Showing posts with label national security threat Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label national security threat Bahamas. Show all posts

Friday, January 14, 2011

Specify the nature of the national security threat or withdraw the remarks ‘Tommy’ Turnquest

Please Specify the Threat
The Bahama Journal Editorial

Information reaching us notes that, this nation’s armed forces have been put on alert – with this alert being sounded because of some unspecified threat to the national security of the Bahamas.

We are also hearing it said that, the Hon. Orville A. T. ‘Tommy’ Turnquest believes that there is a credible threat to this nation’s security.

While we have our full share of doubts about this matter, we are today respectfully calling on the Minister of National Security to step forward; this with a view to specifying the nature of this threat or – in the alternate- withdraw these remarks.

Indeed, there is information coming in suggests that, the unions' fight to oust Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) as the purchaser of the majority stake in the Bahamas Telecommunications Company (BTC) constitutes some kind of threat to this nation’s security; this according to the same Minister of National Security, the Hon. O.A.T. ‘Tommy’ Turnquest.

We cannot and will not believe this of the unions in question; and for sure, we agree with them when they say that, the charge made is unwarranted and unfair.

We are also somewhat discomfited by information coming in that suggests that the same Minister is on record as saying that, the Royal Bahamas Police Force (RBPF) and Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) are on alert for any signs of a "threat" as a result of the sale of BTC to CWC.

This statement is at best gratuitous; since the police should always be on alert. The question here should more rightly be turned on the question, alert for what!?

Yet again, new information reaching us indicates that, “…when asked if the unions' fight against CWC represented a national threat, Turnquest said simply, "Absolutely."

This Minister either misspoke or is dreadfully misinformed.

And so today, we make the point – and here point blank – we do believe that workers and their representatives do have a right to protest any decision or proposal made by any administration in a free and sovereign Bahamas.

By necessary implication, then, we are in total disagreement with the Minister of National Security when he intimates that, the unions’ current opposition to the BTC- Cable and Wireless deal for whatever reason represents a so-called threat to either national development or security.

Claiming that he and his colleagues know what they know – and that [furthermore] they are prepared for what they [now] know, the Hon. Tommy Turnquest darkly hints and claims that, they are also quite ready for any threat.

These obscure statements apparently have something or the other to do with demands and statements made by certain union leaders and their followers who are opposed to that deal in the works that seems set to give Cable and Wireless a 51% stake in BTC.

As far as we know and understand the extent to which Bahamians have rights in this country is to the effect that, they surely do have a right to movement, expression and to sharing such with their fellows here, there and all around the world.

These people also have a right to express their [peaceful] opposition to any stance taken by any government. And clearly, when workers vote, they have a right to turf one party out and invite another in.

This is part and parcel of how things are done in a democracy.

By the same token, the government of the day has a duty to do its best within the four corners of the law; all the while knowing that whenever they are so minded, the people can elect and select others to lead them.
Yet again, this is part and parcel of how things are done in a democracy.
Here we are certain that the Hon. Minister of National Security is fully aware of these facts of life in a land where sovereignty inheres in the people.

Clearly then, the ‘rights’ whereof we speak are rights that are guaranteed in the fundamental law of the land as that law is to be found in the Constitution; itself a creation of the Bahamian people –united in service and love.

While not saying what information the RBPF and RBDF have about the unions and their plans, or how the information is being acquired, the minister intimated that both of those entities have credible information.

This report merely begs the question – show us the evidence!

Clearly then, when any Minister suggests that, unions and their leaders might for whatever reason pose a threat to the national security of the Bahamian nation, they should feel honor-bound to back up this statement with facts that are easily verifiable.

Otherwise, he should now specify and substantiate the claim he has made – or do the next best thing.

January 13, 2011

The Bahama Journal Editorial