Showing posts with label Sandra Dean-Patterson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sandra Dean-Patterson. Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2011

...most influential women in The Bahamas according to Wikileaks - US Embassy in Nassau cable

'Most powerful' Bahamian women

THE five most influential women in the Bahamas were identified by the US Embassy in a cable released by Wikileaks yesterday.

They are: Tribune publisher Eileen Dupuch Carron, Court of Appeal president Joan Sawyer, former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia "Mother" Pratt, former Attorney General Allyson Maynard-Gibson and domestic violence victims' advocate Sandra Dean-Patterson.

In the 2007 cable Mrs Pratt, current Progressive Liberal Party MP for St Cecilia, was chosen because of her position as deputy prime minister and minister of national security within the Christie administration.

Last night Mrs Pratt said she was grateful to be on the list.

"It was an honour to serve, most of all when you feel that you're making a difference. It's also good to know that outsiders feel that way about you.

"When a woman's presence can be felt in one's country it is considered an achievement because women have come a long way in terms of leadership," she said.

Mrs Maynard-Gibson was an attorney general in the Christie administration and MP for the Pinewood constituency.

She is currently a senator.

When contacted for comment yesterday, she said she was "humbled" by the mention.

"I'm humbled and honoured to be in that category and my object on a day-to-day basis is to leave the Bahamas and the world a better place. (Whether I am influential) is something that history will have to record.

"I feel that they are far more influential than I am," she said of the other women on the list.

Mrs Dean-Patterson, director of the Crisis Centre, was chosen because her long-standing work for victims of sexual and domestic violence.

"Dr Dean-Patterson is a well respected advocate for women in the Bahamas, an influential participant in public discourse about women's issues and a regular representative for the Bahamas on women's issues in the UN," said the cable.

The document, signed by former Chargé d'Affaires Brent Hardt, noted that Mrs Carron heads "the largest distribution daily newspaper in the Bahamas."

The cable also noted that Mrs Carron's "influence on Bahamian politics is significant."

Mrs Carron is the second Bahamian female lawyer to be called to the Bahamas' Bar, the second Bahamian female publisher/editor of a news publication and the first Bahamian woman to pilot a plane.

Who do you think are the country's most influential women? Sound off on

September 02, 2011

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