Showing posts with label Pastor Glen Rolle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pastor Glen Rolle. Show all posts

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Pastor Glen Rolle on The Legalisation of Gambling in The Bahamas

Legalisation of gambling in The Bahamas
Hillside Restoration Centre
Kingdom Ministries:

By far the most talked about issue is the legalisation of lottery in the Bahamas locally referred to as the "Number House" or "The Web Shop."

When the Number Houses outnumber the churches and the bars, you know they must be saying something.

For weeks some of my friends have asked me my perspective on the issue and quite frankly I do have one, but I know they wanted me to give a simple yes or no answer; am I for it or against it?

They will say "Glen if you were in government you would have to take a position" and yes they are right. Thankfully however I am not a member of a political party and therefore can be more deliberate in my resolve to address this issue or at best give a perspective.

One of the primary reasons I am hesitant to engage in this debate is because referees are usually advised to stay out of the middle of blows or fights, particularly if they involve two heavy weights.

How dare I have a view when those who govern the state have decided to take a certain course in respect to further develop that which they have a sense of ownership to govern? For them this issue is not about the legalisation of the gambling. IT'S ALREADY A DONE DEAL.

Remember, they are the ones that administor and determine the law by which the nation will be governed. No amount of vision, aggressiveness or self ambition of any law enforcement agency can rise above the lid from which they have been placed under.

Forget the fact that most of the top leaders in our Law Enforcement Agency are intelligent and trained, most of whom are saddled with various degrees. Their action at the end of the day is predicated or determined by the degree to which legislation is structured and so in our existing system of governance, eyes and vision are not necessarily a prerequisite for transformation.

There was a very strange statement made to Pilot in his trial with Jesus..."IF YOU RELEASE HIM YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND OF CEASAR"... THE SYSTEM IS NOT DESIGNED TO RELEASE THOSE TO THEIR FULL AUTHORITY, LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENTS SIMPLY ENFORCE THE LAWS and as far as we are aware, agencies of government act on behalf of some minister of government. By extension the government or the state has already determined that the places from which number houses or web shops operate have a legal, legitimate license to do so.

Therefore, these Number Shops have a footing in our land. They are issued a license from which they can do business. No law enforcement agency can legitimately rise above that lid and not appear to be in violation of the state. "IF YOU RELEASE HIM YOU ARE NOT A FRIEND OF CEASAR."

This is the system from which we operate. We don't have a people problem, we don't have a competency problem, we don't have a commitment problem, but we are locked by a system that is designed to subject us as a people.

Having said that, I did mention that my friends would inquire of my perspective. My answers at best may be vague, or in some cases I would ask of them a question, and should they give an answer you can rest assure a debate without resolve will be the end result.

That in, and of itself, suggests that this issue may not be as easy as we think. For on one hand, how do you say to the state that they have no business finding means that may be beneficial to the development of its people, and yet on the other hand how do the voices of the religious body stand by idly and not raise objection to the legalisation of something that contradicts their core belief system; the very same legalisation which will bring damnation and rob us of the stewardship and work ethic and creativity that thriving communities need.

This is a cop out, an insult to the emerging generation, they will argue. As for me there can be no successful argument against this expressed view, and after all they too are the custodians of what is morally correct and acceptable.

To further complicate this matter who amongst us will raise an objection to a donor that gives some $100,000 (one hundred thousand dollars) to victims who would have suffered the effects of a devastating Hurricane. After all those with the moral authority were not prepared to play a matching game, and so one can see why this is a fight between the two heavy weights.

Those who are responsible for the administration of the law, and from whom we look to for sustenance, and those on the other hand who feel that laws for the land ought to originate and be a reflection of those that are determined by the moral authority.

Who can argue against the right and wrong of the position of these two giants? Sometimes referees continue without interference and hope they are both saved by the bell and keep in mind that they both mean well.

May 20, 2010
