Showing posts with label Russian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Russian. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Putin and Russians will get what they want in Ukraine!

Are NATO & U.S willing to send their men to fight Russians in Ukraine? 


By Mithesh Kumar Moodukonaje

Vladimir Putin
I really don't know why entire World is worried? Those who really need to worry are Ukrainians not even Russians.

In 2017 Putin and Russians actively involved in Libyan Civil war, and foiled West plan there. What happened to the World? Nothing...

In 2015 Putin sent his forces to Syria, and foiled the West plan to regime change in Syria. Putin killed thousands of terrorist backed by the West in Syria. What happened to the World? Nothing...

In 2014 Crimea formally joins Russia via referendum, or what the World calls it as Putin's Russian invasion or annexation. What happened to the World? Nothing...

In 2008 not even Putin, but Medvedev took a brave decision to send his 58th Army to Georgia and support the independent republic of South Ossetia & Abhkazia. This outdated and crippling 58th Russian Army was enough to defeat the so called Sakshivillis Georgian army - trained and armed by none other than the CIA. What happened to the World? Nothing...

Way past in 2022, Russian armed forces are very modernized. They have years of fighting and testing lessons in Syria, Libya etc...

Even if it is full blown out war in Ukraine, even if the West supports Ukraine with all the arms they have - it will take Putin a few weeks to take Kiev, and collapse the Ukraine - unless and until the U.S or NATO deploy its foot soldiers on the ground in Ukraine.

Are NATO & U.S willing to send their men to fight Russians in Ukraine? No...

The U.S had recently withdrawn from Afghanistan, and withdrawing from Iraq too - where it failed to win the war - even after decades of fighting. When it comes to NATO - they are more divided than ever before. Definitely, the Germans and French are not interested in joining any hands to fight Russians in Ukraine.

Nobody wants to mess with Putin and Russians... Ukrainians are fools who elected a comedian to lead them to Chaos. They can negotiate with Putin and solve everything - rather, they are leaning towards the West - which will never be beneficial to them - at least in the short term.

So, the chances of this crisis getting into months long stalemate is literally zero. Putin and Russians will get what they want in Ukraine. They are not fools, they understand the price they need to pay, and they are willing to pay it. The World shouldn't bother about it.