Showing posts with label public schools Bahamas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label public schools Bahamas. Show all posts

Monday, July 19, 2010

Bahamian parents urged to play a more active role in their children's education

Minister makes plea to parents
Tribune Staff Reporter

BAHAMIAN parents were yesterday urged to play a more active role in their children's education.

Desmond Bannister, Minister of Education, said the difference between students who excel in the public school system and students who under-perform is the support they receive from their families.

He said in his experience, children with Haitian parentage often excel because they are supported by their families, and the same was true for Bahamian children who excel.

"In our public schools we have many, many children who are doing well and excelling, and they are Bahamian children. A priest said this to me at a graduation ceremony, look at all the people who got awards, you can almost know, without seeing the family, the type of family they came from: a family with a commitment to education and a commitment to seeing their children do well. There is nothing I want more than to see my Bahamians excel in education. I have to send the message out there that we have to spend more time with our children," said Mr Bannister.

Education statistics show that less than 10 per cent of the total graduating cohort received a 'C' grade or above on their BGCSE examinations.

Mr Bannister said while he believes the level of commitment to education is displayed by some Bahamian children in the way they are allowed to walk to school with no books in their hands, their pants hanging down and their pants legs in their socks, that is not the majority of Bahamian children, and "only one of the realities we face in education."

"The real issue that all of us have to face is what is our commitment to the education of our children. How much time do we spend with them; how much interest do we display in what they are doing; how much time do we help them with school. These are the real issues," said Mr Bannister.

"My commitment is to try to get as many of my Bahamian brothers and sisters as possible to understand the commitment to excellence in their children's education. I want Bahamians to focus on excellence in their children's education. That is why we are having the parenting seminar in August. We want parents to be aware. When we find scapegoats, when we look for anyone else as scapegoats, we are not really addressing the problem," he said.

Samuel Johnson, a member of the Centreville Primary school board of directors, said he was concerned about Haitian children receiving all of the "benefits, awards and certificates" of the public school system at the expense of Bahamians.

His comments were applauded by some participants in a seminar of more than 100 public school principals and board members, Friday.

Mr Johnson expressed his personal sentiments during the question and answer section of the financial management seminar, where the Minister spoke. However, Ministry officials did not readily have statistics to support the view. A senior official could only confirm the number of children of Haitian parentage is "large" in some inner city schools, and many of them were "indeed excelling."

Bahamians had a lot to say on about the opinion of Mr Johnson and the response from the Minister, who said there was to be no discrimination of any children in public schools.

"Again, blaming persons of other nationalities is not the problem to solving this crisis. We need more schools, more educational funding, better teaching conditions, more 'old-school' teachers of yester-years, and the list goes on and on. The greater debate here should be about how we, as Bahamians, can go about being more civilly, community-minded parents, teachers, students, neighbours, etceteras," stated a commenter, under the title "Give me a break!"

"If all of the Haitian (or Jamaican or Guyanese) children were to pack up their 'georgie bundles' and leave the Bahamas, you can bet your last bottom dollar that there would be zero to no change in the overall attitudes toward education in this country! Stop fooling yourselves into thinking that the problem lies elsewhere when it really lies within. And this is coming from a thoroughbred Bahamian, flesh and bone!" stated "True True Bahamian", on the post.

Another commenter, under the name "Confused", said the view that Haitians outperform Bahamians is of no surprise.

"What I don't understand is why so many Bahamians are up in arms about this, as if this is something new! You know doggone well ya children ain't been doin' what they supposed to do in school! If you do not attend PTA meetings, check over home-work, ensure your children read over their notes from the day's lessons, pick up report cards on time or make time to visit schools and meet teachers to discuss your child's performance in school (whether good or bad), please close your mouths. You are not eligible to partake in this discussion until you fulfil your role as a responsible parent!"

Schools do not collate statistical data on the immigration status of students, as it is not necessary to be a citizen of the Bahamas to attend a public school. All legal residents are entitled to attend a government school in the district they live.

Minister Bannister said, "We don't want schools to be doing that job of looking to see who is this and that, even though statistics may be gathered at some stage. We don't want to turn principles into immigration officers."

Minister Bannister said he was confident that any Haitian student receiving awards in a public school did so based on merit and not any preferential treatment on the part of schools.

"Every parent should look at how his child is doing in school. If his child is not doing well that parent should make a commitment to make sure that child is getting more from him or her. For too long we look at national results and blame a politician for what is happening. We need to stop that and look at the reality of what is happening in our family and determine if we are living up to our responsibilities," he said.

Bahamian parents were advised to take an interest in the education of their children, by a commenter.

"As a teacher this is no surprise. Haitian students and their families show more interest and value free education. Not only Haitians, but Chinese, Guyanese and Jamaicans are also top competitors.

"Our students have become consumed with material things. The core values of hard work and dedication are slowly dying. Bahamian parents, please, show interest, challenge your children,"

Her advice was to: "Get rid of the PlayStation and Wii. Get your child a book or Leapfrog. Unsubscribe from BET and MTV. Turn on Discovery and PBS! Save the money for Clarke's shoes: No 3.00 (grade point average) no Clarke's! Block Facebook and Youtube. Bookmark Discovery Network, National Geographic and!"

July 19, 2010
