Showing posts with label dead bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dead bahamas. Show all posts

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Chickens Coming Home to Roost

The Bahama Journal Editorial

Something is dreadfully wrong in this small nation of ours.

Sadly, much of that new information has to do with one bloody report after another concerning this or that person who has been victimized.

We who remain standing tally the number of our neighbors, family and friends who make up that number that is to be given those who have been left terrified, injured, maimed or dead.

This is no way to live.

We have begged and we have prayed in order to find out what – if anything – is to be done.

To date, no one has come up with adequate answers to any of our persistent queries; and here our leaders seemed to have lost their way in a miasma of lies, half-truths and placeboes.

And for sure, we look askance at the argument that, this kind of feral excess can and should be expected as part of the so-called modern way of living in an urban center.

We also say no to that infernal strategy that calls on those who lead to blame those who follow when all hell breaks out.

Here take note that, one of the more interesting facets of what it means to be human has to do with the fact that people will – for the sake of their own sanity – routinely concoct stories that purportedly explain the presence of evil in their midst.

Hardly ever do they blame themselves.

Indeed, there is always around some ready scapegoat on which we just as often dump much that troubles us.

And so, it currently arises that some of people –particularly the police- believe that they can somehow or the other pacify angry citizens by way of this or that pleasant walk-about.

Interestingly, when word first got out concerning this Saturday past’s street-level melee; there was apparently a concerted effort to paint a picture that would depict Bain Town people in a most positive light; inclusive of the life story of the dead youth, Sharmoco Newbold.

Here some who spoke out would have the public believe that this youth-man’s persona was somewhere to be located between that of an officer and a gentleman.

While this person might have indeed been such; this fact in and of itself must take second place to whatever is found to be the case once all the facts are in.

Idle speculation whether it takes the guise of lies told in order to cover up this or that; narratives and other species of conjured up stories aimed at ‘explaining’ how things might have happened; or sweet talk designed to make people feel good.

However you take it, none of this can help in a situation where what is needed is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God.

Indeed, nothing really matters.

By way of timely reminder, some three years ago, information came our way to the effect that, a 47-year-old woman was shot in the face during a daring daytime robbery.

As we recall, she was put on life support.

But surely, what matters today as it surely mattered then, was still the need for the public to know that while crime hurts; denial might hurt just as much.

“…This horrible incident indicated that no one is safe in the country and the quality of life is in decline. "Someone unknown left the victim where she had been hit. A bullet remains lodged in her neck.

“Police said Ms. Lori Francis had just exited the Royal Bank of Canada on John F. Kennedy Drive and entered a truck when the incident occurred…”

And for sure as we vividly recall, “According to Andrea Francis, her sister was conscious and had undergone surgery, but was on life support because she was having trouble breathing on her own.

“Today we grieve with these victimized people…”

Paradoxically, we also grieve for those who allegedly did the deed that left this woman washed and drenched in her own blood.

We do so because these two men are of this land and are striving in these times. That they may also be lunatics who are armed and dangerous attests to the fact that they too are enmeshed in a feral culture that glorifies greed and violence.

These men were not born criminal.

They were made such.

It is this fact of life that explains so how we are where we are as a people. Equally so, it suggests a way out of the mess; that way being the one that begs us to put more money into social services like health and education.

Because we have not done near enough; the proverbial chickens are coming home to roost.

November 25th, 2010

The Bahama Journal Editorial