Showing posts with label Rodney Moncur Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rodney Moncur Bahamas. Show all posts

Monday, September 9, 2013

Rodney Moncur's Struggles and Challenges

Adrian Gibson: Activist Rodney Moncur Tells Of His Struggles And Challenges


OUR NATION’S most outspoken Justice of the Peace, well-known political and social activist Rodney Moncur told me in an interview that he is struggling to survive and facing his own challenges even while fighting to assist so many of the poor, downtrodden and victims of seeming injustice. In what was initiated on Facebook and later resulted in an interview, Mr Moncur requested my assistance in bringing his personal causes to the fore. Rodney Moncur and I have been friends for a number of years and so I was happy to oblige him.
Over the years, I have developed a great respect for Mr Moncur, who has demonstrated that he is a man of his word, that he is a man of the people and that—regardless of the criticisms—he would fight tooth and nail for a cause that he believes in, even to his own detriment. I respect that. Moncur is an encapsulation of the saying if “one doesn’t stand for something, they would fall for anything” and so he takes various stands to express his approval or discontent with matters that the average citizen might ordinarily shy away from. He has made his political advocacy and public affairs campaigns an intimidating brand where, when one hears that Rodney Moncur has mobilized and is coming, it engenders a deep fear of public embarrassment/exposure as he takes no prisoners and does not mind if—to attain justice and a meaningful end—one refers to him as “crazy” or a “loose cannon.”
The nation’s foremost political/social activist has also kept up with the changing times. Unlike so many others in his age grouping who sit on the sidelines of social media, Moncur has taken a keen interest in social and digital media, developing what has become one of the biggest social media brands online today, with 5000 friends and 4000 followers on Facebook and throngs of Twitter followers who hang onto his every post or tweet (whether to praise him or vociferously criticise his statements). On any given day, Moncur has a slew of “breaking news” stories on his Facebook account, many times before traditional media outlets. However, whilst his Negro News Network (NNN)—as he calls it—has grown by leaps and bounds, the Justice of the Peace continues to face everyday struggles financially, “with the police” and in resolving personal matters even while seeking to march with a view to helping others. In disseminating his message, Mr Moncur merges his understanding of public relations via social media by also embracing traditional media outlets.
Over the period that I have known Mr Moncur, I have discovered that he is an avid reader and that he fully understands the law, so much so that some lawyers seek him out for clarity on certain points of law. Relative to any happening in the Bahamas over the last 40-plus years, Mr Moncur is a walking encyclopaedia who either has intricate knowledge of or a working understanding of the same, with copies of the reports of various Commissions, government undertakings, legislation and so on.
“I am struggling by the grace of God, hoping that if I can sell a piece of property I own, that what I owe to Royal Bank (of Canada) and Scotia would be paid off. I owe Royal Bank and Scotia about $20,000, more or less. I have a serious obligation to pay because both banking institutions have been very tolerant of my inability to pay,” Mr Moncur said.
“How I make a living? Well, I have a JP office open, where I provide community services,” he explained. “In addition to that, I’m a court process server, I do title research and I’m a cab driver. I’m trying to raise money to paint my taxi and bring it back on the streets. I had a mechanical issue and, thank God, that that has been resolved. However, the man I have chosen to do the painting of the entire vehicle told me that it would cost $1,500. At this stage, the vehicle is not licensed as I have one or two other issues to be resolved with it, the first being to bring it to the point that it will pass an inspection. It’s a very good vehicle, but it needs a face lift in order to provide the public and the tourism community with a good, clean vehicle and reliable services.”
On May 8th of this year, Mr Moncur’s Black Village home was destroyed by fire. According to him, the incident occurred in the “wee hours of the morning.”
On April 4th, Mr Moncur was arraigned on a single charge of committing a grossly indecent act, a hybrid offence contrary to section 490 of the Penal Code. It is claimed that between March 1 and March 29, he “intentionally and unlawfully” published a photograph on Facebook of the corpse of Jamie Smith, who died in police custody. At that time, Mr Moncur opted to be tried by a jury in the Supreme Court rather than a Magistrate, and was granted $7,500 bail, which two lady friends posted for him the following day after he had spent a night at Fox Hill Prison and enjoyed what he referred to as the best sleep he had had in a long time. He was initially told that a Voluntary Bill of Indictment would be served on him on May 10 to fast-track the case to the Supreme Court for trial. However, during his follow-up appearance with then Deputy Chief Magistrate Carolita Bethell, he was told that the Attorney General’s Office had decided to have a preliminary inquiry in Magistrate Court No 2 before Magistrate Constance Delancey.
In last week’s court appearance, Mr Moncur claimed that the police had “burned down his house.” He vehemently stated that one must note that his house was burnt down two days before his May 10th court appearance.
What is notable is that while Mr Moncur’s alleged offence only carries a fine of $150 if convicted, his bail was set at a whopping $7,500!
Relative to the fire that destroyed his house, the former DNA candidate for Bain and Grant’s Town stated:
“I had provided suspects to the police and the police have not informed me of their investigations. The Commissioner of Police (Ellison Greenslade) seems to ensure that I am not informed! How is it that the nation’s leading political activist and a JP’s home could be destroyed by fire and the policing agencies are not interested in concluding how it happened? My home was firebombed and had my wife and I been sleeping there, we would’ve been killed or seriously injured.”
“I am a patriotic, loving citizen. I believe you get good government by observing it and to the extent that it becomes necessary, providing critical support and—if need be—get placards and take to the streets peacefully but forcefully, without destruction to property or harm to fellow citizens or strangers. I have adopted the philosophy of political mobilization and demonstrations. Living in the inner city leaves one, from time to time, exposed to the political, social and economic injustices that people suffer. When people bring such injustices to my attention, I feel forced to take a solemn stand against oppression, corruption and injustice. As a JP, I have a greater responsibility to maintain peace and make sure that the authorities are not abusing the rights of citizens whilst assisting or maintaining law and order. I’m one of Her Majesty’s JPs for New Providence, Paradise Island and Arawak Cay and so when any injustices come to my attention, I sit down and write letters of complaint to the Governor General, the Prime Minister, the Attorney General and the Chief Justice. That’s what I do. Citizens come and complain to me about various injustices and, in my capacity as a JP, I write letters to various branches of the state. There are powerful forces who, from time to time, cannot take it.” he said.
“Recently,” he continued, “Rupert Roberts (owner of Super Value food store chain) complained to me about $70,000 that was stolen. He told me of his belief that some of the police may have gotten to the robber first and taken the monies, sharing it among themselves. Mr Roberts felt that he could find no resolution and so I wrote a letter to the Prime Minister and the PM replied to my letter. I take the same action if a poor Negro male comes to my office complaining about police threats against his life and so forth.”
Asked about his outlook on his court case, Mr Moncur replied:
“We’re seeing a powerful philosophy of gangsterism, Nazism, Gestapoism and Ton-Ton Macoute-ism as was being practised in Haiti now being carried out in our country. In the last five months, I have been subjected to gangsterism with the destruction of my home and with these charges levied against me. On three occasions now, the leading investigator has failed to appear in court to give evidence against me—on three occasions! This is justice being stabbed in its vital parts! It is an undermining of justice and whenever justice is undermined, anarchy and chaos will come to bear in one’s nation and we see a manifestation of this now with the high levels of crime and retaliatory killings in our society, because people have lost confidence in the administration of justice.
It was his opinion that it has “come about due to political gangsterism. Adolf Hitler was a criminal who got state power and used the law to murder and slaughter six million Jews and others of God’s people.”
He said Bahamians must be careful of who takes control of the state’s machinery.
“Relative to my case, a defendant should never acquiesce to a court dismissing charges against him, he must insist that the court forces a prosecution witness to bring his testimony under the penalty that they would be incarcerated. This is so to clear one’s name, particularly if innocent” he said.
According to Mr Moncur, he got his house “in February, 2000 under the FNM’s administration whilst in 2013 the house was destroyed under the PLP’s administration.”
Speaking about the fire, that consumed his house and many of his possessions, he said:
“I have had no sympathy from the government. My wife and I have committed no crime that would call for my house being destroyed by fire. At age 56, it has placed me at a great disadvantage. At this age, if I don’t own my own home at least I should be coming to the end of a mortgage. I have no house for me and my wife to call our own, independent from a house that my adult sons live in. No citizen should be subjected to arson. When I examine what took place and how the Prime Minister and Attorney General have not compelled the Commissioner of Police to move, I feel terrible. I didn’t want to live among them ya know. They have large, palatial homes. I’m not jealous of them. I was so happy with my five-room clapboard house in Black Village. But, even that was taken away from me and now everyone is pretending like this criminal act wasn’t committed against me.”
“You will also notice that no institution has condemned the burning down of my home. No member of the church has condemned it. My party—the DNA—has not condemned it. The Official Opposition—FNM—hasn’t condemned it. And, quietly, the governing party’s leaders are giggling, they are laughing over my great calamity. But, I gave no one any reason to burn me out. So, what must I conclude?” an emotional Mr Moncur asked.
“As it stands, the Commissioner of Police has levied charges in the courts against me. He doesn’t answer any of my calls and none of his senior officers do. As a citizen, am I not entitled to know where the police are in their investigations into the fire that destroyed my home?” he asked.
In reflecting over his years of political and social activism in the past juxtaposed to today, Mr Moncur said:
“When I think over my 40 years of political activism in the Bahamas, I can say that Pindling (former Prime Minister) never destroyed anything belonging to me and I fought Pindling left, right and centre so much so that Pindling had me charged—along with current Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Immigration Philip Miller—with sedition. We went on trial on the 15th, 16th and 17th of April, 1985. I was charged with three counts and he was charged with two. We were represented by the late Sir Kendal Isaacs and retired Supreme Court Justice Jeanne Thompson and we were unanimously acquitted of all the charges. In those days of intense political battles with Pindling, I never felt that Pindling would kill me or burn down my house. And I lived long enough to get a little wooden house. My wife and I worked to maintain the mortgage but during this administration’s term in office, it was destroyed and it seems like nothing will come of it. That’s dangerous and these kinds of acts, if a man isn’t praying, could compel him to lead a revolution. Bahamians should be able to express their political views and there should be no form of gangsterism inflicted on that citizen either by harming them physically, burning down their house or threatening their jobs.”
When speaking about his activism over the years and his future outlook, Mr Moncur said:
“As long as I live, whichever party comes to power, I will turn my sights on that party and I don’t care which political party it is. I’m always willing to give critical support and to picket if necessary. When Pindling was in power, we criticised. When (PM Hubert) Ingraham was in power, whenever we felt that his government wasn’t doing things in the interest of the Bahamian people, we criticized them and agitated. And, we will also criticize Christie. Nothing ever happened to me under Ingraham. In fact, the more I criticized Ingraham, the more he appeared to love me. I never believed Ingraham would tolerate any act of gangsterism being carried out against me and my house would’ve never been burnt down. In fact, under Ingraham, I got the damn house!”
As I listened to Mr Moncur talk about the three Prime Ministers that the country has had so far, I asked him who he felt was the Bahamas’ best Prime Minister thus far. He responded:
“Ingraham! He brought in a new culture to the country. He helped to cement the freedom of the press by opening the airwaves. He didn’t go as far as he could have, but we saw plenty radio stations opening up and Bahamians were no longer afraid to express their views. With all these stations, it made it easier to bring a government down. That was a major feather in his cap. However, I didn’t like that he sold Batelco (BTC). I think that that is his greatest political sin. But, Ingraham loved his people, he especially loved poor black people.”
Mr Moncur said that he is “looking forward” to his court case, which was adjourned to October 4th.
“You have to understand what the police did to me. They created the illusion that I did a grossly indecent act, which could suggest sexual impropriety. It was also designed to intimidate the public, especially Facebook users,” he said.
Asked why he allows certain disparaging comments about himself by readers to remain on his Facebook page, he said: “It is free speech. I am grateful that people come to read and I only delete comments or block a person if they get too personal. I don’t mind if they call me stupid or whatever. I know there are many persons who would wish to shut my page down. I’m very happy that I have a very lively page and I try to be as accurate and fair as possible. It’s fun, I like it! I rely on people as much as possible and hope that they are honest in their tips to me. If I had transportation, you would see even more reporting. Many times, newspaper folks wake up and check my page, I make their work easier.”
In my opinion, Rodney Moncur is an overlooked national figure who genuinely believes in the greatness of his country and who has served nobly in whatever capacity he has found himself.
September 09, 2013

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Rodney Moncur and the Negros’ News Network / African-Bahamian News Network

By Dennis Dames:

Have you heard about the Negros’ News Network / African-Bahamian News Network?  It’s an online / Facebook publication with Mr. Rodney Moncur as the Editor / Publisher in Chief.  It provides current news on the happenings in the Bahamian society; and its main staging ground is presently Facebook.  Mr. Moncur is live 24/7 with the political juice, fresh off the vine; while The Tribune, The Punch, The Nassau Guardian, The Bahama Journal and the rest sleep straight through the night. 

He is loved by thousands of his subscribers, and many are encouraging him to compete with the Tribune, Guardian, Punch and all the rest who think that they are the apple of the Bahamian readership eyes.  Will the Negros’ African-Bahamian Network become a competitive newspaper in The Bahamas soon?  We shall see.
In the meantime, Mr. Rodney Moncur is reporting the news uncensored and undeterred, while gaining the love and respect of his vast clientele; and he is doing it free of charge.  Could I have a free Tribune, Guardian, Punch, Journal and whatever else of news exists out there please?

Monday, April 8, 2013

Rodney Moncur’s Army of One

A misguided crusade

What war is Rodney Moncur’s army of one fighting?

Guardian Broadcast Editor

Last week, three people died in a horrifying accident on Mayaguana, Bahamas Electricity Corporation workers tussled with police, armed hooligans invaded homes practically unchecked and we learned that the country’s gross domestic product didn’t grow as much as was forecasted last year.

But don’t let any of that, or growing allegations of police brutality, distract you from the carnival-barking sideshow brought to you courtesy of Rodney Moncur over the past several days.

As major developments unfolded throughout the country, Moncur became the cause de jour for many Bahamians on social media after he was charged with committing an indecent act for posting photos of Jamie Smith’s dead body on his Facebook page.

Smith was one of two men who died in police custody within hours of each other at separate locations on New Providence in February.

Moncur’s Facebook page is fashioned somewhat like a news blog.

Despite the fact that it is replete with inaccurate information, many Bahamians swallow it hook, line and sinker and spread his posts as genuine articles.

Moncur perhaps tested the patience of police when a photo of him standing next to Smith’s corpse as it lay on a preparation table at a local mortuary was published on his Facebook page several weeks ago.

However, over the holiday weekend, another photo of Smith’s corpse appeared on Moncur’s Facebook page.

This one, that showed Smith vivisection and other autopsy scars as his tongue lolled inside his open jaw, was particularly disturbing.

Smith’s family members, who have denied Moncur’s assertion that he is related to them, asked Moncur to take the pictures down.

He did not.

That picture, and another that showed the bruised buttocks of another man who claimed police beat him, apparently ticked off the police enough for them to arrest Moncur.

After his release that same day, Moncur wrote about it in great detail on his Facebook page.

He was arrested again and charged days later.

Other than once again directing attention to himself, it is unclear what Moncur was attempting to do by posting pictures of Smith’s body, as the Coroner’s Court is scheduled to hear the matter this month.

Moncur’s arraignment, his failure to make bail on Thursday and his posting bail on Friday, all made headline news.

Not so much because anything Moncur did was particularly noble, but because his shenanigans often generate public discourse, and a lot of it.

That Moncur, who subscribes to no journalistic standard, would use pictures of a dead man against the wishes of his family to aggrandize himself should come as no surprise.

This is the man who claims that women who use birth control are not true Christians. This is the man who describes himself as the ‘secret leader’ of Haitians in The Bahamas (whatever that means).

This is the man who listed eight fruit trees and a dictionary as assets on his declaration form when he was a candidate in the 2012 general election.

And his bizarre behavior has been consistent only in the frequency with which he has changed positions since the Pindling era.

What surprised me was that the police would waste their time charging Moncur.

And it was equally surprising to see how enthralled people became with his ordeal.

More than 3,000 people followed the Facebook page ‘Free Rodney Moncur’, with some misguided folks comparing him to Nelson Mandela.

Many told me that Moncur’s arrest represents some bold power grab on the part of Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade in his master plan to abolish our freedom of expression.

I’m unconvinced.

However, Greenslade himself didn’t help matters by speaking about how important it was to make sure people don’t abuse their social media privileges.

And with the number of armed robberies and home invasions on the rise here in New Providence, many also rightly questioned the Police Force’s priorities.

Moncur has promised not to relent in the face of the charge.

Knowing him, this certainly won’t be the last we hear from him on this and many other issues.

April 08, 2013


Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Rodney Moncur arrested... ...released...

Rodney Moncur Tells Of Arrest


Tribune Staff Reporter

RODNEY Moncur, human rights activist, says he is relieved to have not been a victim of police brutality – which he believes is common – after his arrest over the weekend.

Speaking with The Tribune yesterday, the former DNA hopeful said he was terrified of his well being after a senior Cyber Intelligence Unit officer took him into custody from his office at Market Street on Saturday morning.

According to Mr Moncur, authorities authorised his arrest after autopsy photographs of Jamie Smith, a man who died in police custody last month, and the buttocks of another man who claimed to have been beaten by police were posted on his Facebook page. The photos have since been removed, although Mr Moncur claimed to have no knowledge of how they were taken down.

Mr Moncur added that police accused him of “terrorising the nation and libelling the Royal Bahamas Police Force.” Police also believe that he broke into the Princess Margaret Hospital’s morgue sometime this month to take the pictures, Mr Moncur said.

“Every time that I was left alone in that room,” Mr Moncur said, “I prayed because just prior to him taking me in custody I was able to alert friends and colleagues that I was being taken.

“They held me for five hours and I did not eat. They offered me food and water but I did not take it because I was scared they would poison me.

“But I believe that somebody is being wicked. I wholelheartedly deny breaking into the morgue and I am too old to be breaking into PMH.”

Mr Mocur told The Tribune that had Police Commissioner Ellison Greenslade asked him to remove the photos he would have. He insisted that his arrest was unwarranted.

When contacted, Assistant Commissioner of Police Leon Bethel, said he was not able to speak on the matter after being posted at the CARIFTA games all weekend.

April 02, 2013

Tribune 242

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Rodney Moncur's Worker's Party dissolved... to join the newly formed Branville McCartney's Democratic National Alliance (DNA)

The Worker's Party dissolves to join DNA

Tribune Staff Reporter

THE Worker's Party dissolved its organisation yesterday after 35 years in politics, to join the newly formed Democratic National Alliance (DNA).

Leader Rodney Moncur said the party's membership is collectively migrating to the DNA "to respond to the call of the people of Elizabeth and, indeed, to the cry of voters elsewhere throughout the country for a single, united alternative to this FNM-PLP partnership.".

He said members of the party are ready to go to work.

"We have been in the field for over 30 years. We are mature men and women. There are no egos or hang ups. We are prepared to submit to a leader who will lead based on principle, based on the best interests of the nation. We are now ready to work and lock down," said Mr Moncur.

While campaigning in the Elizabeth bye-election, Mr Moncur said the party got the message from constituents that it would be good "if all the small parties could form a united group."

"We started hearing this joint dismissal of the FNM and PLP clearly in the Elizabeth bye-election in February 2010, when, for the first time in Bahamian history, a frightening percentage of the voters failed to show up at the polls leaving the hapless and embarrassed PLP and FNM to engage in a virtual dogfight, right down to the last vote," said Mr Moncur.

Mr Moncur said the nation was at a critical point in its political history, where for the first time, the Bahamian electorate are in a position to make a fair comparison between the FNM and PLP.

"Up until 1992, the FNM, in an independent Bahamas, had never been tried and tested in Government by the Bahamian people; and the PLP enjoyed overwhelming public support. So it was naturally impossible for any third party that would have been formed during those years to attract the support and build the capacity to challenge both the PLP and the FNM.

"By 2002, the Bahamian people had tried the PLP in Government for 25 years and in opposition for 10 years; and similarly the people had experienced the FNM in some form or other in opposition for 25 years and in Government for 10 years," said Mr Moncur.

"It was at that point that the serious evaluation of the two parties began to develop; it was at this point that voters for the first time could easily compare the two parties and their styles of governance," he said.

Mr Moncur said Hubert Ingraham and Perry Christie are "equally balanced", because they represent "the two sides of the Pindling coin."

"Christie is hopelessly indecisive, Ingraham is dangerously rash and impetuous. While Christie claims to be people-oriented and compassionate, Ingraham painfully demonstrates abrasiveness and an utter lack of compassion. Whereas Christie is prone to become bogged down in endless counsels and analyses, Ingraham crawls up high on the rock of stubborn pig-headedness," said Mr Moncur.

"Whereas Christie's Ministers were a wild and uncontrolled bunch, having little respect for him, Ingraham's Ministers are said to be cowering in fear as he shouts them down and makes them submit to his one-man, iron-hand rule," he said.

Mr Moncur lamented the decision of the Bahamas Democratic Movement and members of the National Development Party (NDP) for allowing themselves to be "wooed and swallowed up by the old guard, the hapless and hopeless FNM-PLP, instead of joining forces with the DNA".

The country has never seen such an "upheaval" and "deep-seated rupture in the electorate" since 1971, when the Free PLP was formed, according to Mr Moncur. This climate has allowed Branville McCartney to emerge as "a credible and capable alternative," said Mr Moncur. He said Mr McCartney is the "medicine that will cure the country of both Ingraham and Christie".

Mr Moncur lamented the fact that both the Bahamas Democratic Movement (BDM) and the National Development Party (NDP) allowed themselves to be "wooed and swallowed up by the old guard, the hapless and hopeless FNM-PLP," instead of joining forces with the DNA.

May 31, 2011


Friday, May 6, 2011

WORKERS' Party leader Rodney Moncur says: ...the memorandum of understanding signed between the National Development Party (NDP) and the Workers' Party (WP) late last year establishing an alliance for the next general election, had been broken

Worker's party leader 'shocked' by NDP members move to the PLP

Tribune Staff Reporter

WORKERS' Party leader Rodney Moncur called an emergency party meeting last night after being "shocked" by news that ten executive members of the National Development Party left for the Progressive Liberal Party.

Mr Moncur said the memorandum of understanding, signed between the NDP and the Workers' Party late last year establishing an alliance for the next general election, had been broken.

For weeks the NDP had been in discussions with Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney about possibly joining his newly formed Democratic National Alliance. The NDP was expected to soon make an announcement of their alliance with Mr McCartney's party but yesterday aligned with the official opposition in a surprising move.

Yesterday Mr Moncur said it appears as if the country's politicians were thrown into a tailspin by Mr McCartney's new party and view DNA as a real threat.


"We've convened an emergency meeting of the central committee of the Workers' Party for tonight to discuss this new development. It is shocking because (Renward) Wells did not inform me of their decision however I received intelligence very early this morning that they were going to make the move," said Mr Moncur, telling The Tribune that Mr Wells confirmed this to him on Facebook before announcing it at a press conference yesterday.

He added that unlike former NDP leader Renward Wells, and the nine others who left with him, the Workers' Party will not give up the third party fight and "abandon" Bamboo Town MP Branville McCartney and newly formed Democratic National Alliance.

"We shall not be like our allies and abandon Branville McCartney and the DNA," added the social activist and former candidate in the Elizabeth by-election. "We have heard what Bran McCartney and the DNA are offering to the Bahamian people and we are excited by it.

"I'm extremely disappointed that Wells could not stand on philosophical grounds and that he has allowed himself to succumb to filthy (politics). . .it's a bad political decision and he's on the wrong track. We shall support Branville McCartney and DNA and the only way we don't support him is if he say he ain' want us.

"We were encouraging the NDP to go into the DNA, we were in the background pushing them and telling them whatever the political plums that the PLP and FNM is offering its not worth it."
Yesterday Mr Wells, former NDP hopeful for Clifton constituency Latore Mackey and eight other executive council members announced they had joined the PLP.

A few NDP members were against the move and will carry on the party's name.

Messrs Wells and Mackey said the philosophy of PLP leader Perry Christie and the party's interest in change and young blood spurred them to cross party lines.

The move comes a few weeks after the NDP said it had heard the nation's cry for a viable alternative to the PLP and the Free National Movement, parties that have been heavily criticised by the NDP.

"We believe that it is high time for another party, other than the PLP or the FNM.

"It is absolutely the right time to do it," Mr Wells told The Tribune in March.