Showing posts with label alternative to Value Added Tax. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative to Value Added Tax. Show all posts

Thursday, April 10, 2014

The Bahamas government is awaiting feedback from the Public and private sectors determine whether there is a viable alternative to Value Added Tax (VAT)

FNM Senator: Bahamas Not Ready For VAT

By Jones Bahamas:

The government has yet to reveal the introductory rate or date for implementing Value Added Tax (VAT), but an Opposition politician is convinced The Bahamas will not be ready by the initial proposed timeline of July 1.

In fact, Free National Movement (FNM) Senator Kwasi Thompson said this is “highly unlikely.”

“The government has not done enough to educate the public and I also ask the questions – are the necessary infrastructure in place? Have all the necessary persons being hired? Have all the necessary persons being trained? Most businesses are still unsure how it works and how it will affect their businesses. There are many issues in terms of VAT,” Senator Thompson said.

Flying in the face of ongoing backlash, the government is pushing ahead with VAT, a tax reform system the Christie Administration insists is needed to expand the country’s revenue base and one that is critical to preserving the country’s confidence as a secure and attractive destination for investment, which can be achieved “no other way.”

Finance experts have repeatedly stressed that to ignore such fiscal planning imperatives would be at the country’s peril.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has branded the country’s current tax system as both inefficient and inequitable.

It is the government’s intention to register only businesses with a turnover exceeding $100,000 per annum, thereby avoiding the “entanglement of smaller business in the system of VAT collection and filing.”
According to Mr. Christie, the government would still capture well over 95 per cent of the total turnover in the economy in this way.

“Focusing on the larger firms will also ease the administration of the VAT,” he has said.

But Mr. Thompson lamented the fact that in its present form, the VAT bill requires businesses to file papers on a monthly basis, a process he described as “onerous.”

“What is even more egregious is that the payment of VAT is required 21 days after the work is completed or the bill is submitted and that is whether you have been paid or not,” he said.

“I believe this bill will be disastrous for small business, who do not receive payment for services immediately after their work is completed or do not receive payment immediately after their bill is submitted. In fact, the bill that is submitted sometimes for the service is not always the bill that will be paid. So, I believe even before we get to implement this process, these are the kinds of things that must be looked at must be addressed.”

The government is awaiting feedback from the private sector and the public before actually determining whether there is no viable alternative to VAT.

The Bahamas Hotel Tourism Association is pushing a Smart Tax.

Meantime, the Coalition for Responsible Taxation also believes there are options other than VAT including implementing a payroll tax.

The group is compiling a report on its recommendations.

April 09, 2014

Bahama Journal

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The People’s Foundation Economic Empowerment Organisation (TPFEO) alternative to Value Added Tax (VAT)

Group Suggests Exporting Natural Resources as VAT Alternative

By Jones Bahamas:

Rather than implementing Value Added Tax (VAT), the People’s Foundation Economic Empowerment Organisation (TPFEO) is a calling on the government to tax companies whom they claim gain billions of dollars from mining and exporting the country’s natural resources.

President of the TPFEO Pastor Micklyn Seymour said if the government were to tax these companies appropriately the country’s national debt could be reduced.

“It is a known fact that our nation has some of the richest deposits and best qualities of calcium, aragonite and salt found in the world,” Pastor Seymour said.

“It is also a known fact that every year, tons of these minerals are being exported to the benefit of a few persons and to the disadvantage of the many. These products are generating billions of dollars on a yearly basis for these companies that have been allowed to mine these minerals with little or no benefit to the country.”

Mr. Seymour said the country’s natural resources have been exploited for too long and it will give the government two weeks to be transparent and reveal the names of the companies he alleged are guilty of this before his organisation goes ahead and releases the information.

The organisation’s president is also calling for the government to amend laws to facilitate the nationalisation and ownership of all natural resources and minerals to Bahamians.

He added that the government should also consider creating a ministry that focuses on managing The Bahamas’ natural resources.

“Establish a Ministry of Natural Resources to manage and make policies which will have direct responsibility for all natural resources and do researches relative to the development of these areas,” Mr. Seymour said.
“Thus, hereby ensuring transparency and accountability and that the interest of the Bahamian people would be safeguarded.”

Mr. Seymour added the organisation is preparing to launch a national campaign to educate Bahamians on the country’s natural resources, which he said could be a billion dollar industry.

March 19, 2014

The Bahama Journal