Showing posts with label Raynard Rigby Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Raynard Rigby Bahamas. Show all posts

Thursday, May 19, 2011

If Mr. Perry Christie was ever dumb enough to agree with Raynard Rigby, Philip Galanis, and George Smith to deny nominations to a number of his closest allies in the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) - he would in that same gesture prove that he is unfit to lead The Bahamas

Nixing Preemptive PLP Purge
The Bahama Journal Editorial

There is a sense we are getting that tells us that there may be forces and elements currently at work in the precincts of the Progressive Liberal Party that would [if given their chance] help their organization to a defeat.

There are occasions in life when the sure thing can become the very thing that is lost – having been sacrificed to greed, jealousy and a species of one-upmanship run amok.

One such occasion now seems to be upon the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie as some of his party’s more senior members seek to persuade him [and the Party hierarchy] to deny nominations to a number of his closest allies; inclusive of Leslie Miller, Obie Wilchcombe, Vincent Peet – and Shane Gibson.

If Mr. Christie was ever dumb enough to agree with these men, he would in that same gesture prove that he is unfit to lead this nation.

In addition, we seriously wonder if the men who are trying to advise the former prime minister that he should so purge his party really understand the true import of what they are suggesting.

We cut – as it were – to the chase: Mr. Christie would prove himself a hypocrite of the highest order were he to be perceived as being party to this kind of proposed back-stabbing.

Like others who are all for probity in public life, we are also realistic enough to know and appreciate – as fact – that the Bahamian people are smart enough and savvy enough to appreciate – again as fact – that they are voting for men and not angels.

It therefore follows that, if the people in a constituency; members in a party – and others concerned – are prepared to support a candidate, that should be their choice.

Furthermore, Mr. Christie would be well-advised to watch carefully as this or that self-serving crew tries to get him to second-guess his earlier notions that there should always be some second chance for this or that person.

In addition, the PLP’s party leader would also be well-advised to tune in to what the people are saying at the constituency level – this because this is going to be decisive whenever general elections are called.

Clearly, those men who would have the PLP’s leader divest him and his team of some of their most precious assets are jesting.

If they are not jesting, they must be on some mission or the other designed to help the PLP to a resounding defeat.

No political organization can ever hope to succeed if it allows itself to become little more than a mechanism designed to service the needs of the few.

Indeed, all who have succeeded have done so because they have kept close to the people whose voices matter most; namely the masses.

Put simply, winning a seat in parliament has all to do with being – as the saying goes – popular.

It therefore follows that the people can and should be allowed their choices of candidate, warts and all.

These people know better than anyone else that election to parliament is not about selection to sing in a heaven-bound choir.

Evidently, there will arise occasions when the people decide that they want this or that man or woman to represent them, regardless.

We remember some of Whitney Bastian’s travails when he sought [and did not get] a PLP nomination. As the record shows, he begged, he cajoled and he was denied.

He went on to win the seat in South Andros because he was the people’s choice.

Clearly, then, the same principle applies to all others who find favor with the Bahamian people. This list could well include the likes of Leslie Miller, Vincent Peet, Obie Wilchcombe and [yes!] Shane Gibson.

We are today bemused by those men who have decided that, among all others, they are uniquely qualified to stand in judgment of some other men and women.

Like others who make it their business to take stock of matters political, we are sometimes left bemused by some of the stuff that comes to our attention.

We are today bemused not only because we know a thing or two about the men who are said to advising PLP leader to deep-six a number of his parliamentary colleagues.

In addition, they would have "their leader" renounce giving his nod to the candidacy of a man who was once a Cabinet Minister under the leadership of none other than the Rt. Hon. Perry Gladstone Christie.

These men – again as we understand the matter at hand – would have the former prime minister sever connection with some of his parliamentary colleagues – men who have been with him through thick and thin.

May 17th, 2011

The Bahama Journal Editorial

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Raynard Rigby - former Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) chairman resigned from a crucial party election committee

Rigby resigns from PLP committee

Guardian News Editor

Many PLPs angered by letter to Christie

A day after The Nassau Guardian revealed that three influential members of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) were seeking to block the re-nomination of several PLP members of Parliament, former party chairman Raynard Rigby resigned from a crucial party election committee.

The Nassau Guardian confirmed that Rigby resigned yesterday as the coordinator of the southwest constituencies for the party in the upcoming general election.

It was considered a key position as the PLP oils its machinery for what some pundits think will shape up to be a bitterly fought battle at the polls.

Rigby told The Guardian he had no comment on the matter.

As the party has already gone into campaign mode, Rigby was selected to organize the party’s efforts in southwest New Providence.

As was reported exclusively by The Guardian Monday, Rigby was one of the authors of a letter written to PLP leader Perry Christie, urging him to make “bold decisions” with respect to party nominations.

The other authors of the letter were Philip Galanis, a former parliamentarian who organized the party’s re-election effort in 2007, and George Smith, a former parliamentarian and Cabinet minister.

The three men are against the nominations of Shane Gibson (Golden Gates); Vincent Peet (North Andros and the Berry Islands); Obie Wilchcombe (West End and Bimini); V. Alfred Gray (MICAL); Picewell Forbes (South Andros); Leslie Miller (Blue Hills) and Anthony Moss (Exuma).

They also said the party must be in a position to defend Arnold Forbes (Mount Moriah) in the event he faces any attacks over a reported challenge in his professional life.

Wilchcombe, Gray, Miller and Arnold Forbes have been ratified by the party’s National General Council.

Still, Rigby, Smith and Galanis suggested that these nominations ought to be reviewed if the party is to have a chance of winning the election.

They believe that the various controversies would hurt the party’s chances at the polls.

Christie has already expressed disappointment that someone leaked the letter to The Guardian and many within the party are calling for the heads of the three authors.

They have come under fire from PLPs angry that they would even suggest the men are not suited to run on the PLP’s ticket.

Rigby, Galanis and Smith are themselves no strangers to controversy. They are among the most outspoken men in the PLP. Rigby has made several candid comments since the 2007 election that have angered some PLPs.

In 2008, Rigby blasted the opposition for “failing to properly address national issues”.

At the time, he said: "I think the opposition has demonstrated a degree of strength, however, there appears to be a lack of coordination between what is being done in Parliament and what is required to be done outside of Parliament by the party and its broad-based membership."

Earlier, he said a number of things went wrong for the PLP in the last election.

"People were not connected to our message. People did not understand what the government was trying to achieve by these anchor development projects," he said.

"People didn’t get a sense that the government was close enough to them."

Rigby — who made the remarks after the last general election while he was still PLP chairman — said the party probably made some errors in judgment as it related to selecting candidates.

"And I think by and large people bought into this question of Mr. Christie that he was weak and indecisive and we allowed the FNM, to a very great extent, to determine the issues in the election, and they focused purely on issues of leadership," he said at the time.

In 2009, Rigby said publicly that it was inappropriate for Wilchcombe to serve as chairman of the approaching PLP convention and run for the deputy leadership post.

And on numerous occasions, Rigby has publicly criticized Christie’s leadership.

But the various controversies were set aside several months ago when the party’s leadership appointed Rigby coordinator for the southwest constituencies for the approaching election.

Some observers viewed it as a “kiss and make-up” between Rigby and Christie.

Christie has repeatedly talked about the importance of the party getting an early start as the campaign season approaches.

It announced candidates for the 2007 election just several weeks before voters went to the polls.

In addition to Wilchcombe, Gray, Miller and Arnold Forbes, the PLP has already made key selections for the upcoming election.

They are: Renardo Curry (North Abaco); Dr. Andre Rollins (Fort Charlotte); Alex Storr (Long Island and Ragged Island) Tanisha Tynes (Lucaya); Clay Sweeting (North Eleuthera); Dr. Bernard J. Nottage (Bain and Grants Town); Fred Mitchell (Fox Hill); Frank E. Smith (St. Thomas More); Melanie Griffin (Yamacraw); Glenys Hanna-Martin (Englerston); Cleola Hamilton (South Beach); Dion Smith (Kennedy); Gregory Moss (Marco City); Dr. Michael Darville (Pineridge); Jerome Gomez (Killarney); Dr. Daniel Johnson (Carmichael); Senator Jerome K. Fitzgerald (Marathon); Senator Michael Halkitis (Golden Isles); Senator C.V. Hope Strachan (Sea Breeze) and Dr. Kendal V.O. Major (Garden Hills).



Thursday, August 12, 2004

Mohamed Harajchi is Disgusting

Iranian businessman Mohamed Harajchi: “A Disgusting Little Man”


Calling controversial Iranian businessman Mohamed Harajchi “a disgusting, little man”, CEO of Jones Communications Wendall Jones on Wednesday denied claims that Mr. Harajchi helped finance his business in the early 1990’s or at any other time.

Mr. Jones also said the government should revoke the permanent residency status of Mr. Harajchi.

“He is an unfit person to be a permanent resident of The Bahamas and as far as I am concerned anybody who is prepared to go to the lengths that he is going to destroy the good name and reputation of officials of the Government of The Bahamas should have his permanent residency revoked.

“Now, I don’t know whether or not the Government of The Bahamas is minded to do that, but as far as I’m concerned, I’ve never come across a foreigner in The Bahamas who was more disgusting than this little man on Paradise Island.”

Mr. Harajchi at a press conference earlier in the day lashed out at Mr. Jones over an editorial published in The Bahama Journal on June 23, 2004 in which the paper questioned the truthfulness of his claims that he donated many millions of dollars to the Progressive Liberal Party for its election campaign in 2002.

The editorial said, “We are absolutely flabbergasted at suggestions that Mr. Harajchi –directly or indirectly - funneled some $10 million into that party’s coffers.  We simply do not believe that is true. While we know that donations were made, it is absurd for anyone to suggest or believe that Mr. Harajchi would give any organization in this country $10 million.  We do not believe that he is that generous.”

PLP National Chairman Raynard Rigby also denied that Mr. Harajchi had given the party anywhere near that much money.  Mr. Harajchi did not produce documents to prove his claim, giving reporters only copies of a cheque where he made a $100,000 contribution.

At the press conference called primarily to discuss his contributions to the PLP, Mr. Harajchi sidetracked, telling reporters that he gave Mr. Jones money to help support his communications business.

He also distributed copies of a cheque in the amount of $3,000 dated April 27, 1991- that was made out to Mr. Jones, who heads radio Love 97 and the Bahama Journal.

“Mr. Wendall Jones asked ex-Minister of Sports Norman Gay to come and see me and I said no problem- and Mr. Jones came with Mr. Norman Gay and he told me how hard the newspaper life [is] and if I can assist him in the financial side,” Mr. Harajchi claimed.

“I said no problem and I helped him twice, once in the form of cash and once in the form of cheque…[A few weeks ago] I was reading his paper [which] said: Harajchi put up or shut up.  I was disappointed.  I said how [could] Mr. Jones tell such a thing?  He came 10 years ago to my home, asked for assistance, I did and now today he is putting such a thing against me.”

In response to the statement, Mr. Jones said, “Mr. Harajchi knows that what he told the Bahamian public or the media was an untruth.  Mr. Harajchi never, ever contributed to the funding of my business.  What Mr. Harajchi did in 1991 was to pay my communications company $3,000 for services rendered.  At the time, he was seeking to purchase Resorts International, which later became Sun International.”

Mr. Jones said Mr. Harajchi failed in that bid because the then PLP government felt that he was not the fit and proper person to be granted a casino license.

“Mr. Harajchi needed public relations services which we provided and indeed we used The Bahama Journal to print a number of stories on his businesses, both here as well as in Europe,” Mr. Jones said.  “Mr. Harajchi as far as I am concerned is a disgusting, little man who has been going about this country impugning the reputation of businesspeople as well as government officials, making scurrilous and malicious remarks that he knows are untrue.

“The average Bahamian must see just how ridiculous his claims are. Mr. Harajchi and people of his ilk must know by now that I am un-bought and un-bossed.”

He added, “Mr. Harajchi has never, ever had to give me money for anything other than professional services.  Indeed, Mr. Harajchi called me wanting me to support his position with the governor of the Central Bank in his ridiculous claims against the governor of the Central Bank and invited me to a dinner in Europe, which I refused to attend.

“He gave me his number saying where he was going to be in Paris at the time I traveled to Europe- and I refused to use the number or to attend any dinner with Mr. Harajchi because I know the kind of individual that he is.”

Mr. Harajchi maintains that Governor Julian Francis revoked his license for Suisse Security Bank & Trust three years ago after he declined to do a favour for the governor. It is a claim Mr. Francis has vehemently denied.

Wednesday, April 21, 2004

The Governing Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) in The Bahamas Defends Against, 'a do-nothing government' Perception

This Ruling PLP Government really is a Do-nothing Government, says Tommy Turnquest, Leader of the Official Opposition, Free National Movement (FNM) Party 

PLP On The Defensive


Fearing that its record as a government has become distorted, the Progressive Liberal Party has launched a comprehensive public relations initiative to correct what it feels could be a damaging perception.

"I believe that once people look at the facts and once people have the benefit of having access to the facts and they review those facts with an objective mind, they will come to the conclusion that this is perhaps the fastest starting government in the history of The Bahamas," said Raynard Rigby, the party's national chairman.

That was a claim Free National Movement leader Senator Tommy Turnquest would probably find laughable.

"This really is a do-nothing government," Mr. Turnquest declared Tuesday, while speaking with the Bahama Journal.

The PLP will take a ministry-by-ministry approach to the advertising campaign, Mr. Rigby said.

"I think the way you judge [whether we are the fastest starting government] is by looking at the first 23 months of this PLP government and by looking at the first 23 months of the FNM government.

“If you do that comparative analysis, we believe that the evidence is overwhelming, is compelling that this PLP government is much further ahead after 23 months in government, than the FNM was," he said.

Mr. Rigby said that the government is not facing a PR crisis as it carries out a "very responsible" campaign.  Once again he asserted that all is well with the governing PLP.

But Mr. Turnquest thinks otherwise.

He said the PLP "is obviously running, trying to counteract the prevailing feeling in this country, but they need to do it with factual information."

"I think the Bahamian people have been disappointed with their performance," he added.

Already, the PLP has started running radio ads informing listeners that it has constructed more than 500 houses since it came to office on May 2, 2002.  The ad says this compares to the more than 700 houses it claims the FNM constructed in 10 years.

"If [Housing Minister Shane Gibson] continues, in our first term, it is likely we would have built by far more houses than the FNM built in 10 years," Mr. Rigby said.

"If the minister can build all of those houses, it tells us he must be doing something.  He's not sitting at his desk twiddling his thumbs.  He's working for the Bahamian people."

But Mr. Turnquest found it "curious" that the government has chosen to start the campaign by focusing on its successes in housing.

"We intend to answer them in great detail," he said, revealing that his party plans to hold a rally at the R.M. Bailey Park on May 3.  It is the same night the prime minister has set aside for his second forum with the media to answer questions on national television.

Mr. Turnquest believes the government has a long way to go to change the negative perception held by some Bahamians.

"It is very clear to me and to thousands of Bahamians that the government is losing support and that people are becoming increasingly disenchanted with the PLP government," he said.  "They are not satisfied that sufficient attention and focus is being paid to governance.

"The PLP is now trying to counteract these claims by putting on advertisements and while that is good for radio stations and newspapers...that doesn't explain away their inactivity in terms of what they are doing."

Only two days ago, Prime Minister Perry Christie made a move of his own to set the record straight.

While speaking at the opening of the Golden Sun Development, a new housing project near Golden Gates, he dismissed what he called "little silly distractions" being put forth by "silly people."

Mr. Turnquest said he was disappointed by that comment.

"He must not use intemperate language when talking about Bahamians," Mr. Turnquest said."  Bahamians have a right to criticize particularly when his government is doing nothing."