Showing posts with label local government Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label local government Bahamas. Show all posts

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Local Government Trends in The Bahamas

Senator Ranard Eric Henfield on Local Government

at a Freetown Constituency Meeting:

Thank you and Good Evening. I would like to take a moment to acknowledge the MP for Freetown and the organizers for this evening and express my gratitude for being invited to learn from and share with you on this issue of empowering residents in communities to be in a position to improve their quality of life. The mere fact that those of you present saw it fit to come out reaffirms my belief that there are persons in the various communities that have something to contribute to the development of our communities and island.

--- With that said, I wish to speak with you tonight on four topics that have formed the framework for the Advisory Committee’s proposal on a strong local government system.

But first, I’ll address why we are even considering local government, then the following:

1. Local Government Theories and Trends

2. Effects of the information revolution on Local Government

3. Characteristics of a well-functioning local government system

4. A new vision for local governance and empowering residents to make decisions and implement them.

One of the tests for great leaders is to see if they set out to continue to increase their followers or if they set out to inspire new leaders. We have national leaders that we elect every five years to address the bigger picture and not the community canvass.

When we travel to the US, we experience local government, state government and federal government – which are the different layers of government. Each has a purpose and function.

The president and his Cabinet are not focused on or bothered with the collection of garbage on 103rd Street MIAMI. They are not focused on or bothered with the issuance of traffic tickets in Richmond Heights or along Sunrise Boulevard. They are not focused on or bothered with repairing potholes, loud and obscene music after hours, groups of young men sitting on the blocks etc. They are not concerned with whether the parks have exercise programs, functioning toilets, if the lawn was cut on Sunday evening. WHY, BECAUSE THESE OFFICIALS ARE ELECTED OR APPOINTED TO ADDRESS NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL ISSUES – NOT COMMUNITY ISSUES.

Local governments are elected to ensure that communities are clean, safe, prosperous, services are delivered pursuant to the needs of the residents by councils made up of the residents. In 1996, former Prime Minister, the Rt. Hon. Hubert Alexander Ingraham, introduced local government in the Family Islands.

The family island residents elect their MPs to come to Nassau and address National and International issues while the Local Government Council and the Family Island Administrators are concerned with community matters like garbage collection, upkeep of schools and clinics, parks, the weekly roadside landscaping, libraries etc.

Obviously, Family Island MPs get to focus on and debate national issues in Parliament and steer Ministries while their Local Governments address community issues that affect the day to day quality of life of the residents. WHY DO WE NEED LOCAL GOVERNMENT?

Because it creates an avenue for those of you that are community minded and passionate about your communities to get involved in the decision-making process and the implementation of the ideas you have rather than waiting for me in the Senate or Minister D’Aguilar to raise the community issue on the national stage.

Surely you don’t believe that the 55 parliamentarians are the only ones with ideas. Surely the thousands of you that live here, know your communities better than 55 of us.

Local Government also introduces community coordination and cooperation with a view to return us to the ‘village concept’ that worked so well. ---

Local Government Theories & Trends:

I would like to begin this topic by sharing the oath of office required of local government facilitators in the ancient city of Athens. “we will strive increasingly to quicken the public sense of public duty… we will transmit this city not only not less, but greater, better and more beautiful than it was transmitted to us”.

Local government is as ancient as King Hammer and Hatchet – AS IS the expected commitment to constantly improve local government. --- Several accepted theories provide a strong rational for decentralized decision making and a strong role for local governments on the grounds of efficiency, accountability, manageability and autonomy.

One theorist, Stigler 1957, proposed that the closer a representative government is to the people, the better it works. In essence, the decisions for a region or community should be made at the lowest level of government.

Another theorist, Oates 1972, pushed the Decentralization Theorem. According to Oates, local governments understand the concern of residents. It enhances interjurisdictional competition and innovation.

Another theorist, a Pope actually, as far back as 1891, addressed the subsidiarity principle. According to this view, taxing, spending and regulating functions should be exercised by the lower levels of government unless a convincing case can be made for assigning them to higher levels of government. ---

Let’s turn to the Local Government Trends Firstly, legal the basis of local governments:

In many jurisdictions, Local Governments have been entrenched in the national constitution – as in France, Italy, Denmark, Japan, Sweden and India. I would point out here that Jamaica’s advisory Committee has proposed that Jamaica’s parliament entrench local government in their constitution.

In other jurisdictions, its merely in an Act of Parliament with its full capabilities limited by the government of the day. Rather than unleashing the residents to address their vexing community issues.

In other jurisdictions, it’s in a state’s or province’s constitution – like the US and Australia [New South Wales has an impressive model for LG which the AC placed a lot of emphasis on].


In most jurisdictions, Local Government is itself, a substantive ministry which enjoys constant attention of the Cabinet and respect from the citizenry. In other jurisdictions, its barely hitched on to passing Ministries as governments of the day change and their lack of appreciation for your sacrifice and passion is passed around.


In most jurisdictions, it raises and retains a percentage of revenue thus increasing central government’s collection of revenue as many citizens would pay their fair share of taxes and fees if they could see where their hard-earned dollars are being spent to improve/develop their communities.

In other jurisdictions, Local Governments are still waiting for an allowance that’s already allocated before it even arrives. Central government already allocates money for garbage collection, parks, road repairs, social services etc. Those funds can be re-allocated to the local government level to administer.

We can do more and spend less because when service providers know that request for proposals is coming from central government the price goes up. If the contract for maintaining the parks ‘must go to a resident of the community’ the price will be less and the park will be cleaner – consistently. ---


In many jurisdictions, emphasis has been placed on electing quality practitioners, educating the residents on community development and ensuring that candidates have a passion for communities, an ability to inspire and bring people together and a track record of resolving local issues or at least being innovative in community organization.

These jurisdictions have campaign finance reform, recall systems and debates leading up to elections. In other jurisdictions, candidates tom, dick and harry just want the title of Local Government practitioner - and they are able to spend as much money as they want to secure that title. ---


In many jurisdictions, all stakeholders are well-versed in the Local Government Act or their Constitution as it relates to Local Government. The stakeholders are following the best practices from around the world. They are attending capacity building workshops and conferences abroad [Canada, New South Wales, UK, Trinidad and Jamaica.

In other jurisdictions, the stakeholders are left to fend for themselves or to phone a friend.

Effects of the information revolution:

I invite you now, to consider the effect of the information revolution.

An ever-growing number of our citizenry have begun travelling since 1996 not to mention utilizing the internet. They have travelled to Canada, the US, Europe, throughout the Caribbean and the Latin Americas and they’re experiencing cities and communities with high-performing Local Governments.

Thriving economies, clean, orderly, safe and innovative cities. They are experiencing the results of how high-performance local governments work. They see the:

- commitment and passion of local government practitioners in other jurisdictions

- citizen-centered governance approach by the local governments

- that the central governments respect this second layer and has gladly assigned responsibility to it for any number of things.

- How local governments have embraced partnerships with the private sector, MPs, Ministers and CSOs.

Some of these Bahamians that have been exposed to other local governments are practitioners and government officials and they, actually we, share the view that our 1996 system needs some serious attention and strengthening. As such, some are agitating for a reevaluation of the roles and structure of various levels of government.

Characteristics of a well-functioning local government system:

Some of the characteristics of well-functioning local government systems are:

- A system with clearly defined roles [for not only Councilors, but Administrators and Members of Parliament]

- A system where stakeholders are familiar with or well-versed in public administration and their governing Act and procedures

- A system with checks and balances at every level for all stakeholders

- A system that embraces technology to ascertain the needs, wishes and recommendations of the residents

- A system that has the authority to raise, collect, retain and spend revenue pursuant to its budgetary priorities which are consistent with its residents’ needs

- A system that adheres to the principle of subsidiarity [decisions on taxation and spending are made by the people to be affected by those decisions]

- A system with a focus on service delivery that is consistent with citizen preferences

- A system that promotes responsive governance [works to provide a better quality of life for residents] - Has libraries and internet access [like our committee saw in North Eleuthera] - Has park and recreational programs - Has noise-free and preserved environments

- A system that promotes responsible governance [works better and costs less] follows due process fiscally prudent innovative earns trust [professional stakeholders, integrity of staff, participatory budgeting

- A system that promotes accountable governance [service above self] budgetary proposals and quarterly reports posted online and/or printed open information [to show value for money] all decisions posted online and/or printed if necessary provisions for popular initiatives and recall of public officials

All of these lend to the citizen-centered governance model according to ANDREWS & SHAH 2005 – which is, in my humble opinion, the future of democracy!

A new vision of local governance:

Finally, the way forward. As I’ve eluded to in the three previous topics, good local government systems have at the core:

- innovation, productivity and accountability clearly defined roles

- an emphasis on quality candidates wide citizen participation/engagement

- is responsive

– improves quality of life

- is responsible

– works better with less wastage

- is comprised of accountable practitioners at all levels

– who put service above self

- has constant or mandatory capacity building opportunities

- consists of practitioners who exude commitment and passion for communities.

Ranard Eric Henfield

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Auditor general’s report: Widespread misuse of government funds in the Local Government offices on various Family Islands

Report: Widespread misuse of public money in local govt

Guardian Staff Reporter

The recently tabled auditor general’s report reveals the widespread misuse of government funds in the Local Government offices on various Family Islands. The report — which covers the period between July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009 — details a lack of accountability or audit trails in the recurrent accounts in many of the local government offices.

According to the report, as it relates to revenue in the Central Andros District, “the practice of omitting the general receipt references for clinic fees, character references and gun licenses from the cashbook did not leave a good audit trail and impeded the process of verifying the actual amounts collected.”

The auditor general also found several inconsistencies as it relates to the recurrent expenditure account. “We noted that payments were made to repair the old school building at Blanket Sound,” said the report, which was tabled in the House of Assembly on Monday. “During our site inspection we could not verify where any work was done to the old building.”

Additionally, the report revealed that payments were made for plumbing, supplies, building materials, painting supplies and sundry items but no justification was given for the items purchased and the related projects were not indicated.

The report also revealed that money was spent out of the local government’s reserve account in that district without any evidence of approval from the minister responsible, as is the requirement.

In the Cat Island District, the report detailed that some payment vouchers were discovered but were not supported with bills or receipts. Similarly in North Eleuthera, the report indicates that the description of works given and supporting documentation was inadequate for payment vouches. “In other cases, the vouchers were not approved by the island administrator; neither was the account numbers to which the transactions were to be charged provided,” the report said.

In Harbour Island, the report noted that unspent budgetary funds were not returned to the Public Treasury at the end of fiscal years as mandated from 2004.

In Spanish Wells, the auditor general report indicated that monthly payments were made for the upkeep of public grounds, roads, harbor and dock, however evidence of competitive bidding was not provided and the agreements setting forth the conditions for works undertaken were not produced for audit review.

The same conclusion was made in Central Eleuthera.

The report states that during a scrutiny of payment vouchers and contract, the scope of work was not included and bids were not attached. In the Exuma District it was noted that adequate information and supporting documents were not attached or indicated on vouchers to justify the charges made against budget items. “We also noted that some checks were written to the administrator rather than suppliers,” the report said. “Some vouchers related to school repairs and to the district superintendent’s office were charged against line items that do not exist.”

A review of the Social Services Department in Mayaguana revealed that some people who were receiving food coupons were gainfully employed as was seen on a monthly National Insurance contribution schedule and monthly upkeep payments.

“In our view, the present system in place for the delivery of food assistance lacked transparency and accountability,” the report said.

“In our opinion, pubic funds were disbursed without regard for economy, efficiency, transparency and accountability. Internal controls need to be strengthened to ensure efficiency and effectiveness of the operation.”

The report calls for an overhaul of many of the practices of the local government offices.

It also seeks clarifications or accounting in cases where money was spent but no evidence of the work was acknowledged.



Friday, July 16, 2010

The economic downturn impacts Government's plans to further develop the country during the Free National Movement's present term in office

Tribune Exclusive: Economic slump hits PM's plans
Tribune Staff Reporter

THE economic downturn that has gripped the country for almost two years has caused the Prime Minister and his Government to "substantially and significantly" scale down plans to further develop the country during the FNM 's present term in office.

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham said yesterday that appointing a Minister for Grand Bahama Affairs and introducing local government in New Providence are among the initiatives he had planned to undertake before the next general election which have been "postponed."

Mr Ingraham was speaking with The Tribune during an interview at the Cabinet Office yesterday.

Asked to what extent the economic downturn in The Bahamas and the world, which has seen Government revenues fall sharply as import and tourism-related receipts in particular have dropped, impacted plans he had for the country in the 2007 to 2012 term, Mr Ingraham said "significantly, substantially."

"But that's the reality. You take it the way you find it," he added.

Nonetheless, pressed as to what projects or initiatives in particular he would most regret having to postpone, Mr Ingraham stressed that he "hasn't gone yet."

"Circumstances alter cases. We are committed to those things we said we'd do but circumstances have changed. We are in a different environment so we may not be able to do all those things we'd wished to do but we are doing as many as we can as rapidly as we are able to," he said.

Speaking of plans he expressed early on in the present term to appoint a Minister for Grand Bahama who would be able to bring more focused government attention to the northern island and its long-ailing economy, Mr Ingraham said he cannot now go ahead with this plan because of a lack of funds at this time.

"I am seeking to conserve expenditure and that's one of the things I want to do but there are plenty of things I want to do that I am unable to do," he said.

As for the introduction of local government in New Providence, like that which exists throughout the Family Islands, Mr Ingraham said "that too is one of those postponed things."

"But it is desirable, that it should happen. Whether we'll be able to do it in this term I don't know."

Local Government for New Providence was just one of many promises made by the FNM in its Manifesto and election platform for the 2007 general election. Many have been fulfilled, but many others remain outstanding. Among them, key projects such as the establishment of a National Library, a National Forensic Institute with a DNA lab, establishing a Consumer Protection Agency and constructing new schools to meet the demands of growing communities.

Referring to the advantages of the Local government he would like to see introduced in New Providence, Mr Ingraham said it would be a "more efficient and responsive form of government" that would reduce delays for communities in getting problems addressed by precluding the need to wait for central government to process the situation.

"I don't think you should have to wait for the Ministry of Works to come and fix the pothole in the road, or the street light is out or if you need a license in the area in which you live...(instead) you'd have the local representative you elected to the Council, you'd see him in the foodstore and you'd be able to say 'Listen man...'."

"In places like Green Turtle Cay it's working very well. I was there a few weeks ago and the local district council showed me the post office there and they said you know this part is rotten and needs to be changed etcetera, we've got the materials but we don't have any money, we think it's going to cost about $14,000 to $15,000... so we (central government) were able to help them but they will do the work, they will cause the work to be done," explained the Prime Minister.

July 16, 2010
