Showing posts with label drug testing Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label drug testing Bahamas. Show all posts

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Craig Butler calls for Bahamian politicians to come clean about their drug use... insisting that every potential candidate undergo drug testing ahead of the upcoming general election

MPs Challenged To Take Drug Tests


The 41 sitting Members of Parliament are being challenged by one political hopeful to undergo drug testing ahead of the upcoming general elections. But more than that, Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Treasurer Craig Butler is insisting that every potential candidate undergo the same testing.

Mr. Butler, who has long sought a position in high office through his political party, but has never been successful because of his troubled past plagued with drug use, namely cocaine, made this call for politicians to come clean about their drug use on Wednesday.

The aspiring politician told the Bahama Journal yesterday that, "Anybody running for a seat in the House of Assembly, and all candidates or anybody who offers themselves as a candidate should be tested without question."

And while in The Bahamas, there exists a Public Disclosure Act where candidates are asked to reveal information about their finances, investigations carried out by the Bahama Journal revealed that in countries like the United States and Canada, politicians both serving and aspiring, are asked to disclose financial as well as medical information among other things.

"Getting tested for drugs is just one of the requirements when people are applying for jobs and a number of other things. So why shouldn’t those people who sit in the halls of Parliament be tested for drug use," Mr. Butler asked.

"I do not think any of the MPs should have an issue with this but I also do not think anyone will even consider this possibility."

Questioned as to the validity of claims made about certain sitting members abusing presently or previously abusing drugs, Mr. Butler was more than reluctant to answer.

Instead, Mr. Butler says we perhaps will never really know for sure what someone has done or is doing without this drug testing.

"I am not about to go down that road and state whether or not I think anyone in [the House of Assembly may be guilty of drug use]," he said.

"As I’ve stated on the record, almost a decade ago yes I did have my problems and anyone who has ever been in my position, I guess there will always be some question marks that will remain.

"But I think a drug test should be required of everyone running for office. Nobody ever knows what someone else is really doing."

In fact, Mr. Butler feels the Public Disclosure Act should be amended to include drug testing, as is the case in other jurisdictions.

For instance, the American Civil Liberties Union recently reported that Florida's Republican Governor Rick Scott not to long ago made drug tests mandatory for all state workers

And even as the PLP has snubbed Mr. Butler for a chance at a seat in the House of Assembly, he feels other political hopefuls should not be overlooked because of mistakes made in the past.

"I do not think that people who may have in the past used drugs should be hindered from running for office. I think it is being classified with other abuses such as alcohol, gambling and various other addictions as a disease. And the medical community is accepting it as a disease.

"Unfortunately anyone can fall prey to a disease at any point in time and there is various forms of treatment that a person can get to alleviate themselves from any addiction they may have fallen prey to. This is nothing that I think that will preclude somebody from seeking higher office and or being able to ably serve their country.

"So a person that has gone down the road that I have gone should not automatically be singled out because of the mistakes they made in the past.

"And at the end of the day anyone who is presently in the halls of Parliament and or seeking the halls of parliament who is dealing with any addictions we would like to see them get help."

May 12th, 2011
