Showing posts with label free will Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label free will Bahamas. Show all posts

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Malcolm Adderley, Melissa Sears - and PLP smears

Melissa Sears and PLP smears
tribune242 editorial:

FIRST IT was Malcolm Adderley, now it is Melissa Sears, and today as the years roll by the PLP party seems to have forgotten its purpose for existence, reminding us rather of the Grand Inquisitor in Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamzov.

This powerful soliloquy in the Russian novel is a deep, philosophical argument about God, free will and morality.

The Grand Inquisitor berates Christ for giving man the impossible burden of freewill, rather than security. He says that the so-call gift is no gift at all, rather this freedom to choose is a devastating, impossible burden.

People, said the Grand Inquisitor, should have been given no choice, instead, like automatons, they should just shuffle forward according to the will of their Creator.

"Nothing has ever been more insufferable for man than freedom!" concludes the Grand Inquisitor, a belief that seems to be gathering ascendancy within the Opposition party. Rather, like the Grand Inquisitor, the PLP offer their members security -- not freedom of thought. As long as they toe the party line, they will remain secure in the party fold. But get out of line and the Grand Inquisitor turns vicious -- out to destroy any idea of free will.

This tendency did not start recently, under what the electorate was duped into believing was to be a "new" PLP. It started way back in the days when Lynden Pindling returned from England, joined a party that he did not start, and quickly took over.

Malcolm Adderley, who, in the first week of this new year not only walked out of the PLP, but resigned as MP for Elizabeth, reminded his former colleagues that once upon a time in the distant past their party had the "distinction of being built by the blood, sweat and tears of hardworking men and women of humble beginnings, proud of their commitment to uplift the well being and standard of the people."

However, under the Pindling leadership, the party had lost its way. One man's dream replaced the dreams of the many, and for those who did not follow slavishly, political oblivion was the price they had to pay for having a mind of their own. Some of them, like Carlton Francis, a competent teacher, had difficulty finding a job to support their families. Mr Francis certainly was not acceptable in the government's educational system from which he had come and for which he was eminently qualified. Then there were the Dissident Eight, followed by Ed Moxey, and many others who didn't make the headlines, but certainly felt the pain of rejection and vicious scorn.

For seven long years Malcolm Adderley suffered stoically as MP for Elizabeth, until exasperated, he shook the dust from his sandals and walked out. In his farewell speech to the House, he talked of the souls of those who had sacrificed so much to build their party, but would ache as a "result of the venom and ill will that is displayed almost on a daily basis on any member who tries to correct its ills." He talked of the back-biting whispers and disrespect shown him.

And now it is the turn of a young woman, Melissa Sears, who like Mr Adderley was spotted by the party as a rising political star, and invited to join. Recently, for personal reasons -- not political -- she decided to step down as vice-chairman of the PLP. She made no fuss, she gave no interviews, she tried to keep a low profile so as not to embarrass her party. Persons close to her speculated that she had resigned because of disparaging remarks made by Opposition Leader Perry Christie. Mr Christie vehemently denied that he had made any such remarks. She remained silent.

And now the vicious party hacks, using the sophistication of the electronic age, are spreading unfair and untrue rumours to destroy this young woman. It is understood that this vehicle is being financially underwritten by two party hefties, one allegedly a sitting MP. We are not surprised by one of the names mentioned, but, if true, we are certainly surprised by the second. We gave him credit for being smarter than that.

The latest smear was imbedded on the cell phone of an FNM MP, allegedly from Ms Sears. It was an obvious trap. The MP knew that it was not from Ms Sears, because they did not have the type of relationship that was being suggested by the caller. All the sender wanted was for the MP to incriminate himself by falling for the bait, and answering the call. Instead, instinctively knowing that there was a plot afoot and guessing the source, he submitted it to the authorities for investigation. It is now being said that there is no room in the PLP for a strong woman. We say that as long as the Grand Inquisitor controls the party machine, there is no room for a strong man. The others will remain, tip-toeing around in craven fear.

Mr Adderley blamed Mr Christie for allowing PLP hacks to torture him right out of the party. It would probably be nearer the truth to speculate that Mr Christie is as afraid as his colleagues to have the smear-mongers on his case. After all the website has also given him a good flaying when it has suited those behind it.

If someone does not become more responsible in that party and respect the thoughts and opinions of others, that same irresponsible website is going to be the funeral site of the PLP.

April 30, 2010
