Showing posts with label Vanguard Party Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vanguard Party Bahamas. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Vanguard Party has been revived...

Journalist and businesman revives the Vanguard Party

THE socialist Vanguard Party has been revived under the interim leadership of journalist and businessman, Charles Fawkes.

Mr Fawkes, who will serve as the party's first secretary, is also the president of the National Consumer Association and organiser for the Commonwealth Group of Unions.

Founded in 1971 and originally known as the Vanguard Nationalist and Socialist Party, the party suspended political activities in 1995.

According to Mr Fawkes while the party's old slogan - "Dare to Struggle - Dare to Win" - will be preserved, the words "socialist and "nationalist" will be dropped.

"Henceforth, the grouping will simply be known as the Vanguard Party (VP). However, the party will remain as a party of the left, exclusively committed to the workers of the Bahamas, the wider Caribbean and the world and will participate in the ongoing debate and struggles from that perspective," said the party in a statement.

Over the next six months, it said, VP will reorganise its Central Committee, other party organs and its supporters.

In addition, the party's newspaper, "The Vanguard" will begin publication once again.

"In the coming months, the organisation's philosophy will be further explicated and disseminated to the public as the second edition of the party's book, The Struggle for Freedom in the Bahamas" will be published. Other officers of the party will also be named and elected from the reorganised general membership and supporters in the immediate future," the statement said.

It went on to emphasise that in the "new type" of party that "New Vanguard" hopes to become, the First Secretary will serve as leader.

"Additionally, it should be noted that to be a party of the people, it is not enough to say that the party represents the masses. The party must be an actual weapon of the masses, articulating their needs and demands and struggling untiringly for their interest.

"In a class divided society, no party can speak for all the classes. Those who serve the interests of the rich who profit from the present economic system must of necessity work against the interests of the poor and oppressed masses. And the neo-colonial PLP and FNM can no more serve the working-class majority in Bahamian society than could the old UBP.

"Only the Vanguard is a workers' party today, and the political awakening of the Bahamian working class will be measured by the strength and militancy of their support for the Vanguard."

When first organised in the early 1970s, the Vanguard Party grew out of the youth arm of the Progressive Liberal Party, and drew inspiration from the Black Panther Party in the United States.

Despite running candidates in elections in 1977 and 1979, the first Vanguard Party was unable to win a seat in parliament, never garnering more than 173 votes.

From 1979 to 1985, the party was led by academic and political theorist John T McCartney, now the department head and associate professor of government and law at Lafayette College in Easton, Pennsylvania.

February 02, 2011
