Showing posts with label Ruth Woodside. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ruth Woodside. Show all posts

Sunday, October 3, 2010

West End and Bimini Constituents “Not Pleased” with their Member of Parliament - Obie Wilchcombe

Is Your MP Performing: West End, Bimini Constituents “Not Pleased”
By Sasha L. Lightbourne

It seems as if West End and Bimini Member of Parliament, Obie Wilchcombe has a lot of work to do if he plans to offer himself as a candidate for that constituency in the next general election.

The Bahama Journal began its weekly series entitled "Is Your MP Performing" several weeks ago.

When asked whether Mr. Wilchcombe was performing several residents said that their MP was not.

Megan McKenzie, a resident of West End, Grand Bahama told the Journal recently that she "rarely" sees her MP.

"He doesn’t really come to West End," she said.

"He is not usually a part of the things that happen in the community. I don’t think he’s performing. I can’t even tell you the last time that I saw him because it’s been that long. The thing is, he did so well during his election campaign and now he is no where to be found."

Janet Smith, who is also a West End resident, shared similar views.

"I don’t think he’s doing a good job because we don’t see him," she said.

"I haven’t seen him in West End and I moved back here from New Providence 10 years ago. I never expect anything from my MP though. They are all the same – they know you around election time and then they are absent for the next five years."

Another West End resident, who identified himself as ‘Doc’ Grant said Mr. Wilchcombe is not performing.

"Nothing is happening in West End," he said.

"I can’t tell you the last time I’ve seen him, so in my view he isn’t performing."

Mr. Wilchcombe is one of four MPs who has to visit more than one island to reach out to all his constituents.

Residents in Bimini shared similar sentiments.

Many claimed that they have not seen Mr. Wilchcombe in a while.

"I don’t think he is performing at all," Bimini resident, Lopez Bullard said.

"Nothing is getting done on the island. They need to be worried about the dump on the island – that’s a serious problem. We need him to come around more because we supported him a lot during the last election."

Mr. Bullard added that Mr. Wilchcombe is only usually on the island to attend funerals.

"He needs to step to the plate because the young people don’t play and we will switch on you quick," he said.

Ashley Hinzey felt the same way.

"As far as I can see I don’t think he is performing," he said.

"I don’t see him in the community. Everything in Bimini happens because of the private sector because we rarely see Obie. We may see him at a funeral or something but when we have festivals or community functions he is not around."

Mr. Hinzey said Mr. Wilchcombe is his friend but he does not think that he will vote for him in the next election.

"My MP is not around to see what’s going on," another Bimini resident said, who wished to remain anonymous.

"We have a lot of issues on the island especially that deals with the local government. Right now we have a problem with issuing taxi licences – the process for that is not fair."

The resident also said that the Bimini dump is an issue.

"It has not been filled in for the last few years and I think the MP needs to come down and take a look at it," he said.

However, one West End resident, Ruth Woodside, said she felt that Mr. Wilchcombe was "doing his best."

"I like Mr. Wilchcombe and he has been performing in my view," she said.

"We may not see him as much as we would like to but there are things happening in the community. Very little is happening in Grand Bahama because of the economy but there is nothing that Mr. Wilchcombe can do about it; he is doing his best."

September 27th, 2010
