Showing posts with label gaming referendum Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gaming referendum Bahamas. Show all posts

Monday, April 29, 2013

Months after the failed January 28, 2013 gaming referendum, gambling continues to be one of the most divisive ...and unnecessarily distracting issues in The Bahamas

A bad gamble

Gaming Bill resurrects calls for end to discrimination

Guardian News Editor

The government of Prime Minister Perry Christie had another bad week last week.

In fact, it seems the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) administration has been tying itself into one strangling knot after another.

Leading up to the first anniversary of its May 7 victory, it is finding itself increasingly on the defensive and has been making the kinds of moves that awaken public angst and weaken the confidence of citizens in their government.

An increasingly hostile and confusing tone on work permits, a highly publicized immigration blunder at Atlantis resort and the junior national security minister’s suggestion that the Americans are fueling our crime problem by sending us criminal deportees were all matters that caught our attention last week.

But it was public reaction to The Nassau Guardian’s revelation on the proposed Gaming Act 2013, and an announcement that web shop layoffs could come as early as this week, that showed most clearly that the government has a lot of work to do to stem what seems to be rising anti-PLP sentiment.

Months after the failed January 28 referendum, gambling continues to be one of the most divisive and unnecessarily distracting issues in The Bahamas.

In the lead up to that referendum, there was great confusion about the process.

In the weeks and months since, there remains great confusion on the way forward for the web shop sector.

By far, the matter that is dominating national discussion is that proposed act on gambling.

As we reported, it would permit holders of casino licenses in The Bahamas to facilitate online and mobile gambling.

With a deal sealed with Las Vegas’ Cantor Gaming, Atlantis is set to offer its guests mobile gaming as of this week.

Minister of Tourism Obie Wilchcombe, who has responsibility for gaming, said yesterday this will be offered during a “test period” and the property would have to apply for the relevant license to continue mobile gaming and eventually introduce online gaming.

The failed gambling referendum notwithstanding, many people are insulted by the discriminatory bill that would allow Atlantis, Baha Mar and the holders of other casino licenses in The Bahamas to do legally what is being denied Bahamian business people.

The bill has been in the works since shortly after the Christie administration came to office last year.

It was developed outside any considerations connected to the gambling referendum, and the government worked closely with industry stakeholders in its development.

The outrage over the government’s ongoing discriminatory approach to the gambling issue is most understandable when added to the fact that the new bill excludes permanent residents and work permit holders from the class of people not permitted to gamble legally.

The bill speaks only to the prohibition of Bahamian citizens.

Under existing legislation, permanent residents and work permit holders are also prohibited from gambling.

For Bahamians, the move could not be more insulting.

Another provision of the new bill would allow people outside The Bahamas to gamble via the website of a local gaming license holder.

But those people must be in jurisdictions that allow online gambling.

Wilchcombe said there will be tight controls to guard against Bahamians gambling from other jurisdictions.


While Bahamians ought to be concerned over the matter, any hysteria and anger toward the investors who have long been pushing for these industry reforms are misdirected, in my view.

As good and valued investors, Atlantis and Baha Mar deserve to have legislation passed for the protection and improvement of the gaming sector and the tourism industry.

The decision to block Bahamians from gambling in local casinos is not the investors’ decision.

The casino operators in fact have said more than once that they would welcome Bahamians gambling in casinos.

The decision to keep Bahamians from gambling in casinos is the government’s continuation of a controversial and discriminatory decades-old policy.

Wilchcombe said yesterday the policy has served us well and it would need to be carefully examined before any changes are made because there are serious social and economic considerations.

“We have always restricted Bahamians from participating in the gaming activity at our casinos and it was in fact the best compromise for a tourism destination and a country that has a strong opposition from Bahamians participating, particularly the church,” he said, referring to the initial decision on casino gambling several decades ago.

“Way back then, it was a happy compromise and I think that it has proven to be beneficial for the country and it has not hurt The Bahamas.

“We have been able to build an economy without income tax, etc. and it’s really because of our progressive tourism industry, one which included gaming.”

Wilchcombe also rightly pointed to the need and desire for the gaming aspect of tourism to be more competitive — thus the need for the Gaming Bill.

Anyone who takes offense to this bill ought to take that up with their government — not the holders of casino licenses who have for years been working with the government (the former administration included) to effect these necessary reforms for a more competitive gaming industry.

In a paper outlining recommendations for reforms, casino licensees note that in recent years, casino gaming has expanded worldwide.

To stay competitive, the largest jurisdictions have been forced to update their regulations to accommodate shifting consumer tastes, technology and potential sources of new tax revenues, the document points out.

It adds that Nevada, Macau, Singapore, New Jersey and the U.S. Gulf Coast states have structured their laws to reflect recent developments.

Casino operators are hoping the reforms outlined in the Gaming Bill would drive gaming revenues and create a sustainable competitive advantage.

They made 14 recommendations to the government in a document titled “Guide to modernization of casino regulations in The Bahamas”.

One of the recommendations calls for segmented VIP gaming suites and salons. It would allow enclosed gaming rooms to be located anywhere on the resort campus of a licensed casino.

Other recommendations include credit card payments for chips and duty free exemption for gaming equipment and interactive/mobile gaming.

The licensees also proposed the impostion of an entry level for permanent residents and work permit holders.

The document notes that in Singapore, residents must buy a daily pass for US$100 or yearly pass for US$2,000 for casino entry, limiting access to those with financial means.

Wilchcombe said without critical reforms, the gaming sector would lose ground.


A separate but very closely related issue involves the web shop industry, which is reportedly suffering under a threat of raids.

Bahamian citizens must continue to demand an end to discrimination on gaming.

Had the referendum passed on January 28, one assumes the government would have been well on its way in structuring a properly regulated web shop sector.

But Bahamian citizens would still have been barred from casino gambling.

The absence of that question from the ballot is one reason some people gave for voting against the regularization and taxation of web shops and the establishment of a national lottery.

It is also the reason some people gave for staying away from the polls altogether.  Voter turnout in fact was less than 50 percent.

Prime Minister Perry Christie has promised that while the casino question was not on the January 28 ballot, it would be a question on the ballot of a promised constitutional referendum if the Constitutional Commission recommends that it be addressed.

It would be unfortunate if the discriminatory nature of the bill derails the industry’s push toward modernization and reform.

But the failed referendum should not be taken as a true reflection of the views of the electorate on gambling.

Had the government taken its time and addressed gambling for Bahamians in its totality and in a clear process where adequate information was provided, it might have avoided anger and confusion over this very necessary step it is taking for casino owners.

Bahamian businessespeople who have for years been operating web shops now feel like second-class citizens, as do Bahamians who are being told about the provision that would provide for work permit holders and permanent residents to take part in an industry they have been told to keep out.

Wilchcombe has said the Cabinet will review the bill tomorrow.

Perhaps it would also examine why so many people have reacted so strongly against it.

April 29, 2013


Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gambling is a vice not a virtue... ...Vote NO!! ... in the January 28, 2013 Gaming Referendum

By Margery Moncrieffe

I want to share some revelation given to me by God my Father on the gambling issue. I am coming from a spiritual perspective. Anyone who is engaged in spiritual warfare or has studied it knows that demonic entities and spirits travel in groups. A personal sin is different from a national sin. When gambling is legalized nationally one can expect to see the kindred spirits to accompany it , manifesting themselves in larger numbers. These demons are murder, suicide, witchcraft, violence, lasciviousness and sexual immorality to name a few.

... I want to comment on witchcraft. Do we forget that regular gamblers use dream books, numerology, psychic dreams to give them numbers? I have a personal friend who told me she paid a Haitian to go to Haiti and ask a witchcraft worker for a number. Believe it or not? He gave her a number, she played it and won. She was able to pay off her mortgage she said. Yes that all seems good, at first, but does God tell us to consult demons for numbers or does he ask us to trust him that he can provide?? Mark 4:19, 1Timothy:9-10.

I want to challenge any gambler, especially the high rollers, that if they were to sow as much money they invest in gambling with no return, into the Kingdom of God, they would see financial blessings. I am a living witness of many seeds sowed and I watched God multiply my seed. I sowed a $100 dollar seed into a church once and the Prophet told me I would see my daughter get that particular seed returned for me a $15,000 profit, this was five years of high school I did not have to pay for, if we want to play the numbers game. The problem is most people cannot wait for the slow and steady increase from God where he builds your character to handle it. We want the get rich quick scheme, which leads to destruction. Hence the bible calls it "the deceitfulness of riches." Why? It does not last.

Has anyone done any research on the life of gamblers? How many of them have been able to keep their riches?? How do their lives end up? I know a few and all of them that I know end up broke, dead broke. Is this what we want for our nation at this time? Are we going to sell our birthright for a mess of pottage? Do we want to lose the prosperity and favour that has been upon the Bahamas for a mess of pottage? Choose wisely.

All I can say is that we will see an increase in crime, sexual immorality. poverty, and other ills if we as a nation choose this path. I am not a prophet of doom, I am just making everyone aware of the causes. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. I reiterate, choose wisely.

Margery Moncrieffe on Facebook

Friday, January 4, 2013

2013 Gambling Referendum Issues: ... ...since we are dealing with gaming ...the question as to whether Bahamians and permanent residents ought to be allowed to gamble in the casinos of The Bahamas should have been a consideration by way of the impending January 28, 2013 referendum

Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Press Release: Christie Government....A Missed Opportunity

Three weeks before the Referendum on Gaming, the Christie Administration has revealed the questions to be posed on the 28th January 2013. In a National Address to the nation last night, the Honorable Dr. Bernard Nottage said that the two questions are: Do you support the regulation and taxation of web shop gaming and do you support the establishment of a National Lottery?

There are concerns with these questions as presented.

Firstly, are the two questions going to be on the same ballot or will there be two distinct questions? This has to be clarified and we ask the government to clarify their position as soon as possible.

Secondly, in connection with the question…Do you support regulation and taxation of web shop gaming, this question presupposes the legalization of web shops. The question should have been, “Do you support the legalization, regulation and taxation of web shop gaming?” The question for the Christie Government is what about the legalization of web shops and its operations? This concern seems to have been overlooked by the government.

The fact of the matter is that no matter how you vote in connection with this question, there is a predetermined position. If you vote yes…then regulation and taxation would be in place. If you vote no…then web shops and their operations would remain in the same position as they were prior to the referendum. I ask the government to kindly answer this particular concern. What happens to the web shops if there is a no vote for its regulation and taxation?

In addition, what regulations are we, the Bahamian people voting for? This government has not informed the Bahamian people of this information. Do they intend to do so before the referendum? I think it is necessary. Further, how would taxation be effected? We have no answers to this! If it is regulated, are there going to be any sanctions placed on those who were operating unregulated for all these years? What would be the preconditions to those who wish to be regulated?

In connection with the question on the establishment of a National lottery, what has caused the Prime Minister to change his mind on this question? You would indeed remember that during the election campaign the Prime Minister said that they would hold a referendum on whether there ought to be a national lottery. After the election, the Prime Minister said that he consulted with a foreign entity and was advised that a national lottery would not work in the Bahamas. This certainly is indicative that the Prime Minister did not do his research prior to the election and during the campaign said certain things for political expediency! Now the Prime Minister has placed the question of the National Lottery on the ballot. The question we, as Bahamians, would like to know is what changed the Prime Minister’s mind. We have not todate seen the report as mentioned previously, we are not aware of how much we, the Bahamian people, had to pay for the said report and no explanation has been given to the Bahamian people as to why the Prime Minister is now rejecting the conclusion of the report. The Prime Minister was elected by the Bahamian people to act on their behalf and in the best interest of the Bahamian people. We are entitled to know the answers to these questions!

Finally, since we are dealing with gaming, the question as to whether Bahamians and permanent residents ought to be allowed to gamble in the casinos should have been a consideration by way of referendum.

The government has a lot of questions to answer and again has missed a prime opportunity to properly enhance our democracy!

Branville McCartney
DNA Leader