, relations soured between Sir Lynden and McLaney as the latter’s reputation became better known. Sir Lynden eventually refused to meet with McLaney, who was subsequently labelled as an undesirable by a Commission of Inquiry.

Milked and bilked, McLaney left town broke, without a license. At the inquiry there was a discrepancy in the competing testimonies of the amount McLaney said he donated to the PLP, and the amount Sir Lynden said he received. Sounds familiar? Perhaps the old and the new PLP aren’t so different.

Then there was the fugitive U.S. financier Robert Vesco. Vesco fled the U.S. in 1973 to escape a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation concerning an alleged massive fraud by the financier estimated today at more than $1 billion.

He crisscrossed the region, finding governments that would give him protection from U.S. authorities, even allegedly attempting to purchase Barbuda from Antigua in order to make the former an autonomous country. A 2008 obituary of Vesco in the U.K.’s Guardian observed: “Vesco had cozied up to Nixon’s [U.S. President Richard Nixon] two brothers and employed his nephew Donald. ... As well, he found ways to reach Bahamas Prime Minister Lynden Pindling and Costa Rican president José Figueres via strategic loans, donations or investments.”

The PLP is particularly disposed to strategic loans, donations and purported investments from certain parties, domestic and foreign.

Among the worst were foreign drug lords, who seemingly had near carte blanche from the Pindling-led PLP government during the 1970s and 80s, making The Bahamas a “Nation for Sale”, a ruinous period from which we have still not recovered.

Bank license

On Prime Minister Perry Christie’s watch there was the likes of Iranian businessman Mohammed Harajchi, who desperately wanted the restoration of a bank license from the PLP, but which was never granted. Harajchi claimed that he gave a substantial sum to the PLP for the 2002 general election.

In response to Harajchi’s claims, Christie made one of those solemn, passionate and supposedly high-principled declarations for which he is famous: “My party is presently conducting an accounting of monies received from Mr. Harajchi but I can state with complete confidence that Mr. Harajchi’s claim that it was $10 million is an absolute lie. It was nowhere near this amount. It was but a fraction of this amount. Details of our accounting will be made public once completed.

“Ordinarily we would not disclose the source of campaign contributions but as Mr. Harajchi has made this a public issue we are obliged to present the detailed facts concerning his contributions as indeed we will do as soon as possible.”

This promise was made by Christie on August 12, 2004, almost exactly nine years ago. It follows a pattern: A heated denial, a promise of full accountability, followed by absolutely nothing, all of which calls into question the prime minister’s credibility on these issues. We still do not know how much money Mohammed Harajchi gave to the PLP.

And then there was the late Anna Nicole Smith, a B-rated celebrity and Playboy’s 1993 Playmate of the Year, to whom then Immigration Minister Shane Gibson gave special attention, personally handling and expediting her immigration request, going so far as to making a home delivery of a certain document.

Gibson resigned due to the controversy with Christie sitting next to him on television almost holding his hand in one of the more bizarre Cabinet resignation events in the Commonwealth Caribbean.

Despite its longstanding deeply entrenched culture of chronic incompetence under Christie, the PLP knows politics. Still, when it comes to certain zany foreigners and money flowing into PLP coffers, the party seems to lose perspective, a mixture of hubris and a bunker mentality.

Late-again, Christie could not or refused to see how rolling scandals like the Anna Nicole affair were to make his the first one-term government in an independent Bahamas.


Fast forward to today. What Christie and the PLP seem to fail to understand is that the Peter Nygard matter is not a singular or stand-alone event in the minds of voters. Instead it is representative of a concern, like the Anna Nicole affair, of a PLP little concerned about questions of propriety and the kinds of perception it is creating.

Even worse is the suspicion by voters of ‘Corruption 2.0’ in the PLP, the sort of rolling scandals and unseemly dalliances with all manner of characters which led to the party’s loss in 2007. The Nygard matter capsulizes and crystallizes a widely held perception about the PLP.

Moreover, the Nygard matter has many more chapters. It is like a volcano that will spew all manner of material. Christie may well come to regret his effusive and gushing accolades to Nygard.

The now infamous YouTube sensation of the controversial businessman supposedly taking The Bahamas back is a watershed moment in Nygard’s relationship to the country.

The video speaks volumes about the hubris, narcissism and self-indulgence of a character who has now earned the disgust of many Bahamians, including many who formerly dismissed him as mostly clownish.

As more is disclosed on the lifestyle, employment practices and other controversies surrounding Peter Nygard, he will prove to be toxic to the PLP, including those who are so foolishly defending him now. The man who helped the party win office may now play a role in its defeat. Clearly, Nygard seems to have little sense of propriety and is unconcerned about certain perceptions. As a private resident that is his right. But those political figures still inclined to afford him a red carpet and a Junkanoo rush-out may be as short-sighted and as self-injected with hubris as is the foreign eccentric who is set to deeply embarrass the Christie administration.

July 25, 2013


Saturday, June 1, 2013

Peter Nygard is not a law abiding and respectable resident of The Bahamas

By Dennis Dames:

It’s clear that Mr. Peter Nygard is not a law abiding and respectable resident of The Bahamas.  His actions at Simms Point/Nygard Cay to date, has demonstrated his contempt for the Bahamian people and our nation generally.  How is it that the land which was initially purchased at Simms Point/Nygard Cay by Mr. Peter Nygard - has been doubled in size, and construction work has commenced on the reclaimed land or Bahamian people’s property or crown land - without the required permits?
Mr. Nygard’s unashamed boldness and disrespect for The Bahamas and its people are being fuelled by political corruption in high places in these islands – in my opinion.  Yes, black political leaders in The Bahamas are giving Peter Nygard and the like a blank check to have their way in our country.  I wonder why.
It has been reported that the work at Simms Point / Nygard Cay is adversely affecting Clifton Bay.  The last time I was on Jaws Beach – during the Whit Monday Holiday, I have noticed that the place looks like a nuclear bomb has hit it.  It doesn’t resemble the beach environment which has been known to me for the past 40 years.  To add insult to injury, it has been established that agents of Mr. Nygard are doing their own brand of restoration work in the Clifton Bay area; a property which is under the care and trust of the Clifton Heritage Authority.  What madness is this?
This Nygard situation has many right-thinking Bahamians wondering about the question: Who or what is in governing The Bahamas?  Is the answer money, bribes, brazen corruption or who - or what?
Mr. Peter Nygard would be well advised to restore his property to its original boundary and allow Mother Nature to reclaim her coastline; and deliver his agents from their self-imposed ownership of Jaws Beach - as it is the sacred land of all Bahamians, and we did not appoint his Lawyer - Keod Smith – as supreme head of the Clifton Heritage Authority.

Monday, August 16, 2010

FORCES with an "underhanded agenda" are trying to "discredit Nygard Cay" and "push Peter Nygard out of The Bahamas", says property mgr Eric Gibson

Claims that 'forces trying to push' Peter Nygard out of the Bahamas
Tribune Staff Reporter

FORCES with an "underhanded agenda" are trying to "discredit Nygard Cay" and "push (Peter) Nygard out of The Bahamas," according to an official spokesperson for the Canadian fashion mogul.

"The facts are that Nygard Cay has obtained all required permits; has worked within the Bahamas building system throughout 20 years of construction with the full blessing of every government department," said Eric Gibson, property manager at Nygard Cay.

He said the private residence of Mr Nygard was ready to employ more than 200 Bahamians, and invest between $50 and $70 million in the Bahamian economy, "as soon as it gets its promised lease and permits from the government."

In a telephone conversation Mr Gibson confirmed that Nygard Cay has no hotel licence, because the facility is "not in fact a hotel and has never purported to be one."

"Out of 20 years of operation, Nygard Cay was rented seven times as a private residence (a practice that is common in the Lyford Cay Community): two times as the wedding reception to Lyford Cay residents; it has hosted many church groups, charity drives, underprivileged children outings and been the venue and the centrepiece for countless community service drives such as Ocean Watch, to preserve the waters and corals of (the) Bahamas; and athletic fund raising, such as getting the Golden Girls into the 2000 Olympics, to name a few," said Mr Gibson.

"Nygard Cay has a private residence permit and has always and is continuing to operating under residency permit," he said.

The government has recently accused Mr Nygard of "unauthorised" expansions of his property over the seabed at Simms Point, Lyford Cay, where his property is located. This is now being investigated.

Last month, the Office of the Prime Minister issued a directive to Mr Nygard to remove structures erected on the land in question, and to reinstate the coastline at Simms Point. All government agencies were also advised not to approve any applications for construction on the land in question.

Since a fire destroyed much of the property last year, efforts have been made to restore the facility. Last month, Mr Nygard expressed "frustration" about waiting for various government approvals to proceed with his plans to rebuild. He estimated the fire caused "$50 million worth of investment."

At the time, it was revealed that expansion plans included a suspended cable bedroom that lowers into the ocean, a dolphin interaction attraction, and a programme allowing guests to visit the property's $2 million shark tank.

August 16, 2010


Nygard Cay is not licensed as a commercial property says Environment Minister Earl Deveaux

Earl Deveaux: Nygard Cay is not licensed as commercial property
Tribune Staff Reporter

NYGARD Cay, the private home of Canadian fashion designer Peter Nygard, is advertised as a "private luxury resort" with no hotel licence, according to government officials

Nygard Cay, sometimes referred to as Nygard Cay Resort, "is not licensed as a commercial property," said Environment Minister Earl Deveaux.

"My involvement and knowledge has to do with enforcement with every instance. We have always asked them to abide by the Physical Planning Bill, the Conservation of the Physical Landscape of the Bahamas Act, where they are required to get permits to dredge. Most of the dredging, except on one instance, has been unauthorised," said Mr Deveaux.

"Nygard has relentlessly acquired more land from its original boundaries. Compulsory demolition is an option. I think that process is unfolding. All of the government's options will be reviewed by the Attorney General's office," he said.

Documents obtained by The Tribune indicate Mr Nygard acquired his property in 1984 for about $1.7 million. The 3.25 acres was registered as a single-family residential property, according to Tribune sources.

Eric Gibson, property manager at Nygard Cay, confirmed that Nygard Cay has a "private residence permit and has always and is continuing to operating under residency permit."

He said, Nygard Cay has no hotel licence, because the facility is "not in fact a hotel and (we) have never purported to be one", and that "Nygard Cay is not conducting commercial activities."

Today, the Nygard Cay website advertises the property as a "private luxury resort" and a "unique private residence" with the facilities of a resort, which include: "replicas of Mayan temples, private tennis and volleyball courts, beaches, pool, disco club, state-of-the-art home theatre, and 20+ themed cabanas for (Mr Nygard), his family and many celebrity guests who wish to get away for a serene sabbatical."

A website promoting unusual villa and island rentals states: "For only $42,000 in 2008 your group of celebrities, executives, sports moguls or any person celebrating a birthday, anniversary, seminar, wedding, or vacation can have a trip of a lifetime. Special 4-hour dinners are available for $300 per additional person above 20 people. Special daily rentals in 2008 are $42,000 per day for the first 20 people and each additional person for a full day event will be $500."

Several websites on the Internet contain similar information about rental facilities and rates.

Mr Gibson said these "promotional websites" are not Nygard Cay sanctioned websites.

"In fact we have long time ago demanded for them to take it down, but we believe they have ceased business many years ago," he said.

Vincent Vanderpool Wallace, Minister of Tourism and Aviation (MOT), said the government does not promote Nygard Cay, because "it is not a licensed property." For the same reason he said, Nygard Cay receives none of the benefits of the Hotel Encouragement Act, such as being promoted by the tourism promotions board in the MOT. He also said he would be "surprised" if Nygard Cay had a restaurant licence or a night club licence.

Nygard Cay is known for its "extravagant parties." An exclusive group of Bahamians frequent the property on Sundays for the popular "pamper party," according to a former visitor. For years, Nygard Cay has played host to New Year's Eve parties for "A-List" celebrities.

"Anyone can wake up tomorrow and decide they are going to sell their property to people they wish to have visit and pay.

"People have bed and breakfast homes, villas, houses that they lease every day on the Internet. That is a global phenomena. You won't find it being promoted by or assisted by the Ministry because it is not a licensed property," said Mr Vanderpool Wallace.

Some websites advertise a five per cent Bahamas tax along with the per day rental fee for Nygard Cay. A Nygard Cay spokespersons said this information is contained on websites not sanctioned by Nygard Cay.

A Tribune source in the Ministry of Tourism said Nygard Cay does not pay a hotel room tax to the government.

It could "very well be a loophole" in the system, why Nygard Cay is able to promote itself as a "resort", when in fact it is not licensed as a hotel, said the source.

Since last year, under the amended Hotel Act, owner occupied rental homes are regulated by the government. In order to rent a private home to a "transient guest in the capacity as an operator of a hotel", an application has to be made for status as an "owner occupied rental home," said the Tribune source.

The legislation is up for review by the Bahamas Investment Authority, and not all of the regulations apply to owner occupied rental homes; however, at this time they are required to pay a hotel guest tax, as are all hotels, said the source.

Private homes owned by foreigners are governed by a tax structure determined by the Ministry of Finance and the Investment Authority. The permit issued states whether the property is residential, commercial, owner occupied or regulated by some other category.

"Those zoned commercial are given permits with the right to rent and conduct commercial activity. Those that are zoned residential have to convert to owner occupied to rent their property. Anyone renting their property must pay hotel guest tax," said the source at the MOT.

"If they wish to have owner occupied status then they have to go to the Authority, then the Ministry of Finance to determine their tax status and then to the hotel license department. Only those that have received finance approval based on their tax status can be registered."

Mr Vanderpool Wallace said the Bahamas government has always had a "higher concern," so the "resort" status of Nygard Cay has not been on the front burner. He said the "underlying problem" is the status of the use of the land, where Mr Nygard operates his facility.

The government has accused Mr Nygard of "unauthorised" expansion of his property over the seabed.

There is an investigation under way.

August 16, 2010
