Showing posts with label lifestyles Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyles Bahamas. Show all posts

Thursday, August 3, 2023

Bishop Walter S. Hanchell's Mistaken, Imprudent, and Apologetic Statements on LGBTQ+ Books in the Public Schools of The Bahamas

No LGBTQ+ Literature is in the Public Schools Curriculum of The Bahamas

No Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (or sometimes questioning), Intersex, Asexual, and Others (LGBTQ+) Subjects are in Bahamian Public Schools

Bishop WS Hanchell  The Bahamas
I was called by Eyewitness News this afternoon to inform me that LGBTQ+ books are in public schools and to give a statement on this.

At first I was shocked then enraged. I asked the reporter to confirm this is true before I speak to it. He advised me that the Director of Education confirmed this at a Press Conference today held at the Office of the Prime Minister. I could not believe what my ears were hearing. Of course, I immediately condemned this.

Were parents and gurdians informed of this evil ungodly influence and lifestyle now being perpetuated on our children without parental consent? Is the Bahamas still a "Christian" nation or have we sold out to the world system?

How long was this in the making to indoctrinate our children with this lifestyle that the Holy Bible condemns?

Are Bahamians bold enough to stand up and fight against this and drive this wickedness out of our schools?

Did American culture and their ungodly laws on same sex marriage and gender confusion influence the decision of our political leaders to allow this trash into our schools?

The Bahamas College of Bishops and I'm sure the wider Christian community, will not allow LGBTQ+ culture and sexual perversion to be forced on our children. This is one fight we cannot and will not lose. Whatever it takes, these books will be removed from our schools forthwith and we will NOT allow our chidren to be exposed to such unblical ungodly teachings.

We will now see who the real church is. The fakes, misguided and compromised religious community will mow be exposed.

For Christ we live and for Christ we die.

Bishop WS Hanchell
Citizens For Justice
August 3, 2023

The Apology

Today a reporter called me requesting an interview after informing me that at a meeting at the Office of the Prime Minister, the Acting Director of Education made statements to the effect that LGBTQ+ teachings were in our pubic school system. He asked for a comment and I ASKED HIM TWICE, if he was certain about this. He said he was present.

I was taken aback, shocked and angered at these revelations and gave him my views opposing such a move. The mistake I made was believing without first confirming. I made a committment years ago to only speak truth and facts in the media. There's no defence for this.

I discovered a short while later that this was not true and after hearing the actual remarks, I realized that what he told me was not exactly true and may have been taking out of context.

When I realized the mistake, I immediately deleted all of the messages and apologized for my error. I also demanded that the interview I did be pulled from being aired. It appears that the message may have gone viral and I humbly ask anybody reading it to disregard, delete and not share it.

I apologize to all concern including, the Acting Director of Education, the Minister of Education and the Government of the Bahamas. I've learned a valuable lesson. Never be quick to speak and confirm facts before commenting on any issue.


Bishop Walter S. Hanchell