Showing posts with label St. Cecilia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label St. Cecilia. Show all posts

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Is Your MP Performing: Cynthia "Mother" Pratt has already secured herself a prominent place in the annals of Bahamian history say constituents

Is Your MP Performing: St. Cecilia Constituents Commend MP

Seven out of nine constituents polled in the St. Cecilia area say that their Member of Parliament Cynthia "Mother" Pratt’s performance in the area has been so noteworthy that she has already secured herself a prominent place in the annals of Bahamian history.

The Bahama Journal, which randomly polls constituencies each week, went out into the community yesterday to ask the residents if their MP was performing.

The Journal traveled from the St. Cecilia constituency office to as far as the corner of Bimini Avenue and Market Street and spoke with residents who were more than a little anxious to share just how well they feel the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) MP is performing in St. Cecilia.

John Thomas who has been a resident of the constituency for a number of years said Mrs. Pratt has done an "excellent" job over the years.

"She is doing a very good job and I love her. If she were to run in the next general election, she would definitely get my vote. We would hate to see her go." said Mr. Thomas.

Another resident shared similar sentiments.

"I cannot say anything bad about her. She has done a lot for the community and I wish her well in her future endeavors," the resident said.

"She is a good MP. She has brought about many improvements in the area, like paving roads. That was something that we really needed."

Mrs. Pratt has been the MP for the constituency for a number of years and residents say she has been very instrumental in helping poor children in the community.

"We really need her back. She has done a lot for the poor children. She has personally helped me get a job. She always encourages us [young people]. She will do whatever it takes to provide school supplies for children," said one resident who spoke on condition of anonymity.

Leroy King said that if it had not been for Mrs. Pratt many children in the community would not have the opportunity to go to school.

"During the school periods the children are given the basic supplies they need for school. I know that the children really love her because she is always there for them," Mr. King said.

While many of the residents were pleased with Mrs. Pratt’s performance there were two residents who said they felt she could do more.

"Personally, she has done a lot for me in the past. She helped me with my college education. However, she has not done anything significant in the community since I have been a community leader here. I would like to see her get involved with some of the positive things that is going on with the National L.E.A.D Institute," said L.E.A.D President T. Edward Clarke.

Another resident said that while he feels that Mrs. Pratt is doing a reasonable job, he would like to see her do something about the garbage problem in the area.

"What I would like to see her do is clean-up the loads of garbage around here. When there is garbage everywhere it attracts rodents and that is the problem that I have," said Mr. Roberts.

Mrs. Pratt has already announced plans to retire from politics at the end of her current term.

At last report, the PLP was processing at least four applications from candidates interested in representing the St. Cecilia constituency.

Mrs. Pratt previously served as deputy prime minister and minister of national security in the PLP administration.

August 12th, 2010
