Showing posts with label political stability Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label political stability Bahamas. Show all posts

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham: During the past 38 years of National independence, we have evolved from a small colony on the periphery of the British Empire into a vibrant democracy and international business centre; proud of our social and political stability and determined to broaden economic opportunities for every citizen

Our evolution into a vibrant democracy


PRIME Minister Hubert Ingraham yesterday wished all Bahamians a happy and safe independence weekend.

In a statement issued yesterday, Mr Ingraham said: "During the past 38 years we have evolved from a small colony on the periphery of the British Empire into a vibrant democracy and international business centre, proud of our social and political stability and determined to broaden economic opportunities for every citizen.

"Our success to date is manifested in the fact that we enjoy one of the highest per capita incomes among countries in the Americas."

Nevertheless, the prime minister added, in recent years the Bahamas, like much of the rest of the world, has endured economic hardships as a result of the global economic recession.

He said: "In the face of such adversity we responded in ways reflective of the theme of this year's anniversary celebrations (38 years - United in Love and Service).

"We preserved public sector jobs, increased social assistance programmes, introduced an unemployment benefit, implemented a short term jobs programme, implemented a jobs training programme and accelerated planned infrastructure projects so as to improve service to the Bahamian people while protecting private sector jobs and serving as a catalyst for more job creation."

Mr Ingraham said these initiatives are now being expanded to include new job readiness training, a new jobs creation programme and special targeted initiatives to support small and medium size businesses.

He said these will contribute to the country's planned return to economic prosperity as the world economy and that of the Bahamas continues to recover.

The prime minister added: "Sadly, our celebration of this 38th anniversary of nationhood is marred by a continued high incidence of crime.

"While the government has mounted a multifaceted response to the problem it is increasingly important that all Bahamians unite in sending a clear message to the small minority of persons who break our social contract of good neighbourliness and who choose to live outside of the law, that we will neither tolerate nor excuse their criminal behaviour.
"In this regard, we should all recall and reflect upon the important role that the extended family and the neighbourhood have played in our development as a people who are open and welcoming, who share easily and who believe that service is a virtue.

"As is my custom, I wish to once again use this year's Independence Day Message to thank all those who serve our people throughout the year, those in the private sector, in our churches and civic organisations, and throughout the public sector. I wish also to acknowledge and thank all those who work in our diplomatic, tourism and maritime services internationally.

"Many of them will celebrate independence at their overseas post where they pursue our country's interests internationally. I acknowledge their sacrifice and thank them for their continued service to our country.

"We will face many challenges in the year ahead: achieving economic recovery and expansion, protecting our environment from degradation in the face of climate change and sea level rise, safeguarding the supply and cost of energy and of food and winning our war on crime.

"We are a hardy people, self-reliant and bolstered by a long tradition of resourcefulness and self-reliance. So as we celebrate this 38th anniversary of our independence we recall those qualities.

"Fellow Bahamians, on this special national anniversary I extend my very best for a happy and safe Independence Day and pray God's blessings upon our nation and upon each and every one of us."

July 09, 2011


Thursday, February 10, 2011

Dion Foulkes - Minister of Labour accuses BCPOU President Bernard Evans of promoting social unrest and seeking to destabilize the government and the economy of The Bahamas

Unions promoting 'social unrest'
Guardian Senior Reporter

Labour minister hits out over 'small Egypt' comment

Minister of Labour Dion Foulkes has accused Bahamas Communications and Public Officers Union (BCPOU) President Bernard Evans of promoting social unrest and seeking to destabilize the government and the economy.

It came after Evans on Tuesday threatened to turn The Bahamas into a “small Egypt” as a result of the government signing a deal with Cable and Wireless Communications (CWC) to purchase a majority interest in the Bahamas Telecommunications Company.

“The security of thousands of Bahamian jobs depends on political and social stability,” Foulkes said in a statement released by the Free National Movement Communication Unit.

The labor minister urged Evans to withdraw his “offensive comment and apologize to the Bahamian people.”

But Evans said yesterday, “I will do no such thing.

“What I said was those persons in Egypt who rose up against oppression, against a dictatorial type of governance, were very peaceful in the beginning when they started. It was only [in] the latter days when the armed forces and/or proponents of (Egyptian President Hosni) Mubarak started to [have] confrontations with those persons that it became out of hand.”

On Tuesday, as he stood on the steps of the Churchill Building, Evans warned of industrial action.

“I see now the police are putting up barricades again as if they are preparing for animals, but the will of the people is the strength of the people,” he said at the time.

“I guess if The Bahamas is ready and if the government is ready to see a small Egypt, then they are going to get it.”

Yesterday, Evans added that by nature, Bahamians are very peaceful people.

“I have always been very cordial and very peaceful, so I don’t know why the minister would want to insinuate that we are trying to wreak havoc on the community or on this nation. Nothing could be further from the truth,” Evans said.

Blasting the “small Egypt” comment, Foulkes noted that many people were killed and hundreds injured in Egypt in recent weeks.

“To urge members of the BCPOU to engage in similar behavior in The Bahamas is unbecoming of a union leader,” he said.

Evans — who has been threatening industrial unrest for weeks — went a step further on Tuesday, apologizing to the Bahamian public for the disruption in services he said will come.

