Showing posts with label constitutional democracy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label constitutional democracy. Show all posts

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Government urged to tread carefully on bail change

Govt urged to tread carefully on bail change
By Candia Dames ~ Guardian News Editor ~

In crafting its amendment to the Bail Act the government must be careful that it does not legislate anything that would violate the constitutional rights of any citizens, according to prominent attorney Damian Gomez.

Another noted attorney, Wayne Munroe, said in an interview with The Nassau Guardian yesterday that any law that is found to be unconstitutional would have no impact.

"The Supreme Court will strike down any law that would violate somebody's constitutional right," Munroe said.

Gomez and Munroe, who spoke to The Guardian separately, were reacting to the government's declaration in the Speech from the Throne that it will bring an amendment to Parliament which would further restrict the right to bail for persons charged with serious crimes, and to limit the circumstances under which bail may be granted.

Munroe noted that currently bail is granted in three instances: When a suspect has been on remand for an unreasonable period of time; when a judge determines the evidence against that suspect is not strong and when a determination is made that prison conditions are such that a medical condition might result in a person's death in prison.

Under the Bahamian constitution, if any person is charged with a criminal offense, unless the charge is withdrawn, the case shall be afforded a fair hearing within a reasonable time by an independent and impartial court established by law.

Gomez believes that it is often the fault of the Office of the Attorney General that many cases are delayed.

"The real question is why is it taking us so long to provide the attorney general's office with the resources to ensure that it carries out its lawful mandate," he said. "If it isn't a question of resources, what is happening in that office that causes delays which inflict incarceration of persons who have in fact not been convicted? We are hopeful that the government in its efforts to curtail the conditions under which bail is granted does not impede on the constitutional rights of accused persons and does not ignore the responsibility of the government to ensure our attorney general's office [has the necessary resources] and is efficient in the delivery of the services the public expects it to deliver.

"Until we resolve those problems associated with efficiency and with levels of resources we are going to be confronted with situations in which the public becomes alarmed, anxious and fearful that the law is not in fact being carried out and that persons are able to commit crimes and to do so with impunity. We are hopeful that the resources will be provided to the attorney general's office and I will be surprised if any legislative measure can be used as a substitute for the resources for that department. Until that department is properly resourced we will have the specter of long delays which result in bail being granted."

Gomez added, "We can only at this stage reiterate the warning that we are a constitutional democracy and the provisions of Article 20 of the constitution apply to criminal proceedings and civil proceedings, and the rights of accused persons are constitutionally protected rights."

Meanwhile, Munroe questioned whether the government's motives are pure as it regards its plan to introduce an amendment to the Bail Act.

"I think it's done for a cheap political gain and if that's how they tend to deal with the liberty of the subject then it's for the subject to determine whether that's reasonable," he said.

The government noted in the Speech from the Throne that a number of people who commit crimes do so while on bail pending trial for other offenses.

April 16 2010


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Official Opposition Leader Perry Christie: offering Adderley judge post would undermine democracy

Tribune Staff Reporter

IF THE Government offered Malcolm Adderley a post as a Supreme Court judge in exchange for his seat in Elizabeth it would "undermine" Bahamian democracy, charged Opposition Leader Perry Christie.

The former prime minister argued that judicial appointments are "one of the most sacred appointments" that defines constitutional democracy and claimed that such a move would be political "manipulation" of the judicial system.

"I happen to believe (if) that is played out tomorrow and the next several days in our country then I believe it is the most damning indictment of our system of government where this manipulation can take place and it means that you have an in depth manipulation going on that has truly, I think, undermined the democracy that we live in," Mr Christie said, when he called to weigh in on Love 97 FM's talk show Issues of the Day.

His comments came after speculation in some quarters that Government wooed Mr Adderley to give up his seat with promises of a plum job as a judge, which would set the stage for a by-election in the Elizabeth constituency.

In the statement released Monday, the FNM said it respects Mr Adderley's "personal decision" to cut political ties with the PLP adding that it did not know the reasons behind the decision.

The FNM also alluded to Mr Adderley's reported interested in joining the judiciary but did not confirm whether he has been offered or accepted the job.

"We understand that Mr Adderley is willing to continue in the service of his country as a Justice of the Supreme Court, a position for which he is well qualified, especially at a time when there is urgent need for qualified Bahamian judges willing to serve. If that is so, we highly commend him."

Over the holiday weekend Elizabeth MP Malcolm Adderley quit the PLP with effect from January 1, 2010. Mr Adderley is expected to resign from his seat in the House of Assembly when Parliament meets today.

January 06, 2010
